"The Mosquitoes dPoll" HF21+SPS+EIP proposal. Please, cast your vote!!

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

"The Mosquitoes dPoll" HF21+SPS+EIP proposal. Please, cast your vote!!

Before cast your vote, please click here and read the whole post first. We need very conscious decisions on this issue because we can't afford regrets & remorses. Thank you!!

Once you have read the previous suggested post completely, then, carefully read the options below and select your choice.

"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"


  • 1.- I vote for not allowing automatisms whatsoever anymore. Please, no more Bidbots, no more Trails/Guilds voting votes nor any external AIs of any specie. Only organic votes and Real Human Curators exclusively.

  • 2.- I vote for all the above plus not allow SP delegations of any kind either.

  • 3.- I vote for all the above but I don't mind if SP delegations still can be allowed.

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

  • 5.- I support the HF21+SPS+EIP such as it's specified in the current proposal. Go ahead pals.

  • 6.- I really don't care what 'they' can do. I already have other plans.

  • 7.- I don't have the slightest idea about what HF21+SPS+EIP means.

  • 8.- Nor one nor the other but just the opposite.

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.
  • SPS should be funded from the entirety of the inflation, not just author rewards.
  • EIP will promote delegations to bidbots and bidbots in general
  • EIP will hinder apps like utopian
  • 50/50 is just going back in time, we already changed once, why go back

Thank you very much for your participation on this dPoll and your very welcome vote @ajayyy. :)

With your vote, it's the 6th in a row marking the latest tendency...

Hey head honchos... Don't mess with my current world!!

And thanks for the additional assestments with your comment my friend. :)

Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

Thank you very much for your participation on this dPoll and your very welcome vote @akomoajong. :)

Seems like your choice is the one leading now the survey. ¡Hurrah Conservatism! Yikes!!

Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

Thank you very much for your vote and participation in this dPoll @jeffjagoe. :)

It's indeed well appreciated and very interesting be able to know the opinion of an early member of this Steem Blockchain who certainly has seen many 'things' along three adventurous years.


Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

Thank you very much for your participation on this dPoll and your very welcome vote @southernwolf. :)

Seems like your choice is the one leading now the survey. ¡Hurrah Conservatism! Yikes!!

Lol, it's not so much conservativism as it just... being rationale. Don't rock the boat with a huge hardfork, don't cut author rewards by 25%, don't punish small accounts trying to earn Steem organically, don't try and fund something that only whales and witnesses will use to fund their pet projects... Maybe instead consider things people ACTUALLY want, like SMT's, better UI and marketing for Steemit itself, etc!

Well said mate. I agree with all the points in your 'bulleted' list. :)

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

The Steem community has lost an epic member! Farewell @woflhart!
Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thank you for the heads up @steemitboard. :)

Yeah! 3500 comments looks like a very nice number. Let's go now in pursuit of a more rounded one like 4000!! Hahaha

Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

Thanks for your participation in this survey on dPoll @maxer27. :)

Your vote is highly appreciated. And seems like with yours we have now a nice variety of choices hahaha. Your selection has been one that indeed I didn't expect. };)


Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.

Thank you very much for your participation on this dPoll and your very welcome vote @cityofstars. :)

Seems like your choice is the one leading now the survey. ¡Hurrah Conservatism! Yikes!!

Thanks for contributing to the dPoll content.

You have been upvoted from our community curation account (@dpoll.curation) in courtesy of This Guy... @bluerobo.

Come, join our community at dPoll discord server.

If you want to support dPoll curation, you can also delegate some steem power. Quick steem connect links to delegate:
50SP | 100SP | 250SP | 500SP

Thank you very much @dpoll.curation & @bluerobo for your support.

Expect soon many more content contributions on my part for the dPoll community.


Voted for

  • 1.- I vote for not allowing automatisms whatsoever anymore. Please, no more Bidbots, no more Trails/Guilds voting votes nor any external AIs of any specie. Only organic votes and Real Human Curators exclusively.
  • 6.- I really don't care what 'they' can do. I already have other plans.

Thank you very much for your time to respond to this Poll @abbak7.

Haha, very wise decision taking advantage of the multiple choices on behalf of eloquence. };)

Voted for

  • 4.- I don't like changes. Leave everything exactly as it is working right now.
  • SPS should be funded from the entirety of the inflation, not just author rewards.
  • EIP is bullcrap -> it will promote delegations to bidbots and bidbots in general
  • free flags are going to be the biggest mistake we've ever made; there will be a market for flags and so much flag wars with buying cheap flags

Thank you very much for your time to participate on this Poll @runicar. :)

And evidently, also well appreciated the well thought and relevant additions to the discussion.


Voted for

  • 1.- I vote for not allowing automatisms whatsoever anymore. Please, no more Bidbots, no more Trails/Guilds voting votes nor any external AIs of any specie. Only organic votes and Real Human Curators exclusively.

Thank you very much for taking part of this Poll @akdx. :)

Now seems like we already have two people joining the orchestra. Let's try blow stronger our trumpets & trombones resteeming this dPoll to flood the steemit dance floor with the biggest marine mamals in our ecosystem.

Cheers!! :)

Voted for

  • 1.- I vote for not allowing automatisms whatsoever anymore. Please, no more Bidbots, no more Trails/Guilds voting votes nor any external AIs of any specie. Only organic votes and Real Human Curators exclusively.

Marvellous @russia-btc!! Thanks for counting with your vote on this dPoll mate. :)

And if this is not too much to ask, given your resteeming endeavors, ¿Would you be willing to resteem also this Poll to get more of the little fishes on this pond to express their opinion?


Yes ⚡️✅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your 'choices' do not represent anything like a full spectrum of choices, and your core choice that the poll is obviously designed to steer people toward is not technically feasible.

How will the blockchain distinguish between a vote cast using a JS voting bot versus a vote cast using a JS powered dApp?

The answer to 'paid' votes is to established enough stake-based consensus that they don't belong, and consistently remove their impact from content rewards via downvotes.

Your 'choices' do not represent anything like a full spectrum of choices

Nor is the full spectrum of choices with which nobody else could come up to make a poll about this issue either. Yeah, it's evident that I've my own kinda bias on this matter. But then, who else doesn't have one? };)

and your core choice that the poll is obviously designed to steer people toward is not technically feasible.

¿Are you sure it is not technically feasible? Keep reading and you will know a bit better about feasibilities.

How will the blockchain distinguish between a vote cast using a JS voting bot versus a vote cast using a JS powered dApp?

As simple as implementing a well designed reCAPTCHA or something around these lines will suffice to distinguish between a vote cast using a JS voting bot versus a vote cast using a JS powered dApp?
Why? well, simply because none of them would be allowed to cast a vote unless it's executed by a 'living' entity instead of a brainless & blind automatism.

The answer to 'paid' votes is to established enough stake-based consensus that they don't belong, and consistently remove their impact from content rewards via downvotes.

Well that is only part of the same problem, but basically flour from another sack for the scope of this meek survey. :)

Blockchain. Blockchain. Blockchain. I do not think you know what this means.

As simple as implementing a well designed reCAPTCHA or something around these lines will suffice to distinguish between a vote cast using a JS voting bot versus a vote cast using a JS powered dApp?

So marking 'captcha successful Y/N' as a required field to submit a transaction? What stops a dApp from marking yes and submitting fully automated votes.

This is why I suggested that you read the whitepaper. Your 'technical solution' requires centralization which means it is not technically feasible for a decentralized blockchain architecture.

Blockchain. Blockchain. Blockchain. I do not think you know what this means.

Well, I also think you are misunderstanding what a blockchain means. And most probable you are not understanding what I'm saying nor what a well designed Captcha is either.

So marking 'captcha successful Y/N' as a required field to submit a transaction? What stops a dApp from marking yes and submitting fully automated votes.

It's evident that a simple dumbass Captcha only requiring a mere Y/N response is not of any use. Why anyone would bother to code such nonsense? Obviously, you'd be inclined to program a smarter captcha system with harder riddles to solve to defeat every sort of Bots and undesirable automatisms to solve it. Right?

Just look the thing in this way. When you are logged in into your Steem wallet through your private posting key and you attempt to make a transaction. Aren't you always presented with a new popup asking for your private active key to be able to do it?
Well, as simple as that would be the response required by a 'well designed captcha' to prevent that any Bot, external AI or automatism would be capable to cast a vote.

This is why I suggested that you read the whitepaper.

I've already read the steem white paper many times. And certainly it's also fully memorized in my head despite of all the last changes. ;)

Your 'technical solution' requires centralization which means it is not technically feasible for a decentralized blockchain architecture.

No, my 'technical solution' not necessarily would require centralization at all. But then, it's not that the current steem blockchain is not running under an actual central entity either. Being Stinc the only one with the control and means to develop, modify, change, enhance and revamp the actual core code of this blockchain, this does not mean that we are currently living on a 'decentralized' blockchain architecture & playfield. Hence, their capacity to impose on us without much resistance the ongoing bundle of changes of the HF21+SPS+EIP proposal.

In conclusion, there are many more solutions, mechanisms and code tools to try exclude, excommunicate and get rid of Bots and any brainless/blind automatisms of interacting with this blockchain. The only thing that we lack at the moment is the will to carry the 'experiment' out. };)


My point is that any captcha Austen has to be authenticated. Who does the authentication? Decentralized captcha would require permissioned gatekeepers all running the same captcha system for additional authentication.

Bots interacting with the blockchain do not have authentication popups as you are describing. The password is just another variable the bot uses as an input to submit correctly formatted transactions to the nodes.

If any witness can run the captcha system and certify a transaction as properly captchad, what's to stop a bad witness from verifying transactions without running the captcha system?

No solution that requires centralized permission is going to be approved by the witnesses.

My point is that any captcha Austen has to be authenticated.

That's certainly correct.

Who does the authentication?

Whoever 'we' choose. I guess.

Decentralized captcha would require permissioned gatekeepers all running the same captcha system for additional authentication.

Most probably. Yes!!

Bots interacting with the blockchain do not have authentication popups as you are describing. The password is just another variable the bot uses as an input to submit correctly formatted transactions to the nodes.

Well, I have to admit I'm not too familiar with the Steem CLI. But nonetheless, I suppose should exist a way to keep at bay all sort of Bots & undesirable automatisms from interacting with the blockchain with their blind votes just using a well thought snippet of code. };)

If any witness can run the captcha system and certify a transaction as properly captchad, what's to stop a bad witness from verifying transactions without running the captcha system?

Well, in that case... at least we'll have reduced the list of usual suspects & culprits to whom burn their asses if they act in bad faith.

No solution that requires centralized permission is going to be approved by the witnesses.

Oh! now that's a big truth. And a point where we mostly can agree. :)

#1 is a fantasy, there is no way to implement it in reality. It would be nice, but there is no way on the blockchain level to implement it. A given front end could try something like a CAPTCHA required to post / vote / comment etc., but there is no way to force someone to use a particular front end and even if there were, there are online services that offer to solve CAPTCHAs for extremely cheap prices for huge numbers solved so it wouldn't even prevent automation in that case. Like it or not, bots are here to stay on the web and that will only increase as AI becomes more sophisticated at acting like humans. This isn't a STEEM specific issue of course, the bots are everywhere... :)
