Build YOUR Comunity and Avoid Fake People .:. #MyHiveGoals 2023

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

I know that today's post looks like the one from yesterday, but I will try to add additional thoughts on top of it... When you engage with others on HIVE, or in real life, you always get some new ideas, or confirmations of your ideas... The same happened in the talks that I had in the Zaragoza meetup, where I had an interesting "on streets" talk with @palomap3...

We didn't talk directly about building and growing accounts on the social media networks, but we did touch on some important issues and directions where focus our time and energy... You see, social networks can distract you a lot from your "original" plan, especially if you aren't focused... One of the main obstacles in your way is "social network fakeness"... You can see it everywhere, not just here on HIVE... People tapping each other on the shoulder, flattering words all over the place, but all that, without any meaning... Without any connections or emotions connected to it... I mean, I don't have anything against helping and motivating each other, but if it is sincere and honest than it's REAL...

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Created in

I don't know why people think that those things can't be "detected"? When someone isn't sincere, or it is just faking... But, why it is so "dangerous" for your growth?
It is important as you are investing your time, and your attention to something that has no meaning, it will not help you in anything as it will distract you from your goal, and your journey... Time spent on fake people is a lost time, that you could use for hanging out with people who do care.

That's probably one of the reasons why I like these HIVE Meetups as you can know even better the people that you met here on the blockchain! When you meet someone in real life, there are no fake impressions, it's face-to-face and everyone is there because he/she WANTS TO! Through a talk with Paloma, I realized that exactly that is what I was searching for (or expecting) from a social network... To make new friends and REAL relationships that can last... Everything else is just a waste of time...

What is the easiest way to get to this point? Begin viewing people behind usernames... Unfortunately, I saw many people here looking at others like some kind of bots, computer programs, or even worse, milking cows that will upvote their posts every time, no questions asked... Behind every username, behind every post, there is a person, and as soon as we realize that, we will have more fun and enjoy this social network in the way it should be... Building friendships and making better our lives and the lives of people that we care about...

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Let's go back to the #MyHiveGoals part of the post, and as usual, in the beginning, let's check out HiveStats...

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I said that I would maybe raise my HivePower for this year, so let's do it, but only unofficially, I will try to get to 80K until 01.01.2024! It would mean that I have to power up 2.5K per month, which is 500 HP over the number I did in the past couple of months... It's not impossible, but it will need an additional effort... 🙂

My favorite GIF from

In the last 7 days, I have accumulated 270 HivePower which isn't bad, but if I want to get to the 80K, I will need at least 100 more, or to be exact, 375 HP per week!!!

The bull market and LeoAds activation "killed" my additional accumulation of LEO Power in my account... I have been gathering nice chunks of tokens, but I was a bit greedy and I decided to trade them when the price went up... Nothing bad there, but I wasn't focused enough on the goal, I suppose...

The goal is still on, but objectively, I doubt that I will reach it... Anyway, I'm not quitting and I will keep adding tokens to my LEO Power... In the last week, I have staked 47 LEO tokens... Not too much, but it's better than nothing...

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GAMING GOALS - Flexible Goals

As usual, my Rising Star goal is the most predictable lately as I'm in the "routine" mode... Doing missions, buying and opening packs regularly, and adding those cards day by day...

I have added an exact number of cards this week as the week before... 177 NFTs were added to the collection, which shrinks the gap to the yearly goal by a bit more than 1000 cards!

In the last #MyHiveGoals report, I mentioned that the GLX tokens staking will finish and it happened 2-3 days ago... No new rewards will be added from that income source, and my "final number" is exactly 185011 tokens!

There was an announcement of activating the ranked games and probably earnings from playing in the GLX tokens, so that could be the next income stream... Besides that, I'm waiting for diesel pool LP rewards, but I haven't heard anything new about that... If you have some info about it, please let me know in the comment section...

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It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on November 12th, 2023 are:


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These are my initial goals for 2023 created on January 15th, 2023:


Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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If you want to support my Hive-Engine witness node, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here THANKS!

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


Interesting one. I love to engage but soon realised there are lots of users as I call them. Fake engagers just kissing people's arse in the hopes of getting a good upvote. That is why I like the bigger accounts that take the time to engage back. I used to have a three strikes policy, I would engage on a persons post three times, and if I got no engagement to decent comments for three times then they were struck off my list.
The number of users I visit has drastically cut down now to mainly people that will engage back.

As your account grows you get more of those on your own posts... As I try to keep my "word" and support everyone who comments on my posts by an upvote and reply, it knows to be painful... I mean, it's not a big deal to upvote those "kissing people's arse" (as you called them 🙂) comments, but replying to them is another time waste... the message will not get to them as they will not read it at all, or they just don't care... but I will still spend some time on them instead on someone's else post or comment...

The same goes for upvoting those comments... If I do that, it looks like encourage them (and other fake people), and they will come for more... If I don't, I'm going against my principles...

I like your idea about a 3-strikes... I suppose I was doing something similar, but I didn't count that long... lol... 😂

As I try to keep my "word"

You buck the trend with bigger accounts. Not only do you respond to everyone, but you respond in detail and address all points that someone comments on your posts! Pretty darn impressive!

Three strikes and you'r out, yeah I do that anywhere I am hehe.

Oh yes upvoting comments, that is an interesting one, as often big accounts use that as a way of acknowledging a comment without responding. Something I don't like as I would rather have an answer.

Yes I get all those commenters who are just doing it and you bigger accounts respond is something I watch and learn with!

Oh yes upvoting comments, that is an interesting one, as often big accounts use that as a way of acknowledging a comment without responding. Something I don't like as I would rather have an answer.

I do that too, but only if the comment is not "engageable"... It's hard to reply on a comment that says: "Nice post" 😂

lmao you actually upvote a Nice post comment


My OCD is killing me... Ask my wife... 😂

Ouch I can imagine ... sort of

I think I'll take a day off writing tomorrow and work my way around.

I'm still sticking with the goal of writing to bring readers to Hive.

I hope you had a good day off writing, I seem to be having a few days off writing at the moment 🤣

😄 Somehow you can really spot them. Sometimes they just don't read what you really have to say. I have some type of policy as you are 😄

Hehe well you being an OCD curator etc and community mod in so many places must have a whole host of these so called users on your posts etc.

You are right though you can spot them easily and yes they don't read!!! Exactly and that is one of my big bug bears!

I saw your new pic on Twitter/X and you have it here, that is cool, I like it!

Your progress are amazing and you are very close to your HP yearly goals!

You must be killin' it out here!
@libertycrypto27 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @ph1102.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ libertycrypto27. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Thanks! When I got close to the yearly goal, I moved it a bit more... lol... Just to stretch myself a bit more... 😂

That is an interesting thought, most of the time I would likely comment when I have the chance to read one's post, which I usually find in the feed or from the community I join which can be seen from the decks on Ecency frontend.

Most of the time, I try to vote first before commenting, and not just comment without voting. Just don't feel quite right from my side. at least I could throw some joke that is completely out of the post without being considered a vote-seeking commenter. : )

Most of the time, I try to vote first before commenting, and not just comment without voting. Just don't feel quite right from my side.

It is kind of normal to do that... I mean why would I comment if I don't appreciate the post? I didn't even bother to check if those "fake people" are upvoting the post itself, but if they have that "fake mentality", I suppose that their vote makes no sense at all... Again, I didn't check, just suppose...

In any case, it's all about appreciating the person with whom you are communicating... If someone doesn't appreciate me, why would I waste my time with them?

Thanks for sharing your view! I'm always happy to see that there are people who think reasonably!

That is another way to see it, learning something along the way. : )

I haven't attended any hivers meetups, but I'm in tune with looking for "real" connections with people. The fakeness is what has always turned me off from traditional social networks in Web 2.0 and the last thing I want to do is waste my time on something similar on Hive. Our time is finite so we should try to make the best use of it, right?

That new HP goal sounds quite challenging but I have the impression that you will succeed. Best of luck!

The last thing I want to do is waste my time on something similar on Hive. Our time is finite so we should try to make the best use of it, right?

As that popular GIF would say...






Absolutely. I mean nobody is no longer genuine. Everyone is faking it to achieve his or her own selfish goal. Sometimes, I wish everyone was just authentic. Social would have been sweeter that way.

OKay, let's not go that far that "nobody" is genuine... 😃 For example, you wrote the comment, so you ARE genuine... that's a start 🙂

Everyone is faking it to achieve his or her own selfish goal.

As this is a #MyHiveGoals post, it's a perfect place for this comment... The thing with goals wouldn't be the worst thing as those people would HAVE ONE... I don't see that they have... it is just running for penny votes and trying to trick other people... That's even worse than to have a selfish goal...

On HIVE, if you create a goal where you collect HIVE POWER, the platform itself transforms that goal to "non-selfish" as you can spread that wealth through upvotes... 🙂

Sometimes, I wish everyone was just authentic. Social would have been sweeter that way.

It would be! At least, we can choose the people with whom we engage... and there are some great folks here!

Do you really get some fake engagers on your posts??? Well, sometimes I have to laugh when it's so apparent that they have no idea what the post is about lol

Hahahaha... The irony is when you get fake engagers on the post about fake engagers... 🤣

You know, I agree with this! I prefer few good ones to many bad ones.
Real commitment happens when both parts are involved. At least for me it does. If you go along just in the expectation of receiving rewards, it shows quickly. I don't think I've discovered gunpowder, hahaha.
The falseness of social networks also happens in real life, it's just that on the internet it's easier to do and you can keep that mask on for longer. But it ends up falling off.
As for distractions, that's my toughest struggle here. My curiosity and desire to learn new things every day leads me to get distracted and from time to time I have to stop and think about what I'm doing and stick with what I can take away. It is a process that never ends, but it brings me closer to my goals and to the people I feel comfortable with and want to keep walking close to. 😉
You are doing great with your goals, even though they are just numbers (mimimi 100k club mode on 🤣).

I Wuv You GIF by giphystudios2021

The falseness of social networks also happens in real life, it's just that on the internet it's easier to do and you can keep that mask on for longer. But it ends up falling off.

Yeah, it happens in real life, too... But, like you said... It comes out to the surface sooner or later... and for us, the most important is to detect it as soon as possible... Protect ourselves, our friends, and the community... Every minute spent on time wasters is a bad time... that we could spend with those who appreciate us...

As for distractions, that's my toughest struggle here. My curiosity and desire to learn new things every day leads me to get distracted and from time to time I have to stop and think about what I'm doing and stick with what I can take away.

This year, I have created a list of "daily tasks" that I have to do every day, and those tasks are there to keep my focus on what is important... to prioritize things over other stuff... Yes, I do get distracted as you... lol... But at least, if I follow my tasks, I keep my focus on the goal and stick to the plan... It helps me a lot! Maybe it could help you too, but I suppose that you have something similar...

You are doing great with your goals, even though they are just numbers (mimimi 100k club mode on 🤣).

Hehehe... yes, they are just numbers, but that's the easiest way to keep myself countable... to "measure" the result... I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world to not reach the goal, but it would hurt to be distracted and quit...

Every minute spent on time wasters is a bad time... that we could spend with those who appreciate us...

You’re absolutely right.

Maybe it could help you too, but I suppose that you have something similar...

You guessed ok, hehe. I use Todoist, an app to centralise my tasks and have my “must to do” everyday tasks.

that's the easiest way to keep myself countable... to "measure" the result

Goals have to be SMART, I am sure you know what that means. 😊😉

Nice sharing! I think as curators/writers, we also have the power to decide if we want to vote comments by these "fake people". As my HP grows, I also am able to vary by % vote for each post and each comment.

Of course, we can decide what we are doing with our votes... It's just my OCD thing that I want to reward people for spending time on my content (or in engagement with me)... Upvoting isn't the biggest problem here... the biggest problem is when I try to reply to an AI-generated comment as I was tricked that it is a real engagement... I lose time that I could spend with my friends, family...

Ah that's true too!

I completely agree about the falsehood in the networks. I have never liked them, in fact I make very little use of them. Only on Hive do I interact with other people. They seem closer to me, more familiar. Especially with those who publish content that enriches me. That bring me, either knowledge or simply images of places and events that move me in some way. Publications that are a pleasure to read. That connection with what I read and see is what motivates me to comment. In fact I think I've commented many times and not voted on the post 🤔. It is that exchange with the other, who writes and tells his experience is what I like most of this platform and what I give more importance.

Best of luck on the road to achieving your goals in 2023. He who perseveres succeeds.

In fact I think I've commented many times and not voted on the post 🤔.

Interestingly, your comment is the second one that mentions upvotes, so I had to check out my post if I mentioned upvoting at all... 😃 When I was writing about bringing value, I was exactly at the same page as you when you said....

Especially with those who publish content that enriches me. That bring me, either knowledge or simply images of places and events that move me in some way. Publications that are a pleasure to read.

That's the real value... and comments where someone just copies/pastes an AI recap of the post, or posts a "nice post" thing, are 0 value posts... When the person doesn't appreciate the author, how the comment can be valuable? You can disagree with the post but still appreciate the author, but these comments are just 0 value, just time wasting... I don't want to waste my time on that, I want to spend it wisely engaging with others... "enriching" others (like you said), and enriching myself by consuming quality content and comments! I want to be surrounded by people who help me and to whom I can help... That's the community that helps everyone to grow!

Thanks for sharing your view!

It's a tough thing to really tell but I think that is a major part of the digital or online market. It's a tough market and I do think that showing up physically does add a bit of creditability to things. However, one thing that is good about Hive is the ability to stay anonymous online.

Nice progress on your goals.

However, one thing that is good about Hive is the ability to stay anonymous online.

I agree with you about that 100%... But, you can be anonymous, but not be a disrespectful person... :) You can be anonymous, but still be authentic...

Thank you for bringing that point of view! I forgot about the anonymous part of the blockchain!

I make sure to stay away from fake people around here. As again, I am just observer a lot of time and enjoys being that way 😃. I might miss out on a cool thing but maybe it's just not my thing.

To make new friends and REAL relationships that can last... Everything else is just a waste of time...

That! sometimes I wonder where would people be if there was no reward behind this all😁 like if layer 1 was erased and it's just social media, without any type of reward. Would a lot of people still be here?

I have met personally with quite a few people here like @ekavieka! he's a cool guy and I wish I could go back to his island and do mini Hive meet up again and do photo hunting😄. Maybe one of these days.

maybe next year cem, March or April should be good since it is already in the low season.
Then It would be a year-long delay from a canceled mini meet-up this year. haha

I make sure to stay away from fake people around here. As again, I am just observer a lot of time and enjoys being that way 😃. I might miss out on a cool thing but maybe it's just not my thing.

We met a guy in Krakow at #HiveBeeCon who used the same words to describe his views of hive meetups... it's just not my thing. 🙂 After the event, he was asking when will be the next one... 😂 A bit different context, but the words reminded me of him...

sometimes I wonder where would people be if there was no reward behind this all😁 like if layer 1 was erased and it's just social media, without any type of reward. Would a lot of people still be here?

Probably not... But, the monetary rewards behind them aren't that bad thing, but the way how people would like to get them can be wrong... This short conversation between you and me has some value itself, so why wouldn't we get some reward for sharing it with others? Isn't better to be rewarded with a token than to see 10 ads all around for some stupid shampoo or perfume... 😂

I have met personally with quite a few people here like @ekavieka! he's a cool guy and I wish I could go back to his island and do mini Hive meet up again and do photo hunting😄. Maybe one of these days.

Island? Small island? Not many people? White sand? Summer temperature? I'm coming!!!! 😂


small island, but a lot of people. : ). If you don't like traffic jams, then you will be a little bit surprised here. lol But still it is worth visiting, hopefully haha

Hehehe... Thanks for detailed description!
Where are those empty, sandy islands from the movies?


Probably ONLY in the movies... 🤣

There is another place besides the movies.

I Love You Heart GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
you can find it in the travel influencer's post. 😅😅😅

Hive will be a much better place when people stop writing nice post comments XD Or when you actually wish someone success in a sincere way.

I'm sure you'll reach your goals, my friend. I know it seems hard but you will be there at the right time!

Hive will be a much better place when people stop writing nice post comments XD

Hehehe... definitely... Those comments are easier to filter, but those other ones, that are created with AI can trick you... At least I was tricked a couple of times... I see comments like that and spend 10-15 minutes replying to them, while my words go to nowhere... Such a waste of time... :(

Thanks for your wishes!!!

It's a disappointment, man! I don't know why people go this way. They act like AI is going to save them, but it's the opposite.

Good luck with your new stretch goal. I am rooting for you and I think the time of stacking Hive so cheaply is coming to an end for this cycle.

I agree that you need to choose your friends wisely depending on your goals. Our time and attention is limited. When we wanted to pass some exams, me and my friend decided to sit at the front of the classes. We may have got laughed at as being keen, but we aced those classes and had we stayed at the back with the cool kids, it could have been different.

Oh, that's a nice comparison! I like it! I do remember well when I wanted to be "with cool guys" in the last row... We had so much fun, but we didn't hear anything back there and our grades that year were awful...

After learning a lesson, we kept our personal stuff for after school... 😃 This (my story) is not the best example of fake people, but it is a good example of keeping the focus... :) 😃


Hello ph1102!

It's nice to let you know that your article will take 14th place.
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Time spent on fake people is a lost time, that you could use for hanging out with people who do care.

That word is actually for me. I need to change my friends zone

best of luck with your hive goals.

Thank you!

Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Engagement is cool
You tend to learn more things about the platform everyday
Hive is an interesting platform, a place to learn and my home