Gods Unchained Play 2 Earn Update | Earn $GODS Daily

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Daily GODS rewards for Gods Unchained players start very soon!



Daily GODS Rewards

The play to earn mechanics of Gods Unchained have been really intriguing to me. They are obviously trying not to flood the market with GODS to try to maintain the price. After they did the initial few airdrops of GODS to players, and then the Blessing of the Gods campaign... They introduced Weekend Ranked rewards where you could earn GODS during the Weekend Ranked events.

These rewards are calculated based on the amount of battles you win, the rank you are in, and a few other things. It's tracked from Friday to Sunday every weekend and the rewards are usually dropped into wallets the following week. Unfortunately for me, Diablo: Immortal dropped a few days ago and I have not been able to stop playing long enough to play Gods Unchained.

Can we get a dungeon crawler with play to earn mechanics please? That would be sick to have on the Hive blockchain honestly. I have a deep obsession with dungeon crawler games and I've been waiting for a blockchain and NFT based on for a long time... I know we have Lost Relics but I kinda hate the mechanics of the game so I guess I just have to keep waiting.


Player's ranks are going to play a huge role in calculating daily rewards. Other factors like win streaks are also going to increase the rewards modifier. Just like in Splinterlands rewards, the quality of the cards used will also have an impact. Having Meteorite, Gold, and Diamond cards in the decks you're winning all these games with will net you more GODS.

Meteorite cards have a bonus of 0.15, Shadow cards have a bonus of 0.2 and Gold cards have a bonus of 0.25. Plain cards are going to have no bonus, so the Forge comes into play in a huge way here. I hope you've been saving up GODS and FLUX to mint better quality cards! I've been slowly doing this for years. The amount of GODS that's going to be spent upgrading cards should put more buy pressure on the token.

They're really creating a great game economy in my opinion doing it this way. I cannot wait for Staking to go live. GODS token is going to do a 10x from current prices once the market pics up in my opinion. Obviously I'm no expert, I just see the potential for the token to skyrocket as pretty good. I'm not saying go buy GODS. I'm saying start playing and earning it.


My advice at this moment would be... Start playing and earning packs as you level up. Take those plain cards and start burning some GODS & FLUX to get them to high quality. Bonus if you can play on the weekends specifically because you will be earning more GODS along the way to spend on fusing cards in the Forge. This will not only get you cards you can potentially sell on the market... but cards that will earn you more money.

Gods Unchained is actually really fun in my opinion, and the play to earn mechanics just make it that much better. There's nothing more annoying than a boring play to earn game. I'd much rather play a game that I actually enjoy and earn crypto while I'm at it. The good thing is, you can do all of this without spending any ETH on gas fees because it's on Immutable X.

I gotta find some time to play this weekend. It's been too long. Alright, back to Diablo: Immortal now. If you play, hit me up. Let's do some raids and shit.


Thanks for reading! Much love.

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