Who are POOR?

in Reflections8 months ago

Festival time is a good time for family get together and lots of chit chat. As we celebrated Dusshera festival yesterday, the entire day was quite chaotic with celebration, greeting people and meeting various relatives. We had a good get together in the evening with every family member coming at one place. We had good little conversation with each other and one such conversation really made some interesting points. It was about poor people of the society. But who actually are poor?

One those who have everything or one who does not have much??


Many people are in a habit of dividing the society in two groups rich vs poor. Rich are rhe wealthier section while poor are those having no or limited source of income.

In someway, the evening conversatiom was related to me considering my situation over last couple of years since I left job. This is the new ongoing trend in the society thst people have high regard and respect for person having lots of money while they have a difderent perception for those having less or no source of income. They are considered to be poor or in a way they form a different section in the society.

Though there was "no" disrespect of any kind from the family in my situation, they always stand together. But somewhere at the back of the mind the relatives assume my condition to be of poor.

I had also been to same thought process few years ago while I was deriving handsome salary through my job. But all my assumption failed once I seen the other side of the story. After spending time in village and seeing some worst condition of the village poor section. It seems that the poorness are not the one who have less but those who have more. For me

Poor are not the person who has little but who always wants more

After being in both the section of society for good amount of time, I think the poor are more wealthier than the richer. There are many instances where the poor people outclass the richer. Not in terms of money or wealth but in terms of their attitude and approach towards their life.

Sharing, Caring & Love

I have seen the poor even sharing their only piece of bread with a needy one. Even if you make a surprise visit at unwanted time, you will definitely pleased to get their hospitality with limited means. They might not treat you with expensive cookis or meals but whatever they offer, it was from bottom of the heart full of warmth and pure love and respect.
But in contrast such was not in the case of richer. I have seen their completelly opposite approach. If you make a surprise visit you will see the formal approach even they have all the resources. They hesitant to make you any kind of offer.

More & more

The rich people can always be seen asking for more and more. Even though they have everything their wishes for more never stopped. From property to bank balances to jewellery to other materialistic things. They are never satisfied with what they have. They always seen running for more, always in a rush, no time to meet people no time to free people. They live in a completelly makeshift home of own.

Less is enough

The poor are happy with what they have. Their happiness are much better than the richer. They do not have high expectations or high demands like the rich. They are quite content with what they have. One thing that I find them always asking was not to get into any kind of trouble. They no such things will destroy they livelihood. Trouble spoils everything.

Though the richer enjoy some special priviliages in the society it was poor are living a meaningful life in their own zone.

What are your opinion and assumption about poor people?

Whom you consider poor?

Have you ever disrespected any poor?

It is not necessary that the person who unable to meets their daily ends meet are actually the poor. Sometime the rich also seems to beg for more.

Will be interesting to learn some #opinion through #engagement and #feedback


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is a very good reflection about poor and rich. Yes people look people who has a lot of money rich and those who have less is poor but if we look at other side, the poor is rich and rich is poor.

Poor becomes rich when it comes to true friendship,family ties,contentment and being grateful for what we have.

Those who always keep.wanting are poor...rich are never satisfied with what they have .....while poor always enjoy with little they have....

Yes that's true...

This is such a beautiful perspective on the concept of rich and poor. The part were you said that the poor are wealthier than the rich ring true in my opinion. Because the whole term of "poor and rich" is very subjective but it's true that it stems first off from the mind.

I think it is us who brought this difference in the society...not all richer are arrogant but it was due to some that spoil this section....any poor has nothing to do..they live rheir own life happily

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Nicwme thought @steemflow especially in india, people are respected as per salary, people are so narrow minded here, they will only see as you left your job but nobody will see the hardwork, reason behind it....