You shall not... piss here?

in #funny4 years ago

Well, this was a novelty for me. I was helping a friend in moving some furniture from his old house. This house is located in an urban setting, with big buildings. And in a passageway below the buildings, saw this sign for the first time:


For the non portuguese speaking, that blue balloon says "Take your pee back!". The sign then says these are "pee-proof" walls, and that they have a special product that repels pee and sends it back to the offender!

First of all... it's sad how these kind of signs even have to exist. But I found it funny, and thought it was just a humourous way to say DON'T PISS HERE, YOU F#$%#%#$ PIG!

But then I got home, I got curious and searched a little bit... and this actually is real! The walls have a hydrophobic product apllied, that repels liquids. How cool is that? Would love to see the face of the first guy that tried to pee there, ignoring the sign! 😂


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Oh, boy! That wall should piss off some drunkards! Pun intended! 😆