Lemonade Stand - #ZapFicMonday "Premium"

in Freewriters8 months ago

Lemonade Stand - A Short Fiction for the weekly writing contest #ZapFicMonday - Prompt: "Premium"

Source: Pexels

This post is an entry to the #ZapFicMonday "Premium"!

The #ZapFicMonday is a literary initiative from the Freewriters Community in which writers have to create a story, using the prompt provided, with 240 characters or less.

Lemonade Stand

Bob set up a lemonade stand and boasted "It's premium lemonade, folks, with LOVE!".
The slogan attracted customers from the neighborhood: "That's great, indeed!".
Little did they know that he had simply used tap water but added extra sugar.

Word/Character Counter

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What the f Bob!
That's not cool for a premium package urrgg.



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