YANNI or LAUREL: WHAT do you hear? And What's Your Gender?]

in #dpoll5 years ago

YANNI or LAUREL: WHAT do you hear? And What's Your Gender?]

it was said that males tend to hear YANNI more while females tend to hear LAUREL more due to physiological difference s


  • I'm male and I hear YANNI

  • I'm male and I hear LAUREL

  • I'm female and I hear YANNI

  • I'm female and I hear LAUREL

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • I'm male and I hear YANNI

Voted for

  • I'm male and I hear LAUREL

Voted for

  • I'm male and I hear YANNI

Voted for

  • I'm male and I hear YANNI

Hi, the tag AAA is for triplea.reviews which is for movie and drama reviews. Please be informed that we are blacklisting accounts that are continued using the AAA tag for irrelevant postings. Thanks



@windenchanter 豆爸 在晴空万里 推着推车 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Voted for

  • I'm male and I hear YANNI