Dots and Loops: The Mixtape ....Avant Synth and Turntablism Release From 2016

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago (edited)

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This is a release from 2016 and it is kind of a weird mix of all loops made on my Loopstation pedal, a combination of synth and drum machines and also some record loops and scratching.

The loopstation is a great pedal and this was made using the Boss RC 30 loopstation, which has 2 tracks of loops you can mix between. I highly recommend that piece of gear for any musician, as you can truly do the whole "one woman band" with it!

It's divided into 3 parts, the second part being the most abstract. You can download it at bandcamp here(for free):

thanks for checking it out, have a tubular day!

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