
Off the Chain

Over " More Breweries than Churches" ? Urgh...even though it's not JUST Breweries?

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Off the Chain

It doesn't seem like I can edit my question... So I just wanted to add that the show will be a shoe string version of Parts Unknown meets Fuck that's Delicious!

The first pilot episode is in production now and will likely start filming next week!

The first episode will likely highlight Sandwich House Tres, a Japanese sandwich shop right here in beautiful Bellevue Washington!

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Off the Chain

TY for voting!

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Steemian in Seattle

I'm not in love with either: How about More Breweries than Churches

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I'm not in love with either...

Posted using Partiko Android

What about "More Breweries than churches"

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe you should make a new poll with more options...

Off the Chain