Micro Relato, El Espiritu de la Joven del Jardin/ Micro Story, The Spirit of the Young Woman in the Garden ..

in GEMS3 years ago


Recuerdo que desde que inicie en la escuela, mi abuela siempre guio cada paso que daba, ya que mi madre es docente y en ese entonces, estaba haciendo su pasantia rural, yo tenia aproximadamente siete años y como hasta los 12 años me toco vivir con mi abuela yo era un poco floja para los estudios, pero cuando me proponia era excelente, cuando egrese de la escuela basica y entre a la etapa preparatoria tuve mucha dificultad con las matematicas y alli mi abuelita de acuerdo a su fe me dijo que le orara a una deida llamada Maria Francia, que era muy buena para los estudios yo realmente dude un poco de ello ya que mis creencias eran un poco diferentes. pero como siempre me deleitaba con sus historias de campo y esta vez me conto la historia de este espiritu.

I remember that since I started school, my grandmother always guided every step I took, since my mother is a teacher and at that time, she was doing her rural internship, I was approximately seven years old and until I was 12 years old I had to live with My grandmother I was a bit lazy for studies, but when I proposed it was excellent, but when I left elementary school and entered the preparatory stage I had a lot of difficulty with mathematics and there my grandmother according to her faith told me that I would pray to a goddess named Maria Francia, who was very good at studying. I really doubted it a bit since my beliefs were a little different. but as always I was delighted with his field stories and this time he told me the story of this spirit.

Este relato en si no se dio en un pueblo como ya estaba acostumbrada, a oir ocurrio en Caracas capital de Venezuela.

This story in itself did not occur in a town as it was already used to, to hear it happened in Caracas, capital of Venezuela.

Se trata de una Joven muy hermosa y de clase social alta, de la epoca de 1920 la cual era muy exitosa en el ambito intelectual y muy muy buena estudiante.

La cual nunca imagino que falleceria justamente el dia de su boda.

She is a very beautiful young woman of high social class, from the 1920s, who was very successful in the intellectual sphere and a very very good student.

Which I never imagined that she would die precisely on her wedding day.


Se dice que esta no deseaba ese matrimonio, pero por presiones familiares accedio a casarse, se encontraba en el Jardin de su hermosa mansion mientras cortaba el bouquet de su boda fue mordida por una serpiente venenosa..

It is said that she did not want that marriage, but due to family pressure she agreed to marry, she was in the garden of her beautiful mansion while she was cutting her wedding bouquet, she was bitten by a poisonous snake.

tiempo despues se supo que esta chica estaba enamorada de otro caballero y dada la dificultad de estar unida a esta persona le hizo desear con mucha fuerza no estar viva pidiendo a los espiritus que no la dejara vivir.

salio a su jardín vio a una culebra, siempre se sintió atraida por estos seres vivos. La acaricio, siendo, mordida falleciendo.

Some time later it was learned that this girl was in love with another gentleman and given the difficulty of being united with this person, it made her wish very strongly that she was not alive, asking the spirits not to let her live.

He went out to his garden and saw a snake, he was always attracted to these living beings. I caress her, being, bitten dying.



sus padres como eran personas de gran influencia economica importaron desde Paris una hermosa tumba que describe a unas serpientes vencidas por fuerzas espirituales y a una joven con un bouquet de flores en sus manos este monumento se encuentra en el cementerio, del sur de la Capital de Venezuela Caracas atrayendo a muchas personas que ponen sus esperanzas en esta estatua la cual segun muchas personas aseveran reciben claridad mental en los estudios y ayuda en sus vidas sentimental.

His parents, as they were people of great economic influence, imported from Paris a beautiful tomb that describes snakes defeated by spiritual forces and a young woman with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. This monument is located in the cemetery, in the south of the Capital of Venezuela. Caracas attracting many people who put their hopes in this statue which according to many people claim they receive mental clarity in their studies and help in their sentimental lives.



Bueno queridos amigos muchas personas ofrecen promesas y ofrendas a esta estatua realmente es una historia increible, de que vuelan vuelan como diriamos aqui en Venezuela Dios los bendiga hasta una nueva oportunidad espero les guste mi escrito..

Well dear friends, many people offer promises and offerings to this statue, it really is an incredible story, that they fly, they fly as we would say here in Venezuela. God bless you until a new opportunity, I hope you like my writing.

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