When you get a gift wrapped in music...

in Q Inspired-by-Music5 months ago (edited)


This morning the postman rang the bell. We all just woke up, and I was preparing the coffee in the kitchen when he brought us the package. My sister mentioned that she would send a little gift to my son for Christmas. Just taken out from the big envelope - the wrapping paper made me happy!!

My son got the gift - a Christmas pyjama, one box of cookies and another Christmas card that will go into my collection. There she wrote that the goodies were for the "little baby". 😂 (for those who don't know - my son is seventeen but it was my sister having fun calling him baby)

The wrapping paper was mine!!!


You are laughing?

Well, it's fine. I would also laugh if I saw that someone was so happy and excited about a simple piece of paper in which a gift was wrapped.


But it was not a simple piece of paper! No. It was a wrapping paper with musical notes and I ran to the piano to play the tune written there...

The unfortunate thing - or we can see it as a great turn - was that the tune, written in that way didn't make sense. There were parts, then after a few measures it was interrupted by a different part that doesn't go there. It was a total mess!


Challenge accepted. I would say it to the people who made this silliness, to print parts of the song, which was We Wish You a Merry Christmas, in that incoherent way. Or the designer of the wrapping paper just didn't know... Or didn't care... Or didn't have the licence to print the song correctly... I don't know. There are many possibilities, but for a musician, it can't stay that way. Moreover, for a musician on vacation!


The whole size of the paper, after removing the transparent duct tape:


The work started. I got to read the little parts and play but as I said, every few measures the tune was interrupted by a part that didn't fit. It sounded bad and weird, so I was searching for the part that would make the continuation. Marked the parts and the order with a marker pen and painted them with highlighters (of different colours). Here we have marked four different parts of the tune, and just matching them in the right order makes sense.


It has been a while since I recorded something on the piano... So if you like to see how I was searching for the parts you can watch the video. If you want to skip that part, no worries, just scroll to the middle of the video (more or less, ok, I checked, it is at 00:56 where it starts in real) and there you can hear this Christmas carol, We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Also, if you don't want to hear it at all, feel free to skip the entire video 😉.

Either way, I wish you the same as this wrapping paper did in the end, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 🍾

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But heeeee is a sweet baby 😍

He is!

A bit tall baby, but it doesn't matter 😁

Depends on who is standing next to him😋

This is so funny!!

You know when you gift a child a present, he/she opens the parcel and then all they're interested in is playing with box and wrapping paper and ignores the actual present. That child must have been you 😃

Thanks for a lovely performance yo keep us in the Christmas spirit.

That is true for little children, many times the box or the wrapping paper catches their attention more, and seems that it is true also for musicians when see such wrapping paper with musical notes! 😁

Searching for the correct parts was fun... it made my day 😃

mipianito is and will be a baby boy to his aunt, but you are another... hahaha a little girl with her crazy score to wrap. I loved this. 💙

Hahaha, let's hope our spirit always stays young 😁

I am glad you liked this search of the parts and little performance 😇

What a job!!! first awesome wrapping paper I love it but that you wanted to and managed to play the music is amazing, I love it!!!! And you surprised me....it sounds so sweet!!!! Thank you!😍

It was more fun than a job, more like searching for the right pieces when you make a puzzle 😁

I am glad you liked the song, we are still in this Christmas mood ;))

I loved the music but even more that quest... I love puzzles hahahaha

That boy is gonna have a lifelong trauma, ruined for life I tell you😁

So what you ended up with is the Wrapping Paper Rapsody, lets see if it can get as big as the Bohemian one.

Hahaha, The Wrapping Paper Rhapsody 😂

Maybe Freddy got a gift, wrapped in such a paper?

He got a gift wrapped with that paper and sang: Mamamia un Cadeau
Does that properly translate ;)


Is this the real gift? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
Open your eyes, look at the wrapping and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
Any way the gift comes doesn't really matter to me, to me

Definitely the same wrapping paper.... omg I laughed so hard

Hahaha, now we finally know the secret of how that song was born 😂

That's a unique and cute wrapper.... This will give an idea to those who want to make their own Christmas gift next time..
It's actually my first time seeing a music note wrapper hehe.


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Maybe you just didn't notice these until now. I am sure my sister wrapped the gift in such paper because of our passion for music 😉

Delightfully nerdy! I always get so annoyed when I see various public architecture or novelty mugs or whatever with music notes that are incorrectly positions, backwards or nonsensical. But TBH, the fact they have christmas music on christmas paper is a lot more effort than most would do!

Hahaham delightfully nerdy 😁

Yeah, I know, those tunes that make no sense and notes written incorrectly annoy me too. This Carol could not stay in that bad shape, I had to correct it lol

{btw, if you can notice, the time signature was bad too, it should not be written in 3/4 😂}

you have too much time on your hands LOL x

Yes, two weeks of freedom ;)))

Oops, half of it already passed 😬

....and then the new semester starts, LOL

... 🥲 yes

Enjoy! lol

This is surely awesome to know the ingenuity of humans doesn't have an end, a wrapping paper in musical 🎶 notes!
Who could have thought of that in the first place.

I don't think it's copyright issue that the song wasn't wrote in full, most Christmas song these days have no copyright. And there's are still many yuletide songs with no copyright law that can be printed in the wrapping paper.

A wrapping paper with musical notes can make some musicians be hyped hahaha, or it was just me 😁

It looks like you are very good at playing the piano
This is really amazing
Keep it up!


Amazing work on Woc, @mipiano! hattorio(1/2) is impressed by the energy and effort you've put into this post. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

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Man is often called with baby before get married. Same in here too. I got that call in the past hehe

Thats wrapped is really cute @mipiano. Thank you for sharing

I didn't know that, but it was funny to read how my sister called him just from joke :))

Hahaha, sometimes mum still sees me as her baby, that's normal for parents and relatives
A gift rap In music, to some please it's a blessing in disguise

Yes, I guess mothers and aunts will see their children as babies, like forever 😅

que bueno verte escribiendo la partitura, y verte en directo es genial para luego apreciar ese gran trabajo hermoso que nos has regalado que alegria verte mi amiga saludos y exitos

Hola @betzaelcorvo

Gracias por pasar y ver, ha sido divertido buscar las partes que corresponden 😁

Feliz fin de año y mucho éxito en 2024 :))

What a performance girl! Love it! And also loved seeing how you took advantage of basically every part of that gift, starting with the wrap!!! Haha

Every part of the gift is important, and especially the wrapping - in this case heheh :D

I find that when people use music as an ornamental, they rarely hire a musician... but this is an old problem ... one day Haydn's wife was out of curlers, and he woke up to find his sheet music in her hair...

Hahaha, I can just imagine Haydn's reaction seeing his music in his wife's hair 😂

That was not a happy morning in the Haydn household, I'm sure!

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