Still trying



This is just a small sculpture on my sister's bookshelf. Nothing special, but it gives a positive feeling. Like an angel coming out of darkness to save you.

I'm not a consistent blogger. I tried to post something everyday and even though I got a good feedback, eventually I stopped posting everyday. This alone is not an important subject matter on its own, but when I look at my life, this pattern repeats it self in other areas too, and that's scary. I guess we all have such a flaw, and it's easy to overlook them and live without fixing them until it's too late. like not caring about that time to time pain in your knee, not brushing your teeth every day, not having a little talk with your friends every week, eating a little bit more than what you need every meal, the list goes on and is different for every person, but I think everybody has one.

But what should we do about these small but repetitive mistakes,is there any other way than suffering now, trying to avoid doing the same mistake, rather than suffering much more later, trying to fix the outcome?

I try to tell my self there's no need for suffering, but let us be honest, this life is meaningless without suffering, not that it should be all suffering, but it's a necessary part of life. Also, if I like the result of a bit of suffering now, I can endure it, but myopia gets in the way, why should I suffer now when it's possible not to? Some should always remind me of the cost. The cost of delaying that suffering, is much more suffering in the future.

Nothing happens if I don't exercise for a week, but if it becomes a habit, then I'll be fat and weak and I'll have a hard time doing my daily routine, and that's not what we want,

So shall we suffer a bit now than a lot later?

All photos are taken by me, except noted.