Big Cats

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

The previous article about monkeys was quite successful, so today I continue about cats.

I was doing my homework, and I almost got lost in the terminology. It's all sorts of pardals, jaguars, irbises, leopards, cheetahs... who knows? I think the pictures are of a spotted leopard, but forgive me for any confusion, I'm acting as a photographer here, not a naturalist.

Předchozí článek o opičkách byl poměrně úspěšný, tak dnes pokračuji o kočičkách.

Dělal jsem si domácí úkol, a skoro jsem se v té terminologii ztratil. To jsou všelijací pardáli, levharti, jaguáři, irbisi, leopardi, gepardi... kdo se v tom má vyznat? Já myslím, že na fotkách je levhart skvrnitý, ale případný omyl mi odpusťte, vystupuji tady jako fotograf a ne přírodovědec.

The last photo should be of the black pardal aka Bagheera, known from Kipling's The Jungle Book. Maybe it's just the angle of view, but this one looks more like an obese than a slim pardal to me. The photos are sometimes unflattering.

Na poslední fotce by měl být černý pardál aka baghira, známý z Kiplingovy Knihy džunglí. Možná je to jen úhlem pohledu, ale tento exemplář mi připadá spíš obézní, než štíhlý pardál. Fotky jsou někdy nelichotivé.

These photos are from

Tyto fotky jsou ze

ZOO OLomouc


Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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You know what I'm doing? I'm taking photos of the description in the zoo, so I know when I get home 😂. It's cheating but it is posted out for visitors to learn, so it's a good thing. I love these photos, they are all fabulous.

I do it that way too, but sometimes I forget :)

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The patterns on their fur are phenomenal.

It's just nature 😉