The Bee's are buzzing!

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

It's the day after the summer solstice [22nd June] and I'm sitting in glorious sunshine in my back garden.

It feels like summer has finally arrived. My daughter Natalie has overhauled the garden and planted up many beautiful flowers and scrubs for the Bee's and our viewing pleasure.

We didn't have to wait long for the first busy Bee's to turn up.

Busy Bee Buzzing

busy bee buzzing.jpg

The Bee's are loving the new flora and have been buzzing around all day.

We have touchdown

bee collects pollen.jpg

It has been a fabulous day in the garden and below is a photo of the sunset from last night. The photo doesn't do it justice but you get the idea.

Summer Solstice


It's a bit like that saying from the movie. Field of Dreams. 'If you build it. they will come'

The Bee's need all the help they can get so planting up the garden with flowers that they love makes perfect sense.

We get the joy of sitting and watching them work their little butts off.

Have a lovely evening folks.


!steemitworldmap 52.3818816 lat --0.0032257 long Somersham, Cambridgeshire! d3scr

Category(Nature photography)
Camera(Canon 70D)
f Stop(f/1.4)
Lens(Sigma 30 mm)


Wowzers on the first shot. That is amazing. On Thursday night, my son and I did a pollinator workshop. There was a short lecture on bees and other pollinators and then we went out looked for the little critters. It was lots of fun:)

Thanks Pryde, those tiny wings buzzing like crazy to keep it aloft.

It's an aeronautical marvel to behold.

Bee's do such an important job. It's good to give them a hand.

I bet your son loved learning all about the pollinators. It's an education in itself. Very valuable lesson.

Yes, he loved it. They even had a butterfly net out there:)

Absolutely beautiful photos, and your joy comes through loud and clear. I'm glad you had such a happy solstice! Here in Oregon it was actually cloud-free as well. Very unusual!

It must be a sign? 😋 Summer has arrived 🙌

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Beautiful photography @molometer. Glad you had a gorgeous day too. 😁

Thanks Gillian, it was a long time coming but seems like we are in for some good weather. It must have been lovely down on the coast? 😁

It was very nice thank you @molometer, although we went inland to a National Trust property for a picnic and to look at the water lilies. 😁

Sounds like a lovely day. Can't beat the National trust for a nice day out.

We are going to Burleigh house for lunch in a couple of weeks.

Yay! Successful twitching... Even if it's not birds. I love bee photos just as much, and these are great photos!

I got some nice bird photos and I'll post them today. The Bee's are loving the new flowers 👏

Love your bee photos !

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