Over the last week, I think I have been about as unproductive as I have been on Hive for the last three years and it is a strange feeling. I feel lazy and disconnected from what is going on here and I assume that is what a lot of people might feel a lot of the time, especially those who just post and run for reward and spend their time elsewhere.
Have you noticed how I and most people have maintained consistency in their timeline with Hive? We talk about it as if Hive has always been here, even though it is barely three months old. This is great and should be a warning for the future, a blockchain community can not only migrate over to a fork seamlessly, they can backdate their own perception of history and maintain timeline consistency. It is quite an interesting concept and while the consistency remains, so too does the immutable history of what is available. I wonder how many time "Steem" is mentioned on this blockchain and, I wonder how long it will take before it is surpassed by "Hive".
While I hope that Hive is going to be one of the few lasting projects that pull through toward mass adoption of crypto and blockchain, there are definitely no guarantees in this and it is going to require more than market pumps to get there. Hopefully some of the applications will get funded by the DAO, though that is up to the larger stakeholders - exchange listings and wallets are great, but we also need demand for what Hive offers and gateways are only one side of that.
What I definitely think needs to happen is better communication about what is going on in the backend, something that Stinc was heavily criticized for not doing well. There is only a small group of people who seem to know much about things like the backend development and the upcoming hardfork 24, and most of the community are nearly completely blind. This is a big issue in many ways but one of the largest is from a community awareness perspective as when there is communication about important updates like Hardforks, it generates spin off material, a mass of commentary, discussion and speculation on what will happen - this is the kind of hype that gets people invested in the community itself.
Communication is key for a healthy community to function and it is also what brings people into the loop who might not have taken an interest earlier. Without the various lines of communication, members drift away from each other as the Hive blockchain is the common thread that ties all of us together. It doesn't matter who you are or what reason you are here for, if you are interested in having some kind of greater value from Hive in the future, you should be learning about how things work and joiining the discussions - but without content to discuss, there is no forum to talk about it, especially for the ordinary user who spends their days posting and commenting on the blockchain.
There is no Stinc here now, which means there is no central point of "contact" and "information" which means, it has to be community sourced and more importantly, community spread. Information has to be pushed out to all the many arms and legs of the blockchain so that when important things happen, people aren't taken by surprise because they failed to read an obscure technical post from someone they don't know to follow.
While people don't like Hive content, for investment to happen and people to deepen their understanding, it is necessary to have and it needs to be as decentralized as the community itself is - lots of sources pushing it out to their followers, so while there may be overlap, the coverage is good and relatively consistent. Information spread is important and valuable for the development and retention of any community to remain a community. When people feel they are in the dark, they will gravitate like moths to whatever light there may be - those lights should be on the blockchain - those lights should brighten the entire city.
Anyway, I don't want to get too deep into this now, but hopefully the communication level picks up and there is more open discussion that the community itself can participate in and learn about what is happening andd where we are headed. I am glad that over the last few days, @blocktrades has added more clarity in what they are dealing with, but I think that there should be a far greater spread of information leaking out, if only to give the community something to discuss amongst ourselves.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Those who participate in Hive may have a dream. If Hive can be a lasting project, I hope it becomes an extra income during my retirement which would be about less than 20 years down the road. If we are like the early adopter of this and Hive becomes as popular as facebook and instagram, hive can never disappear and the serious content creators may have established a nice foundation on Hive then. Dream may push us forward so it is nice to have a dream and let it become reality. !tip
This would be nice, wouldn't it? by that time, Hive could have hundreds of thousands of users able to get a decent additional income from it :)
It is worth the risk of effort and investment in my opinion, as "success" is not just a personal position here, it includes the success for many.
tokens.I think we are starting to poke at the uncomfortable edges of the fact that decentralization's Achilles Heel is precisely... decentralization. There's no "queen bee" to make decisions and announce new things. It's like having an ant colony with all workers and no queen.
Back on Steem, the only place I ever felt "informed" was when @Steemchiller was funding his own way to developing SteemWorld.org, and would consistently post weekly updates as to what he was working on, right then. I knew way more about what was happening with SteemWorld than what was happening with Steem. Irony of the day? SteemWorld was NOT open source... and yet it was one of the better built and maintained dApps...
I think there are many that idealize decentralization without being willing to honestly evaluate and address its weaknesses. Hereunder... a lot of people are working hard and building good things, yet few seem to know what anyone else is doing, and what's happening in the broader sense.
Which leaves us considering the possibility that someone has to be "in charge" of communication, which is a centralized sort of idea... BUT... don't we have to sometimes consider functionality ahead of ideals?
I don't have any ready answers, here. Maybe a single "newsreel" account, and if you have DAO funding, you get the posting keys and your funding is dependent on keeping a certain update schedule?
Pity he turned into a bit of a thieving toss :)
Decentralization has a problem in this regard for sure - but at this level it shouldn't be too hard to get a few updates out and get people talking at least.
The people funded by the DAO should be updating more.
Maybe it's something that needs to be added to the code as part of a future hardfork: "Your DAO funding is contingent on a public weekly project update."
I don't know if it could even be done... but there's just the subtle subtext of "something for nothing" running through certain segments of this project...
Yeah, I don't know what would be a decent process for checks and balances, but there should be something. Development takes time of course, but a little communication goes a long way.
tokens.'but hopefully the communication level picks up and there is more open discussion that the community itself can participate in and learn about what is happening and where we are headed.'
Couldn't agree more.
For example: this morning I found out that 10 out of the (currently) top 20 witnesses is powering down "surprising" amounts (as Boomy called it in a comment in my previous post).
Like I already stated, everybody has the right to do with his stake whatever he likes. But with me, and I'm sure lots of others, this raises serious questions.
Continuously powering down big amounts doesn't help the value of Hive rising, not to speak about attracting new people.
Lots of other things happening (in the "background") here I presume, but besides @blocktrades indeed, hardly any updates. Furthermore it would be nice if updates about development, hf's etc. are gonna be written in a way that also a layman can understand.
Really 10? That is a pity. I know some might have reasons for it - but 10 is a lot.
Communication has to be improved, even if they hire someone to do just that. Perhaps that might be a good use for a couple hundred HBD a day through the HDF - but hire some kind of professional.
tokens.thI try to follow and keep up, I know there is a Hard Fork coming soon, however @hiveio has not had a post out since June 9 about the upcoming Hardfork. I drop in the Hive discord on occasion and sometimes can see mention of the HF, but no real links to it. Nothing for the tag #hf24. So yes finding information out about the upcoming hardfork for Hive is not an easy task at all. A couple of links:
Hive Devs Community Still active and with information on the HF.
and of course @hiveio account, not so active, but somewhat so.
It shouldn't be anywhere near this hard to find information on what is important updates that affect the entire community.
OfficialI agree, and @hiveio is supposed to be the account, yet no significant updates, very little information, and I really don't like discord to much. I did get to watch 2 of the youtube discussion from the dev team led by @howo, but I have not seen any other post concerning those every other week video chats, and like @hiveio those video chat updates stopped about a month ago.
A little bit more would go a long way.
tokens.I kind of touched optimistically on of some of what you brought up here in my last post. You mentioned Hive vs. Steem and how long it may take to have a complete replacement of sentiment. I am curious why the posts for Hive still post over there. I am almost done taking my Steem out and fully powering down and I go through the trending page and just watch their posts go down in value as i vote. It seems there are many things to iron out and i do appreciate what ALL the devs are doing and have done to get us all here now. It isn't easy work and on the front end i think many folks take for granted the slaving FOR the system that goes on behind the scenes or a big reason why many of them don't have time to enjoy the creation their contributions help build and run. Thanks for being as consistent as you have been, especially now all things considered! I know that you personally have helped the community grow. I could be wrong but I feel this could be the beginning stages of an era of greatness!

Posted Using LeoFinance
Some people are still over there taking out Steem as they have autovoters and friends - I stopped posting there a while ago, because after running my experiments, I just couldn't debase myself further in my own eyes.
I am glad the devs are working, but for the community to function, there needs to be cross-communication. A lot of the most important things people learn are conversations underneath blockchain posts.
Yeah, I am not anti Steem.... people bled and sweated to create it. It's not their fault the Sun set over there! I hope that the cross-communication goes smooth and those over there decide to come to the Light! hahaha If i was wearing a hat... it would be off for the folks behind the scenes that makes it all possible. I know the future is looking pretty bright based on the plans in the works!
Yeah, I think people should either retire steem totally or, rape it for all its worth :D
Looking forward to some more dev on Hive and some more apps coming into the space.
Techno Viking approves Pillage and Plunder initiative!

tokens.Your “unproductive” phase is way more productive than most of us on a good day. 😅
Fair :)
tokens.Maybe it is a sign I should do more in real life... :)
I've been busy with family stuff and wasn't reading as much as I should have but now that you've mentioned, it's too silent here.
Looks like the fight is over and so is the communication.
Yes, they should hire a technical communication professional through the DAO for this. A post a week shouldn't be too hard to manage.
I must admit I would like to know what is going on. This involves all of us and knowing is kind of confidence building. I normally find out things through you and your posts so if you are not sure then we need to know.
Confidence, feedback, buzz, twitter content, spread, lowering FUD.... the list goes on.
It's a fair point that some of the 'quieter' devs are not so well known (due to not posting much) to the creating community, and so it could be quite easy to miss an influential update.
Perhaps the hiveio account or something similar could reblog anything put out by those working away?
Whatever it is, it should be very easy for a user of pretty much any level to find the latest discussions without having to chase all over the blockchain.
I thought it was a feeling of mine! I feel that there is much dispersion, rumour, and even disunity. Nothing to do with what was happening at first! That you could feel a teamwork, camaraderie, communication. If you feel like that, @tarazkp, that you can have relationships at a higher level, imagine the misinformation that can exist among the smaller "bees". Hopefully they will read your words. Greetings
Y>that you can have relationships at a higher level, imagine the misinformation that can exist among the smaller "bees".
This is precisely the issue. I am not entirely clueless about this place, but I do feel quite outside at the moment and I know plenty of people similar who also have very little idea of what is going on at all. Those little bees build nests too in time, if they feel at home.
There a punishment for this...
lol, what a gif... :D
I figured NSFW wasn't necessary...
Yep I usually feel lazy and disconnected from what's going on here. Commenting can be hard work sometimes XD
I couldn't make a lot of sense out of your opening sentence. If you meant you haven't done a lot on here recently well you're kind of renovating a house and that's kind of exhausting and while you might feel like your brain needs the reodering that you get from writing your body is probably going nup dun care slep xD aka don't feel bad, it seems like you're still making daily posts and that's still a stupid amount of dedication XP
I mean some lusers can't even get a weekly one out
I meant I haven't done much here - struggling a bit everywhere this week - far too spread :)
The insane ;P
I've lost track too of what is going on since couple of months ago as everything seemed to slow down after the split and many went silent. Sometimes it seems that it is not considered necessity to keep the general public in the loop. Maybe I am wrong. As everyone hangs in the back end chats and keeps working away. The most informational events for me have been the Town Hall events in PAL as it seems people there are a lot more active with letting others know what's up and while decentralized people still can come together there and tell what they have been working on. But like I said, I have lost track and dunno if those are still happening there. Probably are.
If only we had a public place we could post stuff and it could be trusted ;D
I try to keep up, but there is very little that makes anything clearer and I end up trying to piece bits and pieces together from all over the place and through private discussions. I am mostly lost :D
I jut came out of retirement and only know since yesterday that Hive exit. I still got a LOT of catching up to do before I look into what i happening in the future. How have you been, buddy?
I saw you were back - welcome :)
It has been an interesting 2020 so far on chain and off with ups and downs all over the place - but still soldiering on.
Things with you?
Had quite the troubled time for the past 2 years, but I am slowly getting back on my feet.
🎁 Hi @tarazkp! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @fun2learn!
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
Hmm. The fact that you post at least twice a day ( and not just rants but thought provoking insights on life) and still feel unproductive says alot. It's not easy this 'finding balance' of a thing. I believe in more communication so as to help the newbies such as myself make informed decisions. I also have the dream of Hive being in the same rank with Facebook and the likes. Thank you for this.