STEEM Price And Steem Activity

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I haven't crunched any numbers or recall any now but just from looking at my feed and followers with Steemspectacles it is easy to conclude that a lot of people who used to be active have left Steem or have decided to take a break during the eight-month bear market. Many consistently active Steemians have criticized the people who are away for being "fair weather Steemians" and lacking dedication. They have been called short-sighted. In fact, if your goal is to grow your account as quickly as possible, the question whether or not it makes sense to soldier on through times of depressed STEEM price deserves a closer look. It depends on several important variables. One thing everyone has in common is 24 hours per day.

Let's first assume that we're not talking about those people who live off Steem. Assuming that one has another job or source of income to pay the bills, whether or not it pays to dial down your activity on Steem and go somewhere else, keep it steady, or even ramp it up depends on the following factors: possible alternative sources of income (not passive), free time available to you, how effective you are at networking on Steem, the price of STEEM and SBD.

Keeping in mind that your goal is to grow your SP as quickly as possible, it makes perfect sense to dial down your Steem activity if the following conditions are met:

  • You have another side job that pays significantly better than Steem in terms of fiat (STEEM and SBD prices down).
  • Your side job and Steem activities are taking as much time as you have for such pursuits.
  • You are not very good at networking and getting a lot of large account owners to upvote your content on Steem.

If the above is the case, it makes sense to do something that pays better and invest that money to buy Steem Power on the cheap.

If, on the other hand, you are good at networking and you have orcas and whales starting to follow and upvote you left and right, you should keep active on Steem even if you're not getting all that much value in upvotes, yet.

If a big reason why you're active on Steem is having fun, then you should Steem, particularly if your side job sucks. Another possible reason to keep active on Steem could be that regular activity will help you develop a skill like writing or photography while getting paid for it, however little.

When the prices of STEEM and SBD are high, it makes perfect sense to double on your Steem activities because you get better value for time spent.

I suspect, though, that many of those who've given up Steem because of the low fiat value of the rewards, are not spending the time saved by doing anything productive.


Hi markku. You are quite correct. I can't double down as I would have no time left. It is all about putting maximum effort and growing as fast as you can. You are in a great position, but I am sure you are looking to grow as much as possible as well.

That's the plan.

Posted using Partiko Android

it makes sense to do something that pays better and invest that money to buy Steem Power on the cheap.
I'm doing something like this, I found an alternative and I'm working on it with the hope of investing in SP while it's still cheap.

I still have job, and I am steeming when I am not working. Or sometimes when I am working too, take a photo with my smartphone and send to steepshot or steemit.

You live in India? Steem must pay quite well relative to the typical regular income there.

Posted using Partiko Android

I live in Bali. And the steem pay is very good. But I feel it takes forever to grow SP. So I haven't got anything out yet from steemit.

My thoughts exactly! I've been meaning to write about this too. The thing is, now is an excellent time to get noticed as there is less people writing here if one want's a future with Steemit.

But then again, if regular job pays more, then it's easy to understand why people would choose that instead of Steemit. Or some might even choose to do nothing else than lay on top of books and sleep because the immediate pay here in Steemit is so low. :)

What I'm thinking is: I could write somewhere else, and get nothing. Here in Steemit I get that couple of cents and by my calculation that is more than zero. And I'm thinking that every little activity counts to grow my account a bit bigger.

I keep Steeming because I want to learn photography. When I publish my photos here, I get feedback and some money. I try to find as many synergies between my other activities and Steem as much as possible. For example, I'd take pictures when sightseeing anyway. It's not hugely time consuming to publish them here, too.

Very thoughtful article! Lots of good points! Time is precious! We have to use it wisely.
Yesterday was quite frustrating not knowing why the blockchain was down for over ten hours!

Something to do with the upcoming hard fork.

Many of the big whales are out temporarily from steemit in this bear market, so I think it must be a good opportunity for small fishes like me to grow big.

According to stats compiled by @taskmaster4450, nearly all of the very largest accounts are not voting or posting. That doesn't mean they're not doing anything. He did not say so, but I suspect most of them have delegated a lot of Steem Power to various projects or bidbots.

May be you are right.

currently I have forgone the monetary aspect of steem. I am trying to see how I can do with the little I have. I have bought some shares in some new initiatives that aims at building a minnow midclass, and other things to support my account. The things is I will be very busy for the next 2weeks and that's the only reason I won't be as activity as I used to.

I would have considered buying steem but due to some factors I can't. It might sound cynically but I want the price to stay down for a while, because of selfish reasons of course. I think this is the best time to buy steem but it is unfortunate that I cannot capitalise on this.

I wouldn't mind the crypto market to stay down for the next couple of years. More time to stack up them coins. No plans to sell any for a long time.

I have to hang on to STEEM-blogs, gotta beat ol' social anxieties and pump up that motivation!

And yeah, about productivity:
The time this platform took off my former hobbies wasn't spent particularly productively either, to be honest. If one can't find a way to genuinely have at least a tiny little bit of fun with STEEM, perhaps they're approaching it from the wrong angle.

P.S. About the cat in the last photo -- is that a "Siberian" breed?

Yes, I agree with you @markkujantunen. Some who left when the price of steem was down thought they could get rich quick here, but they were disappointed and the left.

That was not my point at all.

What I'm saying is that it makes perfect sense to leave if you're not making enough progress here relative to other pursuits. And that's what a lot of people do. In fact, as the number of Steem users grows Steem should not be marketed as primarily as a place to earn but as a place to spend money. Those of us who've been active here in the past couple of years are the lucky ones as we have been able to participate in the early distribution phase of Vests (giving control over and ownership of the platform). Whether or not the platform will go anywhere will be determined by in the growth phase in the next few years. The apps developed to use the platform will make or break Steem.

Today steem got good rise i wish people didnt giveup by selling yesterday ...

I suspect, though, that many of those who've given up Steem because of the low fiat value of the rewards, are not spending the time saved by doing anything productive.

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