Index4INDEX Card 146: Winston Churchill 3

in Liketulast year

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

-- Winston Churchill

About the Quote

Pessimists fear failure, and they look for ways to avoid failure in whatever comes their way. This emphasis on avoiding failure clouds their vision when opportunities for success present themselves.

Optimists recognize that failure is present, but they look for ways to benefit from whatever the situation is. Even if they fail, they minimize their losses and apply lessons learned from the failure toward future success.

Some Information about Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born in Oxfordshire, England, UK on 1874-November-30. He died in London, England, UK on 1665-January-24.

Winston Churchill is best known for his first term as UK Prime Minister, which took place during most of World War II. After close to 6 years out of office, he served a second term as Prime Minister from 1951 to 1955. In his second term he served both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.

Besides being known as Prime Minister, he was a British statesman, an orator, and an author of historical works.

As far back as 1895 he was serving the UK as both a soldier and a journalist. Among his various stops was Cuba, India, and-- as a civilian-- South Africa during the South African War (also known as the Boer War).

-- Source

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