🍕#PizzaGate Part 4: McCann / Podesta Connection (Debunking Snopes and New York Times) (DTube)

in #pizzagate6 years ago (edited)

In this video I go over part 4 of the #PizzaGate series and this time revisit the possible connection between John and Tony Podesta with the Madeleine McCann reported disappearance. Recently Snopes and New York Times finally wrote articles on the two efits, which are computer generated sketches, of the possible suspect that was described by the Smith family. As expected Snopes and NY Times stated that there is no connection between the Podestas and McCann case, but also as expected they provide extremely poor journalism in their articles.

In reviewing the Snopes and NY Times articles, I show that many details were left out, not only by these news outlets but also by the BBC and The Guardian, which were used as references. The details left out include the fact that the Smith family witnesses to the supposed abductor of Madeleine McCann, which were Martin Smith, his son Peter Smith, and daughter Aoife all clearly stated that they had no idea how the man looked like and could not recognize who the man was, or what his face looked like, even if they were given a photograph of him! Not only that but the efits were suppressed from the public for 6 YEARS and first released during a BBC Crimewatch TV program in which the investigator Any Redwoord URGED the public to find the man. Thus it is clear that the efits could NOT have been realistically be produced at all!

Thus in investigating the Snopes and NY Times articles, the rabbit hole just gets deeper, and it appears that Madeleine McCann most likely was not kidnapped, but may have been dead this whole time. This also means that the Podestas could not have been the kidnapper, but this doesn't take the Podestas off the hook either. In fact even more questions arise, namely:

Why do the two efits clearly look like two separate men?
Why do the two efits appear to be produced from two separate computer programs?
Why do the efits match very closely to John and Tony Podesta, including the mole on Tony's forehead?

Thus the connection between the Podestas and Madeleine McCann have not only NOT been resolved, but now their connection is even stronger because they don't necessarily need to be proved to be in Portugal at the time. For example, the efits could have been used as blackmail. But regardless of the different possible scenarios, if Snopes and New York Times really wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, they can simply ASK John Podesta, as well as his brother Tony and assistant Elizabeth Cooley, about their whereabouts during the McCann reported disappearance, and about any possible connection to the McCanns. Also their email correspondence should be requested as well because the Wikileaks make it clear that emails may be missing from John Podesta during that specific time period.

Now it is also clear that a cover up of the McCann case appears to be the case, as it looks like with #PizzaGate as well. The reasons for this may also be because it may involve some very powerful people...

Stay tuned for Part 5!

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▶️ DTube

Good post and dtube video, speaking of fake news, I just made a dtube video on fake news. If you have the time check it out If not take care and have a great day @mes :D
I agree snopes can be pretty bad sometimes when you want a "fact check" you need to use more than fact checker and look into the fact checkers you are using.
Steem on.

Thanks still-observer! Ahhh yes, the "fact checkers" are the new ministry of truth and need exposing!

In #PizzaGate Part 4 I show that Snopes and New York Times are nothing more than #fakenews... #mccann #podesta

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