I can't stop refreshing Coinmarketcap and Coingecko!

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I think I am too involved lately that I can't take my eyes from the prices. Anybody else feels the same?
I can feel that the environment is preparing for the next bull run but I am not sure if it is going to happen. I am afraid to not take profits this time.

Last 2017 I learned the hard way that you have not won anything until you sold and take profits. I am really prepared this time to pull the trigger, but there is the other part of the story...
I don't want to take profits too soon!

I have wrote a couple of posts explaining that I am Dollar Cost Averaging to have a good entry price, I believe that when it is time to take profits I should do the same. I will probably decide a plan and stick with it no matter what.

It should be something like sell X % of my portfolio each Y days.


If you are familiar with a good strategy to take profits I would like to know your experience.

I remember the 2017 old days, they were crazy. Prices were moving 20-30% in few hours and I had a lot of friends asking for advice. This time, if any of my friend starts asking me again for cryptocurrencies I would know that is time to sell!

All this people that seem to ignore the space will come late and will get squeezed by the market. I will play the safe game and keep accumulating while I can.

Today I read a tweet that I enjoyed, it was after the Ethereum pump and it was something like this:

Do you think Ethereum is too expensive? It is almost 70% from All Time Highs!

And that's true.

I am not a huge fan of accumulating Ethereum at 450$ but each week I will get some BTC and ETH no matter what is the price.


Posted Using LeoFinance


We are still inning 3-4 of this baseball game.

This isn't the take off point yet and won't be until bitcoin is pushing 20k. It is good to have some exit points once we get there and be ready for the drop. I don't think it will hit as hard this time as crypto is a lot more developed this time around but if we get a huge bull run there will be a drop after it. I won't sell all bit might have a few exit points when we get up to those prices.

Posted Using LeoFinance

The hard part will be to notice when it is the TOP.
But, I hope to have this problem in the future... hahaha

Posted Using LeoFinance

That's always the hard part. Nobody saw it coming last time around but we are just getting going this time. Maybe around Xmas.

It will be a nice Christmas gift!

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