Solace in solitary

in ThoughtfulDailyPost4 months ago

Peace is priceless and true happiness is matchless. When you can get all these things from within, you will experience true freedom. I have been an introvert all my life which has made me learn to live alone without being lonely. I know we will always need people in life but that doesn't mean we have to live our lives dependable on people.

I can't say I have lived in total solitary because I have had a beautiful family and the most amazing friends. They have been supportive and I wouldn't have been where I am today because of them. I appreciate them in my life but at the end of the day I tend to realize that you will only have yourself and if you have developed yourself to be self-reliant and have found your happiness within, life will be so much easier.

People often confuse loneliness with solitude. But they are quite different. Loneliness is a negative feeling that comes from isolation, but solitude is a state of embracing or finding comfort in your own company.
Solitude helps you to know more about yourself, it improves your mental health and even physical health, it help in self-love practices, personal growth, and so much more.

I have met people who can't do anything without someone else. They seek constant approval before making decisions. One thing that I have realized when you ask family or close friends for advice, their emotional attachment may lead them to prioritize your safety over your growth, unintentionally holding you back from pursuing your true desires. You can't grow unless you learn to listen to yourself and go for what you really want.

I have been living alone since January this year. If you have read my previous post. I have been posted to serve my country in a different state away from home. So I have been staying alone and I don't have a roommate or anybody I could relate with around. this period has allowed me to explore myself develop new hobbies like yoga and meditation, and develop new interests such as reading and listening to podcasts on diverse topics.

Sadly in this jet age, whereby almost everybody is influenced by social media, TV shows, their favorite celebrities, movies, and the internet in general. This has made a lot of people especially young adults and teens live their lives as someone who they are not. It is really hard to know who you are in this chaotic world of social media and influencers. Solitude helps in self-discovery, and not letting other people's opinions, good or bad, overshadow your own.

If you rely heavily on others, here are some tips to find true solace in solitary. One is creating a space you are comfortable in. If you have a nice space or room to stay at home will be easier, to focus on yourself will be much easier; Two, social media detox, leaving without social media for a few days will help you discover your true self; Three, finding a hobby or something fun you love to do; Four, involving in self-discovery and awareness activities. For example, meditation, setting goals, asking self-awareness questions, journaling, and other activities that can help you reconnect with yourself.

In conclusion, solitary is not been boring or not having fun. It is a process of pausing the chaotic external voices and listening to your inner self. Self-discovery will make you know how you feel, your true perspective on things, your likes, your dislikes, and your dream goals without being influenced externally. There is not only solace in solitary, there are a lot more powerful and life-changing benefits in embracing solitude.

Thank you for visiting my blog✨❤️

All images are mine. Thumbnail created using canva


This was an interesting read. Truly, when we ask the people will love for advices, they may want to draw us back because they sense danger in what we want to do or simply because they think we are not yet ready to face it, but that's where we learn and use the lesson where appropriate.

There's a lot to social media, and I don't really fancy it much. Leaving in solitude is super nice, and I love that as well. Just you alone with your thoughts. That's nice.

Thank you, I'm glad you find it interesting to read. Knowing yourself and understanding yourself is very paramount and being solitary helps you develop that

Yeah, it does.

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You are really pretty!!!

Thank you