Golden Hour in Villajoyosa

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago

It was a surprise to see a moving staircase in Villajoyosa. At first, I thought it was just a silly thing! Can't people use just the regular stairs? Why do we need this escalator?


Soon we will rely on moving staircases, elevators, vehicles, and all kinds of stuff that make our walks easier but then we will become lazy. That was my initial thought... Probably because I was walking downstairs in that park. You see how easy it is?


We see the seashore, the sandy beach, the sun. It is so effortless to walk toward that scene. But once again, if I turn back I see another escalator.

Funnily, I also used it when we finished our walk by the seashore, and then I was happy and saw its benefits. 😂 Every path leads to a chocolate shop like this moving staircase does haha. But first, before we got that sweet choco reward we took a little walk.


Also, I could confirm that every path leads to cats, at least it happens to me. We arrived with our walk close to the port and there we found ourselves in a feline kingdom. At our place, it is the seagulls that wait for the fish. Here, it seems that the cats eat what the fishermen bring from the sea.


I took a photo of this tree in the same area, close to the port. The tree looked crooked as if was dancing a funny choreography; consequently, the concrete bench had its comment on that dance. Do you know what it said? You could zoom in on the photo and try to read it, but wait, I will bring it from a different angle.



Was it meant to be Oh là là? Spanish-speaking Hivers - does this holala mean something in Spanish? Could the case that the person who wrote it accidentally added another la, after the already written hola?


Not so far from this dancing tree and speaking bench, I found a nice surprise. Now I could exclaim a real Oh là là! A cuddly cat!

I tried to take a selfie with him, though it was almost impossible! When cats like this start to cuddle, it is a difficult task to catch a moment when they calmly pose for a photo.


Enjoying this:



This cuddling episode lasted for a while. My husband took this photo of us and some minutes later we continued with the walk. The sun was slowly getting lower and brought the golden colours to this Sunday afternoon walk.


The shadows also became longer. Where I am in this photo?


A bit further from the port, there was a board explaining about a shipwreck that can be found in the sea. I didn't know that, although some years ago we used to come here to the beach. Seems that it was a ship of the Roman Empire. For sure, we can't remember this, it happened so long time ago 😁

But for more information, we can read from this board!


A few years ago my son and my nieces used to jump from those rocks into the sea. They were brave - I would not do that (at my age haha)


The sun was already setting when we turned back toward to port and to get back to the park with the moving staircase. As I mentioned, they led us to a chocolate shop. This time it was my son's idea to go there, all together!


Villajoyosa is a town of chocolate - like this mural confirms:

La vila de xocolate - The chocolate village!


The walk finished in this chocolate shop, Valor. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon leg-stretching activity ;)


P.S. Midnight just passed at my place... so officially it is already Thursday (since 8 minutes). But I have some justified reasons why I am a few minutes late with this Wednesday Walk ;)



Chocolate and churros, yummy!! Where's the cake?

It mysteriously disappeared 🤷‍♀


The escalator may be useful, but it still looks silly and somehow doesn't fit there. I have actually never seen an escalator in a city (or at least I don't recall that).

Holala, how cute! Maybe somebody was simply creative 😊

I'm not a cat person myself, but I love how they seem to love you 😊

It's like there is something sweet in all your posts 😂 You must love desserts!

Hahaha, I know. Lately a lot of sweet things happened 😂😂

And I just got some sweets as a gift from a fellow Hiver 😃 (we are traveling home from Zaragoza now).

The escalator in the end made sense... There are quite a lot stairs to take to reach the main street (from the seashore) so elderly people can benefit from this escalator actually ;)

Holala - the Spanish speakers didn't say what it could mean, so probably there is no meaning, just as you have said- someone was creative 😎

I loved Villajoyosa !!! Y ese chocolate se ve delicioso 😋
... I think 🤔 the holala could be the name of the pet that is drawn on the bench..
Thanks for sharing this beautiful walk with us I really enjoyed it!

El chocolate viene de la fábrica de chocolate del mismo lugar. Es una tradición allí tomarlo los domingos por la trade.

Hmm, maybe, if it doesn't mean anything, could be the name of that character. I really don't know 🧘

Thank you señor Puma 📸 :))

Beautiful place, where is Villajoyosa? (Lazu to search in Google)
The colors of the sunset are beautiful 😍, to sit for hours and enjoy such a sunset🌇.

Holala, maybe don’t like to say just hola 😅 Something different.

Those cats look well cared, they don’t seem to be strays, they are pretty 😺

Chocolate with churros, what a way to end a good walk🤭

Villajoyosa is a city on the Mediterranean coast, Spain.

The cats are stray cats, that is for sure. But they get food regularly and there are people who take care of them, that's why they are so friendly and like to cuddle :)

I don't know where to start... the cats are wonderful, the photograph of the rocks with the sea I love, the chocolate... I'm dying and I'm about to fall asleep... I want that chocolate!

I loved the shadows on the beach, I think I could feel the heat of the sun on my back.

Thank you for this walk @mipiano ❤️

A mixture of great things like cats, chocolate and sea - I was lucky to have a Sunday afternoon like this one :)))

You can't ask for more!

Good evening .... I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow!

Wow everything is so beautiful, you know my daughter loves those kind of stairs she calls them magic slides hahaha it was worth the walk with a happy ending at the chocolate shop. Greetings 💖

Magic slides is a very cool name for the moving staircase. Children have imagination we adults strive to get back again :))

I loved all the pictures. But what a nice and rewarding walk with choco at the end. Oh, the meringue hahahaha... that's Chantilly cream. 😜 Meringue almost the same!

Chantilly cream! Who would know all these names hahaha

It is better to consume them all and ya 😂

The choco - I didn't describe it better - it was a mixture of chocolate with café y granizado. Very tasty 🤤

It is better to consume them all and ya 😂

💯 😊

Omg, I remember the big cat I saw the other day, same with the first cat in your post. Such a cutie!

Anyway, why do I keep seeing bodies of waters here in Hive... It seems like its calling me . 😂🙉

Have a great day, love the beverage on the last pic. Thinking to have some dark choco milktea later. 👻👻

The water is calling you - maybe it's time for some vacations by the seashore :))

I hope you got that dark chocolate later! Have a lovely day you too @usagidee 😇

That moving staircase is awesome especially if you are carrying heavy or something. You can take a little rest while still moving while carrying a heavy bag (≧▽≦), I like that, I like that here in our place. Although walking is a must, but this is really cool hahaha. By the way, those cutie cats looks really healthy, I guess they are well love by people especially by the tourisr. Particularly the cuddly cat, who's used to strangers. Or maybe she recognize those people who's very kind to animals ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

It can be useful, I know, the moving staircase. Though my first impression was - why do we need them in a park, where we are supposed to walk a bit haha. The cats looked nice, true, They get food and as we can see that they like cuddles as well :) (and people who are kind to them :D )

🤩 Churros of Valor!! We had one Valor here years ago and that churros are delicious!! 😋
Beautiful photos, the sea is like a balm for the spirit. ♥️🤗

There was a Valor in Zaragoza too? Today we will have to have some dessert after lunch 😊

There was no dessert finally. 😢 Humm now we have to revenge this fault! 😁

Hahaha. Yes, next time a revenge, at our place 😋

The black and white cat is so cute, thanks for showing us a lovely location...

He is cute, and they were not scared of people at all 😇

A hug, @priyanarc 🤗

Im not sure i have ever seen an outdoor escalator

Sorry for short comments this week I have a lot going on and wont keep up if I try to to do longer replies this week

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

It's fine 😇 We all have phases we can't comment on posts.

I hope you are doing well! Take care, @tattoodjay ! ✨

appreciate your understanding

I really love your walk by villajoyosa, the experiences that you live there was awesome and so many funny moments

There are always some funny moments. If not - we have to search for them 😁

Aquí en Vigo también hay rampas mecánicas sobre todo en la gran vía, y escaleras mecánicas también se ven uniendo varias calles, aquí las calles son muy empinadas y eso cansa mucho sobre todo a la gente mayor.
Es grato encontrarse un amigo gatuno en la vía, cuando viví en México veía por todos lados aquí afortunadamente no veo gatitos ni perritos abandonados.
Me encantaron tus fotos, se nota que es.muy bonita la.ciudad! 😁

Creo que yo tengo la suerte de encontrar estos amigos gatunos jajaja. Estos sí que son callejeros, pero hay personas que vienen a darles comida y les hacen unas casitas.
Perros abandonados - no he visto en España. Por lo menos aquí donde vivimos! :))

Las escaleras mecánicas claro que son útiles para la gente mayor, aunque yo también las usé esta vez 😁

The chocolate drinks at the end look really delicious.

They were indeed tasty. They were a mixture of coffee and chocolate, the one with three layers was so strong though.

Well, the staircase may be too stressful and that's why people used elevators
Also, the place may be scary to me because I'm scared of cats

You're still scared of them? Time to get yourself a cat and see there's nothing to be afraid of.

The way technology is and things are progressing, so instead of stairs, we see elevators everywhere, and this is also beneficial because older people cannot climb stairs, so with their help, they can. Easily can go to the above portion.

Of course, it has benefits for elderly people and those who can't climb the stairs, for whatever reason.

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