A Little Sunday Viewing

in #music6 years ago

It's the time of year where we don't spend the entire weekend trying to catch up on the shows that we DVRed all week long, and actually have the opportunity to do some channel surfing. Today's channel surfing led me to a viewing of the BBC Documentary "The Last Five Years": David Bowie.

There are a couple of these documentaries about the Late David Bowie, The Early Years, The First Five Years, etc. and I try to catch most of them. This was a man with an absolutely fascinating career.

Black Star image from BBC Documentary Review

To be completely honest, when I first heard David Bowie when I was young, I wasn't all that impressed. I remember my dad had a cassette tape (yes I'm old) that spanned some of Bowie's early hits.

I remember hearing Heroes, China Girl, Fame, Golden Years, Young Americans, and other terrific songs and wishing they would stop. I'm not entirely sure why. Did my father play it on repeat so much that I was sick of the songs? Or was I too wrapped up in thinking of David Bowie as "Oldies" and not really listening to the music?

I'm not really sure, but what I do know is that there was a turning point when I decided David Bowie wasn't all that bad after all.

Image from Labrynth

I loved the movie Labrynth. I had a huge crush on Jennifer Connelly, and the story was fun. And then finding out that Bowie did all the music for the movie made me give a new listen to Bowie's music.

Bowie was known for recreating himself at the drop of a hat. He reinvented himself over and over throughout a storied career. The reinventions were still ongoing as his final album released just two days before his passing. He also had a Broadway show he was heavily involved in creating in the last days of his life in "Lazarus".

I'd love to get an opportunity to see this show, but apparently it is not currently running.

The Documentary was a good reminder of the amazing career this man had, as told through his own words, as well as from those who performed with him. It is well worth your time if you happen to see it come up as you are scrolling through the channels.


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Originally, I was not a David Bowie fan. Giving a clue to my age, I would not add his music to MY cassette collection. Over time, I learned to appreciate the quality and originality of his work. I was saddened when he passed. He, as well as his music, is classic.