Wednesday Walk 04.24.24 Green Bike at the Park!

in Wednesday Walk β€’ last month

Hello Friends, and Welcome Back!
Hoping you had a Blessed and Safe
(Mid-Week), wishing You a Happy Thursday as well, and Thank You for your visit!

Also A Big "Thank You" to @tattoodjay for runnung this - "Thank You to you"!

So my friends this week was again overcast here - "again - mostly"...
So I decided to try a few things this Wednesday, some worked!
I wanted to get the Green Bike over to the Park for the first time (since I rebuilt it).
I was thinking of combining the Walk (ride & walk) with getting the bike out, and putting in a few miles!
So here is a familiar site to some, the Sign at the Park entrance,

And this is a look up the road that comes into the Park. The Harbor House is in the background. This road is probable a good half mile long, past the little hill,

I parked the bike by the water in the first parking lot, thats Mustang Island in the background,

A plane flew overhead, and a good opportunity to show you how overcast it was...

I walked the bike over to the area, looking back into the parking lot,

And a view up the Fishing Pier out into the channel,

So I decided to leave as it was gray out. At my house I passed this Spider and wanted to "include it"!
Real Cutie!

Well a few hours later the Sun broke through the clouds and I decided to take the Black bike out and go back to the Park! And as you can see the Sky is Blue!
This is looking at the Pier again,

And a Deer trail that I had not noticed before,

A shot of the Shade Structure again, beautiful blue and Puffy Clouds!

Here I walked a bit past the Deer trail, down to the other one and took a shot up the back side towards my place,

These guys were Crabbing off the Pier. Since they are young and know one else was on the Pier I guess we can ignore it - however the practice is frowned upon from the Pier,


Another look at the Shade Structure,

And out into the Channel,

And then I headed back home, it was awesome to see some blue in the Sky for a change, but it was starting to get late in the day.
And that was it for today, and I do
Thank You for Your Visit!
Stay Blessed, Safe, and Happy Always!

All images copyright,
Β©2024 LesMannArt
No Commercial Reproduction,
Without Written Permission...

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such a beautiful area even on a grey day

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thank You @tatoodjay !
Wishing you an Amazing Friday and weekend as well!

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Thank You and I will!

@lesmann, you are most welcome!

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