Beyond basic necessities.

in HiveGhana8 months ago


The availability of safe drinking water is a basic human requirement that cannot be stressed. The Hive Borehole Project has resulted in substantial alterations and enhancements in Ghanaian villages where water shortages have long been a severe concern. The initiative has not only delivered clean, drinkable water to communities, but it has also improved the whole quality of life for individuals who have long battled with this essential requirement.

The continuing borehole project in Ghana is a ray of hope, providing an essential service to people who earlier confronted the formidable problem of obtaining safe drinking water. People in the community may now receive clean water for their everyday activities more readily and consistently. This improved connectivity has not only reduced the physical load of carrying water from remote sources, but it has also significantly to the locals' overall wellness and health.

The importance of the Hive Borehole Project on Ghanaians' lives cannot be emphasized. Residents now have a greater amount of energy and time to devote to their education, livelihoods, and other creative endeavors. This transformation has not only benefited individuals in the community but has also led to a happier and thriving local economy.



In addition, the continual use of clean water by community members for their everyday activities emphasizes the project's transformational potential. It has improved sanitation practices and entire sanitation practices, resulting in a drop in illnesses transmitted by water and an enhancement in the overall well-being of the community. The Hive Borehole Project has genuinely been an inspiration for good change, generating a more resilient and environmentally friendly community that is better positioned to prosper and grow.

As the initiative expands and reaches more villages in Ghana, the importance of clean water in improving lives becomes clearer.



It's true that people can devote to to other things too. When the access to water is a distance away from the community it becomes difficult for the students especially to meet up with their school works.

To are doing amazingly well using the hive blockchain as a leverage. More energy

Thanks dear.

Can I ask you: are the boreholes spread out over Ghana or just concentrated in one region?

For now, we have only two different regions in Ghana where the boreholes are located. Ashanti and the Northern region They are spread out through these two regions

Hello @mcsamm I love what you’re doing in Ghana, I have always admired you and your teams work but listening to you on the cttpodcast recently my respect grew for you.

A little out of the topic, I love your hoddie but the design I saw on your blog was this👇


Can I get this particular design as I want to print on a white shirt

If it’s not too much trouble I’ll be grateful if you reply me, thank you😃

 8 months ago (edited) 

Thanks so much, dear @ibbtammy . I am excited to see the support you have for us. This beautiful design is the handywork of @doze. Its among the artwork he makes each day. I requested it be used in my hoodie and printed as well, which she approved and gave me permission to do. I would suggest that you consult him first as well, and I am positive about his approval to help you too. He is one of the wonderful guys we are blessed to have on the blockchain.

Yeah I did already before I came here, I guess you missed the tag

Below is the comment


Please sir I am waiting for your response if it wasn't important I wouldn't be in your comment section trust me.

Oh, sorry, dear. Then I missed that part. Please chat with me on Telegram or Discord(@mcsamm) for the design to be sent to you, okay?

Okay thanks but your discord ID is not on your profile.