(ESP/ENG) #TheDadChallenge ||| Mi primer amor y mi gran orgullo | My first love and my great pride

in Motherhood3 years ago

Hola hermosa comunidad el día de hoy me uno al #TheDadChallenge que promueve @Motherhood, habla de mis padres es el punto clave, mis padres para mí son lo más importante y desde siempre ha sido así, yo adoro a mis papás y su opinión para mi es lo más importante siempre, hoy les hablaré de una persona que es pieza clave en mi vida mi padre "mi gordo", yo me siento agradecida y afortunada de ser su hija.

Hello beautiful community today I join the #TheDadChallenge that promotes @Motherhood, talk about my parents is the key point, my parents for me are the most important and has always been so, I love my parents and their opinion for me is always the most important, today I will talk about a person who is key in my life my father "my fat", I feel grateful and fortunate to be his daughter.

Comenzaré diciendo que es el mayor de 4 hermanos, tres hombres y una mujer, mi abuela enviudo hace 22 años y mi papá por ser su hijo mayor paso a ser el hombre de la familia, mis tíos hombres se fueron del país y quedó mi papá solito con mi abuela y mis tías, ya aquí no tenemos casi familia y todas las que quedamos, somos mujeres (las hijas de mis tíos que están en EEUU, mis tías, mi abuela, mi hermanas, mamá y yo), mi papá es es único hombre y es el consentido por todo este mujerero.

I will begin by saying that he is the oldest of 4 siblings, three men and one woman, my grandmother died 22 years ago and my dad, being her oldest son, became the man of the family, my male uncles left the country and my dad was left alone with my grandmother and my aunts, we have almost no family here and all that remain are women (the daughters of my uncles who are in the US, my aunts, my grandmother, my sisters, mom and me), my dad is the only man and is the spoiled by all this womanizer.



Es una persona que no habla mucho, solo lo necesario, tiene afición por la mecánica ve mucho programas en la TV como locos por los autos, nunca ha tenido vicio, le encanta que lo consientan con comida, a pesar de que no le guste hablar mucho con las personas, mi hermana y yo desde muy pequeñas nos adaptamos a su personalidad y le hablábamos demasiado, le empezamos a dar confianza y a contar todo lo que nos pasaba incluso si nos pretendía algún muchacho y el se convirtió poco a poco en mi confidente y yo en su confidente, nos contamos todo hasta el sol de hoy, yo amo a mi papá a tal modo que puedo sacarme una cucharada de la boca por dársela a el.

He is a person who does not talk much, only what is necessary, he is fond of mechanics, he watches a lot of programs on TV like crazy about cars, he has never had a vice, he loves to be spoiled with food, even though he does not like to talk much with people, my sister and I adapted to his personality from a very young age and we talked to him too much, We started to give him confidence and to tell him everything that happened to us, even if a boy was coming on to us, and little by little he became my confidant and I became his confidant, we tell each other everything up to this day, I love my dad so much that I can take a spoonful out of my mouth to give it to him.



Mi papá padece de una enfermedad que quizás muchas personas padecen, el tiene en el corazón algo congénito, que hace que le de arritmias cardíacas, el nunca se ha podido operar, primero no había especialista y luego se agravó el problema del país, a medida que pasan los años las arritmias para el son más seguidas y como quien dice tiene los días contados, a veces en un mes le dan hasta 3 episodios, así que yo trato de aprovecharlo al máximo, tuve la oportunidad de darle una nieta y la disfruta siempre que puede, es un hombre amoroso, buena gente, educado, nunca le escucharás diciendo una mala palabra, lo primero para el es la familia y así nos enseñó, sus frases célebres "el que persevera alcanza", "el que no agarra consejos no llega a viejo", "los hijos son prestados", siempre nos dice eso, mi papá es un ser especial, no es un hombre exigente, es independiente totalmente, le encanta arreglar sus carros tiene 3 camionetas y un auto, el dice que son sus princesas.

My dad suffers from a disease that perhaps many people suffer from, he has something congenital in his heart that causes cardiac arrhythmias, he has never been able to be operated, first there was no specialist and then the country's problem worsened, as the years go by the arrhythmias for him are more frequent and as they say his days are numbered, sometimes in a month he has up to 3 episodes, so I try to make the most of it, I had the opportunity to give him a granddaughter and he enjoys it whenever he can, he is a loving man, good people, educated, you will never hear him saying a bad word, the first thing for him is the family and that is how he taught us, his famous phrases "he who perseveres achieves", "he who does not take advice does not get old", "children are borrowed", he always tells us that, my dad is a special being, he is not a demanding man, he is totally independent, he loves to fix his cars, he has 3 trucks and a car, he says that they are his princesses.



Le gusta la fotografía, es fanático de Marco Antonio Solís, Vicente Fernández, es cinéfilo, conoce cualquier dato de los actores de Hollywood y su género favorito es de acción. Mi papá y mi mamá tienen 32 años juntos más de la mitad de su vida dedicados a sus hijas, nos sentimos muy afortunadas de ser parte de ellos y agradezco cada día de mi vida por compartir con un hombre tan maravilloso como mi papa.

He likes photography, is a fan of Marco Antonio Solis, Vicente Fernandez, is a movie buff, knows all the facts about Hollywood actors and his favorite genre is action. My dad and my mom have 32 years together, more than half of their life dedicated to their daughters, we feel very fortunate to be part of them and I am grateful every day of my life to share with such a wonderful man like my dad.

mi papá es joven, tiene 52 años y ya está hasta jubilado, comenzó a trabajar a los 18 años y a los 20 nací yo, nunca ha sido un mal padre, me ha dado todo lo que ha podido y yo le regalé dos títulos, mucho respeto y una nieta.

my dad is young, he is 52 years old and even retired, he started working when he was 18 and when I was 20 I was born, he has never been a bad father, he has given me everything he could and I gave him two degrees, a lot of respect and a granddaughter.

Recursos Utilizados | Resources Used

  • La imagen del banner fue editada con la aplicación Photoshop CS6| The image of the banner was edited with the Photoshop CS6 application

  • Las imágenes del divisor y semanario de preguntas, fueron tomadas de la comunidad Motherhood | The images of the divider and weekly questionnaire were taken from the Motherhood

  • Traducido con www.DeepL.com | Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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