in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

My Steem Story.png

A Power House Creatives Initiative

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Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.



Hi there! I am Jenn Nieto aka @pixiepost.... this morning, I discovered the honor of being tagged by in this wonderful challenge. Being a natural vlogger, & being able to express myself a little bit better on camera, I made the video almost immediately. Come to find out, DUH Jenn, this is a BLOGGING community!

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So, I still included that video link in case you want to know my story in depth. However, already full of pixie dust fuel (aka coffee), I have my written blog below! ;)

• Where my Steem Journey began

Even though I technically signed up on the Steem blockchain in June 2018 & had my account verified, I was on a healing path in my life at that time. So, even though I probably made a post, it went to the wayside as health issues & other pressing matters took precedence. Sometimes, life just gets in the way.

I noticed, as time went on, I felt stuck in my life direction. I had a YouTube channel I was trying to get off the ground as I had found my niche in the spiritual realm with my Oracle Card readings & addressing other esoteric topics. But something was missing...that creative flow...

It wasn't until, a few months later, my dear friend @jongolson "dragged" me back to Steem. By then, he was a full time "Steem boy" as he called himself. He had already been on the blockchain for a year and a half & expressed continued faith that I would be a perfect fit here. And, oh how glad I am that he did. It was the start of a new type of life awakening for me.

With Jon's help & our growing #SteemSavvy community, I immersed myself into the experience completely. I fell in love with the user case of Steem & the immediate support I had from amazing people such as & @thereikiforest. It was almost like I snapped out of the old, tired energy I didn't even realize I was carrying with me.

I knew there was no turning back now...I was changed...

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• My initial challenges & how I overcame them

I was fortunate enough to have the support not every new Steemian has. Having been friends with Jon for years before Steem, he helped me more than I think he realizes. He showed me where to focus on to get me started on the right path as well as encouraged me to explore this new world on my own; find my niche, my calling.

Building momentum in what I was there to do & find the right audience was the most difficult out of everything. I had already been doing this on mainstream social media, such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Even my YouTube channel was established for a bit, even though it had seemed to hit a wall at that time. In some ways, I felt like I was completely starting over.

Even as challenging this was, I felt a renewed hope & excitement that I hadn't felt in a long time. That is when I knew it wouldn't be an obstacle for long. I made a decision to set some goals, but also enjoy the journey as well.

So, I dove in...

• My Steem blockchain knowledge

The crypto part was a bit daunting & even though I studied stock market trading a few years before taking the leap, I didn't feel very educated on the crypto world at all. I was on Steem because of the content creation and engagement. That was in my DNA a lot more than the financial side of things.

But that is when Steem Savvy came in. It helped break down so many parts of the confusing parts of Steem (such as how to set up a Steem account, what the Dapps were & how everything works) & it made me feel much better about going forward in my path. Besides, knowledge is power!

The main thing is I stayed consistent & showed up, even when things got tough...

• My Steem favorites

Believe it or not, this is a tough one for me. There's so much I love about Steem in general. As I mentioned, I love vlogging. When I found Dtube, I knew I found my destiny. I could finally bring my video content to the world. Even with the first video I uploaded, I got PAID & had engagement. That is more than I ever received on YouTube!
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I also love @appics as well as @steempeak. Partiko was the first mobile dapp I used & still like it, even though I wish the people behind it hadn't abandoned it. Now, I use @eSteem more & it is also great!

I love posting videos, photos & blogs about spirituality, animals (especially my cat Timmy) & affiliate marketing. That is to name only a few of my interests. There are so many topics that capture my interest so one never really fully knows what I might post about next! ;)

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• My golden nugget advice

Show up every day! Be consistent in your actions. Never stop learning. Engage, engage, engage & support others.

Most importantly, be true to yourself. I learned this during my time here. Over the weeks into the months, I started to let go of the story I was telling myself. I stopped being afraid of any judgment & having to do what everyone was doing. I let go of the story that I had to keep the spiritual part of me to myself, fearing people wouldn't understand. I knew it was okay to express my authenticity & to sometimes to put my own needs first.

I did this through vlogging what was true for me & turning it into a way to help empower others. @nathanmars #Seven77 challenge really cemented this for me, which eventually led me to birth #2020Vision.

It's like the Field of Dreams movie quote:

"If you build it, they will come!" And they did.... ;)

Only YOU can change your story & you can do this at any time! Me? I found a freedom on Steem I never knew.

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• My Steem hood & its peeps

Known as the Pixie Post, I tend to have pixie magic of my own, discovered in my spiritual awakening which started 5 years ago. So,the spiritual realm is what resides in my heart, but #ctptalk (specializing in affiliate marketing) is my home. Our community/tribe there has amazing people, including @jongolson, @elianaicgomes, @ph1102, @flaxz, & so many more. We all uplift & support one another as a team & in each other's individual endeavors. I could not have made it without them.

I have also come across some other amazing Steemians such as, @thereikiforest, @runridefly, @traciyork, @sergiomendes, etc. There are so many more. I would write 10 more pages if I wrote them all but know you are all loved & appreciated. Each of you have brought such depth to my life.

My #2020Vision family...what can I say? You are all incredible, amazing people & here's another huge thank you to each of you. YOU keep the spirit alive. We got this!

I feel so blessed to be standing here in the light of the future of the Steem blockchain. It's been quite a journey so far!

We are just getting started.... ;)

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Now, it's your turn! I am tagging @jongolson @thereikiforest @bradleyarrow @ph1102 @runridefly @captainbob so you can share your Steem stories. :)

Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By”

The first three tags in order are to be as follows:

ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.

Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
instructions etc.)

Replace the personal photo with one of your own.

Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.

Share your post to twitter.

Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.

Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:

• Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)

• My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)

• My Steem blockchain knxowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)

• My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)

• My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)

• My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)


Click Track Profit



And finally I get to your post.... hahahaha! Only like a million days later!!!!! I am still working my way through the mountain!

It wasn't until, a few months later, my dear friend @jongolson "dragged" me back to Steem.

Glad he did that! :)

be true to yourself. I learned this during my time here. Over the weeks into the months, I started to let go of the story I was telling myself. I stopped being afraid of any judgment & having to do what everyone was doing. I let go of the story that I had to keep the spiritual part of me to myself, fearing people wouldn't understand. I knew it was okay to express my authenticity & to sometimes to put my own needs first.

This is one of the best pieces of advice I have read!

Your passion and positivity is very contagious Jenn :)

Thank you for being a part of this initiative!


Aw thank you so much! I am truly honored you enjoyed the post. It was a lot of fun doing this blog (and the video lmao). It is amazing to see how so many people were inspired by Steem & all of the opportunities & communities within.

Keep doing the amazing work you are doing, @jaynie. You are an inspiration to many!💜

So glad you enjoyed doing it and I think it was great that you decided to vlog it as well - it was a whole new spin on it!

Thank you for the lovely compliment too honey! Hope you are having a super weekend!



🎁 Hi @pixiepost! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: 101 Steem Stories! Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Thanks a lot for the mention Pixie, you are awesome.

Wow what a great and inspirational post and video you have shared @pixiepost, and I am so grateful to know you even better and know your journey here on Steem, you have had a truly amazing journey and touched a lot of people, thanks for being you, it's awesome.

Made in Canva

This post is AWESOME!

Therefore it has been manually upvoted with 100% and resteemed by @thisisawesome, I manually upvote and resteem 1 post per day for the Awesome Daily Spotlight, and I also promote that post on Twitter, and it will be included as the Awesome Daily Spotlight in the Awesome Daily post of today, and it will also be featured in the Awesome Weekly Spotlight that is posted on Sundays.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".


Wow thank you Erik! It was fun doing all of this & made me appreciate my journey & community even more. I am blessed to know you & glad we became closer friends. You are a joy to work with & us Three Musketeers make an awesome team (see what I did there? ;) ). Big hugs & keep being you. 💗🙏🙌

Thank you very much @pixiepost, so three musketeers huh, who's D'Artagnan then? I wish you an awesome weekend, and keep up your great work. 😍😍

LOL! You might have to take that up with @ph1102 🤣🤣 I hope your weekend is amazing 😻😻

That's a great story Jenn! Thank you for sharing it!

You're so welcome, Lisa! I appreciate you reading this! :) It was fun to write & vlog lol

Enjoy reading how members arrived and what has turned them on to stay.

Enjoy reading how
Members arrived and what has
Turned them on to stay.

                 - joanstewart

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you so much for reading this! It is interesting to see what everyone's driving force is. 😄 Have an amazing day! 😊🧚🏻‍♀️

Fantastic stuff my friend :) so what I can pull out of my hat ;)

Thank you! Lol I don't doubt you can do anything, even make pink flamingos fly! 🦚 😊

Thanks for the mention... Nice to meet you, Jenn :)

I'm so grateful that you are a part of my journey!

You're welcome! 😊 Nice to meet you hehe. I feel even more grateful you are in mine. 💗

Thank you for posting your Steem story @pixiepost 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

You are so welcome! Thank you for the support! :)

🎁 Hi @pixiepost! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: 101 Steem Stories! Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.