(ENG/ESP) "INITIATIVE" My goals for January in hive ¦ Mis objetivos para enero en la colmena

in GEMS3 years ago

Banner image taken from Globovision.com

Este día tuve la dicha de leer un articulo, escrito por el Hive'r que mas ha influenciado en mi corta vida acá en Hive, el publico sus objetivos logrados en el mes de diciembre y también sobre sus planes y metas para este mes que acaba de llegar, esta iniciativa me parece bastante interesante, tomar la palabra del compañero @starstrings01 y plantearnos nuestros propios objetivos.

This day I had the pleasure to read an article, written by the Hive'r that has influenced more in my short life here in Hive, he published his objectives achieved in the month of December and also about his plans and goals for this month that has just arrived, this initiative seems to me quite interesting, to take the word of the comrade @starstrings01 and pose our own objectives.

Si quieres echarle un vistazo acá te dejo su post original, el cual esta bastante interesante.

If you want to take a look here I leave you his original post, which is quite interesting.


Yo soy una persona que siempre le ha gustado plantearse metas, por lo general siempre me las propongo a nivel personal, pero esta vez pienso darle un giro y proponerme metas para crecer acá en hive.

I am a person who has always liked to set goals, usually I always propose them on a personal level, but this time I plan to give it a twist and propose goals to grow here in hive.

Este mes también tuve el placer de conocer Leofinance.io, plataforma en la cual tengo bastante fe, y planeo dedicarle un poco de mi tiempo compartido.

This month I also had the pleasure of meeting Leofinance.io, a platform in which I have a lot of faith, and I plan to dedicate some of my time to it.

El día de ayer realice mi primer PowerUp, una dinámica mensual que no conocía, la cual nos beneficia en gran manera en la comunidad, la verdad es que mi aporte no fue muy grande, solo pude realizar un encendido de 40Hive, pero para ser mi primer PowerUp me sentí muy contenta de haberlo realizado, aparte de recibir una linda medalla por parte de HiveBuzz.

Yesterday I made my first PowerUp, a monthly dynamic that I did not know, which benefits us greatly in the community, the truth is that my contribution was not very large, I could only make a 40Hive ignition, but for my first PowerUp I was very happy to have done, apart from receiving a nice medal from HiveBuzz.

Pero ahora todo ha cambiado, me siento un poco mas preparada y quiero lograr mas, se que mi crecimiento acá ha sido lento, pero de igual manera como dicen "lento pero seguro".

Mis objetivos para este mes aunque son humildes se que me beneficiaran en gran manera.

But now everything has changed, I feel a little more prepared and I want to achieve more, I know that my growth here has been slow, but just as they say "slow but sure".

My goals for this month, although humble, will benefit me greatly.

Metas ¦¦¦ Goals

1.- Duplicar mi Hive Power (HP) actual, después del PUD logre llegar mi HP a 400, poco pero en ascenso, espero terminar el mes de enero con ese monto duplicado.

2.- Quiero participar activamente en Leofinance.io y espero llegar a finales de mes por lo menos a 100 LeoPower.

3.- Como tercer punto, quiero ayudar a esos nuevos Hiver's que me encuentre, y apoyarlos en todo lo posible, es algo personal, ya que cuando empece acá no tuve apoyo de nadie, y me fue bastante difícil empezar a crear contenido ya que no disponía de RC, por eso siempre que veo la oportunidad de apoyar a esas personitas que van llegando sin apoyo, les seguiré brindando un poco de apoyo como siempre lo hago, bien sea guiándolos o prestando un poco de mi HP, para que su inicio sea mas sencillo.

1.- Double my current Hive Power (HP), after the PUD get my HP to 400, little but rising, I hope to end the month of January with that amount doubled.

2.- I want to participate actively in Leofinance.io and I hope to reach at least 100 LeoPower by the end of the month.

3.- As a third point, I want to help those new Hiver's that I find, and support them as much as possible, is something personal, because when I started here I had no support from anyone, and it was quite difficult to start creating content because I had no CR, so whenever I see the opportunity to support these people who are coming without support, I will continue to provide a little support as I always do, either by guiding them or by lending a little of my HP, so that their start is easier.

Quizás para muchos mis metas acá son poco ambiciosas, pero aun me falta conocimiento en tantos temas referentes a la BlockChain, pero cada día aprendo un poco mas.

Perhaps for many my goals here are not very ambitious, but I still lack knowledge in so many subjects concerning the BlockChain, but every day I learn a little more.

  • La imagen del banner fue editada con la aplicación Photoshop CS6| The image of the banner was edited with the Photoshop CS6 application

  • Los divisores fueron realizados con Photoshop | The dividers were made with Photoshop

  • Traducido con www.DeepL.com | Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Los Tejos

Los Tejos


Nice.. I'm glad to see you partake in this initiative to leave goals for the month. It helps a lot. Since you use peakd, you should pin the post to your blog.

See mine below

Muy bien.. Me alegra ver que participas en esta iniciativa de dejar metas para el mes. Ayuda mucho. Puesto que usas peakd, debes anclar la publicación a tu blog.

Vea el mío a continuación.


Muchas gracias 🙂

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

El propósito de establecer metas es darle una dirección y no perderse mientras está en un viaje. Creo que lograrías tus objetivos.

By the way, I am @starstrings01 and I've chosen this post for 100% curation in Hive Cross Culture's curation project.
• You will receive a percentage of the rewards from our curation post.
• And this post would be featured in our next weekly digest article.

Hive Cross culture is a community for conversation about culture. This can be national, local, community, or personal culture, subculture or your ideas about culture, language posts etc. We also invite and support bilingual posts, and are searching for ways to support and grow the local communities on Hive. Come join us in our discord chat if you are interested!

Estoy segura ,así será.💜

Bella iniciativa que nos compromete aun mas a los que recibimos este apoyo,Dios los bendiga y que todo se les multiplique para que la cadena siga

Así es Mari ,este año vendrán muchas cosas para todos.💜

All of you that are writing this really have a huge heart and every single one of these posts that I come across makes me to want to know more about you all.

I like the fact that you summoned courage to write about what you have to achieve by the end of the month and I really pray that God will help you to achieve all this.

Unlike you, I can't boldly write any of these but I can only wish that I would be able to outline these goals one day. I'm just a newbie here and I'm trying to familiarise myself with the platform before completing my first week as a Hiver

Well Done

At first I was also afraid to express myself, until I said no more, I began to write how my words came out and I was losing that fear, I'll give you some advice, when you write something write it for yourself, as if only you would read it, and so you will be able to develop, I know you will achieve it, my friend, I wish you a lot of luck.

Woww... Thanks for sharing this experience with me

I really appreciate it and I hope to learn a lot from everyone of you throughout my stay here.

Anything, don't hesitate to ask me.