Hive Meetups, HiveFest, HiveBeeCon .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.02

in Ecency8 months ago

Phew... The first Hive Humpday Hangout passed! 🙂 I have survived somehow and it looks like others have survived too! Glad to hear that... People were asking me how it was, and if you ask me, it was great and much better than I expected! I know that participants said that they liked it too, but we will see tomorrow if they will come back... 😂 That will be the best test of the quality! 😃

Last week, it was more like an Introduction show, where we got to know more about each other and almost everyone that was present came to the mic and shared their HIVE story!!! How amazing and surprising was that!!! It's not that everyone is brave and a native English speaker, but every single person in the show is an ACTION TAKER! That's very important to say as those people are friends that you want to have and to hang out with! They are not just talking the talk, they are walking the walk!!!

Created in

After the relaxed first show, I don't want to raise the bar too high and throw everyone into the fire with some complicated and hard topics... So, in tomorrow's episode, we will talk about Hive meetups!!! I had many "small" meetups with Hivians, but I have also attended HiveFest last year and HiveBeeCon this year... I have already shared posts about these events, but I will share my impressions of these encounters with Hivians...

As I know that many of you had also meetups all around the globe, I hope that you will share your experiences in the show too... This show is called HANGOUT which means that everyone is welcome to come on voice to share his thoughts and views... If you are too shy, you can type in the event chat room, which we will follow together...

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We will talk about...

  • Experiences from Hive meetups
  • After-meetup feelings
  • Difference between online and real-life communication
  • New bonds that are continued on the HIVE
  • HiveFest in Virtual 3D world vs real-life HiveFest?
  • What are your excuses for NOT going to the meet-up? 😃
  • etc.

Of course, closer to the end of the show, we can discuss some off-topic things too... If something is bothering you, if you have some questions regarding HIVE, Ecency, or something crypto-related...

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I would like to thank everyone who participated in the first show last week... We had on the show: @beeber, @foxkoit, @melinda010100, @mypathtofire, @palomap3, @manclar, @incublus, and close to the end of the show, we had another two participants, @frankches and @travoved!

Thank you guys and girls! As a sign of appreciation, I have sent you some LEN tokens! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to find out more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...

What steps you should take now:

  1. Join Ecency Discord here
  2. Check out your local time for the event at the top of the Ecency DISCORD side menu
  3. Click on the chat-voice channel on Wednesday, 4 PM UTC (check your local time 👆👆)
  4. Follow the event-chat channel during the show and engage with others!

If you would like to discuss a certain topic in the future shows, please let me know in the comment section... See you on Wednesday!!!

Thank you for your time,


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If you want to support my Hive-Engine witness node, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here THANKS!

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


It's lovely how everyone participate in the show and speak something in mic, last time i skip the show Because of shortage of time, will see tomorrow if have some time will surely join the show 😺


You are welcome to come! Btw. if you don't want to come on mic, you don't have to do it... No pressure at all... 😉 People were chatting during the show on the event-chat channel... ;)

See you tomorrow!

Yes i know chatting is also open during these shows 😹 see you tomorrow 😉

Thanks for a great first show and I look forward to the next one. It is a cool topic. Thanks also for the LEN! 💪

I think that this topic was your idea, so THANK YOU for your suggestion! 😃

See you tomorrow!

Ohh yeah unfortunately was a little bit late this time, but next time I'll set alarm clock⏰ not to miss such a great event!

Yeah, you were late for the party... Tomorrow, 1 hour earlier! 😃

See you!

It was fun and interesting time. I don’t know if I am insane, but… I want to repeat!! 😁 See/hear you tomorrow. 🤗

Hahahaha... Glad to hear that... It will be fun and interesting again... Maybe we are insane? 😂


What are your excuses for NOT going to the meet-up? 😃

haha talk about putting people on the spot!

Am chuffed you are enjoying hosting a show!
They are fun to do. So 5pm here, we shall see if I can get there one day even if only to listen.

Hahahaha... So, what was your excuse? 😂

Thanks for the comment... it is terrifying for me to do the show, but it is fun at the same time... :)

You do heaps of talking though, I thought it would be a breeze for you!

Waiting new show :)) I hope it comes soon .

Less than 24 hours!!!


Waiting now ....

I have big hopes on you .

I am very happy that I participated last week, even though it was not very long. This week I am at home and I hope to participate for longer, even though I have bad internet. I have not been to a Hive meeting yet, but I would love to attend one in the future.

Thanks for participating last week and see you in a few hours in Ecency Discord!

It is nice to see that you try to keep up meetup mate. The more social HIVE the more it will spread, have a good time ;)

Exactly! Any HIVE meetup, virtual or real-life, creates stronger bonds among Hivians and helps HIVE to spread more!!!

HiveFest Amsterdam was about 30 minutes away with public transport from where I live, but I had to miss it because I had already planned a trip outside of the country for that period. That's probably the closest I've gotten to attending a Hive meetup, unfortunately.

That was bad luck that you couldn't attend HiveFest in Amsterdam! As I know many people from the Netherlands, I have no doubt that there will be more chances to attend some meetups in your neighborhood!
Until then, we can have these virtual meetups and hangouts... :)

For sure! :) !BEER

Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @rarej for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

That sounds like an interesting show. It looks like you had a productive show. It's interesting to see how things change after a meetup happens.

Thank you! It was a lot of fun and I hope it will be a lot of fun in today's show, too!

I'm glad to hear that your first Hive Humpday Hangout was a success! It sounds like it was a great opportunity for Hivians to get to know each other better and to share their experiences.

It was fun last week and it was fun yesterday, too!

Yay! 🤗
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Oh it missed it, i will try to join tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

I've never attended any Hive hangout because of distance but I hope I attend one soon
Maybe in my country

This is a livestream show held in the Ecency Discord... You don't have to leave your home...


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@palomap3(1/15) tipped @ph1102

I wondered where all those LEN tokens came from! Thanks so much! It was an awesome show and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Everyone who is not there is really missing out!

Thank you for your kind words!

See you later!

Just the way we're seeing these kinds of meetups happening all over the world and people meeting each other who've been working together on one platform for a long time, just like me. I have read many people's posts and the experience of meeting people has been very good because everyone respects each other very much.


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