Do You Even Pepe?!?! Giving away a $20 PepeDapp Card

in #pepe6 years ago

So, the last time I posted about PepeDapp I was basking in the glow of buying a card for a fraction of an ETH and turning around and selling it for 5 ETH.

Well I haven't made anything like that return again, but Blockchain based collectibles have moved beyond CryptoKitties, with other collectibles popping up, and of course Steem Monsters taking STEEM by storm, there is certainly a future here for collectibles on the blockchain.

So What is pepeDapp?

PepeDapp is a collection of tradeable, sellable, collectible art on the blockchain. The group is going to be working on some gamification of the cards as well, but that is for the future.

Right now they are slowly releasing their Gen 0 cards. These cards are all designed by CryptoDrawz and the art is pretty impressive. Once the final three cards of Gen 0 get released they will be locating other artists to create Gen 1, Gen 2, and so on.

I am investing in these cards with the hope that Gen 0 will appreciate in value over time due to the rarity of these cards. Each card is released with a limited supply.

Supply on Gen 0 are as low as 22 issued for Satoshi card which sold for as much as 19.6 ETH, but currently lists at 7.5ETH, up to 10,000 Card supply for the Common Doge card.

I am personally concentrating on collecting the cards that have less than 100 total supply, as I believe those are the ones that will be in real demand as time passes with these cards and moving in to future Generations of cards.

So I am going to give away one of the cards with under 100 supply. If you turned around and sold it right away you would be looking at a little under $20 you would get for it. But if you hold for awhile you could realize a big gain in the long run. I'm not selling under 1 ETH on anything with under 100 supply.

So what am I giving away?

Everyone's favorite Social Media information seller, Mark Zuckerpepe has been immortalized in this Rare Pepe card with a supply of 88 total cards.

All you need to collect Pepes is an Ethereum address and MetaMask.

So, here's what we are going to do. Tell me why you want a Rare Pepe and I will select the comment that calls out to me most and send the Pepe Card over. You can either write in the comments below, or create a post about why you want the Pepe and then post the link in the comments below.

One week from now, at post payout, I will select the winner and get our ETH address to transfer the card to.

If you want to buy your own Pepes, head over to and check out the whole collection. New releases come out on Tuesday afternoons at 2:22 Eastern Time. This Tuesday will see one or more of the #1, 2 & 3 card released, and they are proported to be the rarest and dankest Pepes yet!

Have fun with it, be creative, and let's see what we get!


Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

5 ETH?!? That's incredible Mike. These cards are hilarious!

Poor Pepe's creator...

Yeah... initial price was something like 0.04 ETH too.... so the profit margin was extreme. I bought that card back for 0.098 ETH last week too. That was the Namaste Pepe. And the 5ETH has been put in to other Pepes and buying other crypto shitcoins.

If you haven't gone over to the website and checked out the Marketplace you should, many of the backgrounds are gifs and some (like Zuckerburg) have a little personal animation to them.

Good looking cards but price is very high