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RE: Proposal: reduce Hive inflation by reducing curation rewards

in Hive Improvement4 years ago (edited)

Written with all due respect!

@themarkymark said this:
"Really you mean as they feel it should have been. There is no "should have been" here. I've seen a duct tape meme get voted $943, and good posts make less than $1".

There are many of us (hard workers with great quality) that see this regularly and it is a real bummer, as we get nowhere slowly. My first question: If the value of curation is dropped, how will it affect us?
And my second question: How can we get our work more exposure?

Please don't tell me via engagement, as we are regularly in the top 10 in the EL list.
The thing that hurts is that a post with blurred photos and badly written gets top dollar and a well detailed post with clear photos get $5.

Surely this needs to be sorted?

We are not in the powering down and selling stakes, as all that we want to do is to build a future for our work, but now after 3 years we are still moving at a snails pace. Now I know that even a snail will get there, but by that time I will be pushing up daisies.


The whole point of this discussion is to get feedback on ways to improve curation results. We know they need improvement.

Thank you and my questions were not meant to criticize, but rather to bring about awareness about our feelings!
We know that you care and that's why we mentioned it!

Sorry, there is no system in which effort will be rewarded. When people upvote a funny meme and ignore a well-written blog post, that means the meme is more valuable.

This is all more visible on Hive, but do you know how many plagiarizing karma farmers are on the front page of Reddit every day, tolerated by a tight group of supermods? At least we're keeping spam and plagiarism to a minimum, but hard-working bloggers will always feel underappreciated.

"Sorry, there is no system in which effort will be rewarded".

Yet so many mention quality content as a priority for bloggers to advance. It takes effort to create quality content.

Agreed that spam and plagiarizing is thankfully kept to a minimum, which also takes effort, so it takes effort to accomplish things.