Exploring the appearance of the new Splinterlands cards: REBELLION

in FreeCompliments7 months ago

Splinterlands has just posted a new post featuring several cards from the Rebellion series. We can see the new designs on display from a sneak peak at some of the cards. In my opinion, the design of the rebellion cards is the most complete in terms of providing information; I also discussed this in my previous post about The design of the Splinterlands rebellion series cards.

Aside from the new design, the appearance and representation of the characters are also improving. The design will entice Splinterlands players to collect it for their combat team.

We'll go over some of the new Rebellion series cards that debuted in the most recent Splinterlands sneak peek.

The first of these is GOLBANO SOLDIER.
From the looks of it, the Rebellion card will feature a Gangster and Mafia series. Because the GOLBANO SOLDIER card theme, with his hat and cigar, resembles a mafia figure. It is classified as a common rarity in the fire element based on its design. The number of cards that must be combined to reach the maximum level demonstrates this. It will use its sneak ability in conjunction with TENYII STRIKER to finish off the enemy from behind.

Then there's the case of INFERNAL FIRESTROM.
It is also included in the fire element with EPIC rarity based on its appearance. It's just that with so much mana point, this card will be used only in large mana battles. This monster's speed, shields, and large health points will allow it to last a long time in battle. Poison fights and earthquakes are examples of fights that drain health points. INFERNAL FIRESTROM will use magic attacks to attack from the rear of the battle formation and defend against sneak attacks by opposing monsters.

The third card in the sneak peek post is ANASTH SOOTHSAYER.
The rarity of this card is RARE. Consider the skill combination. Then ANASTH SOOTHSAYER is a battle support monster. Which will assist the combat team with abilities such as cleaning negative effects, healing, and dispelling. Furthermore, if you combine speed and dodge ability, ANASTH SOOTHSAYER will be difficult to attack. With 6 mana points, this card can be used in large and medium mana battles.

The CHAOS ANIMATOR was the last monster card I discussed.
This is a rebel card that is part of the DEATH element. The benefit of this card is that the mana points are only three. As a result, it can be used in both large and small mana point fights. Because it has the amplify skill, it can help other monsters. Aside from that, when combined with the summoner THADDIUS BROOD, the VOID ARMOR skill becomes even more potent and cannot be penetrated by opposing monsters with a 2-point magic attack. In addition, the REDEMPTION ability will destroy enemy monsters with 2 health points in battle.

Several summoner cards are still visible in the Splinterlands sneak peek post. We'll talk about it another time. However, unlike the previous four Rebellion Series cards, the abilities and skills of this new card will alter the game map in the modern league.

With the addition of the Rebellion series, the excitement of the Splinterlands game will grow. In addition, competition will heat up. That is why, to compete in the world of Splinterlands, players must continue to improve the abilities of their cards.

This concludes my post; for those unfamiliar with the Rebellion card series, this card is the newest series of Splinterlands cards. It will be released beginning on December 5th. There will be 9.5 million rebellion packs available for general purchase. Aside from that, there is a CONFLICTS feature in which players who purchased Rebellion booster packs can stake to receive airdrops during the conflict period. So what are you waiting for? Join the fun of Rebellion right away.

Dot Chaos 1.png

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Didn't know there are already cards sneak peeked. I really adore their design! :D

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