The quality of you

in OCD3 years ago

The best thing about having a stroke...

Yeah, there really aren't so many great things associated with having a stroke, but there are ways to "look on the bright side" of things and take from the experience what there is to take. So far, there are a few things that come to mind as to what has been okay.

  • Friends visit
  • My wife is slightly less demanding
  • There is very little schedule
  • Less housework
  • Can sit in a café in the middle of the day
  • Time to Hive
  • People bring chocolate

It is funny when people talk to me, as they are always kind of searching my face and words for signs of dysfunction, weighing what I say differently. It is understandable and so far, I can hold my own in normal discussions, although I struggle when pushing into my normal discussions. It is going to take some time.


Writing is interesting too, as I know my "writing self" very well under many conditions and this is a new condition, but it is one that hinders my ability to evaluate myself a bit. It takes me longer to write and I make more typing errors (which means many, many), but functionally, it is okay. The main issue is being able to hold my concentration and keep my thoughts on track, as I am generally a freewriter who looks to meander through thoughts, but hold a common thread. It is now harder to pull thing together and intertwine concepts and thoughts into something relatively coherent. Coherent for me, possibly you.

Proofreading is something I normally just do on the fly as I go, rather than do after I finish, but I should probably attend more to this, but it further breaks my flow of delivery. Luckily, I don't care that much about whether something is grammatically correct or not. I also don't care that much about formality, which is why I shape my sentences more like my mind - loose and conversational.

Many people talk about quality of content, which is a very misunderstood concept on Hive I think, because most don't seem to consider what form the content takes. Comparing a personal blog to a scientific research paper just doesn't work, and then it has to be considered from other factors too. For example, I think we have all seen visually impressive movies with brilliant 3D animation - but the story line has been a basic and valueless clusterfuck.

On Hive, there is also a lot more to "quality" than the content itself, as this is a social marketplace, which means like it or not, quality of character also matters. This doesn't mean that highly rewarded means good person, it just means that people consider the person they are rewarding, not just the content. It doesn't matter if the content is good, bad, truthful or a lie meant to deceive the audience into believing something knowingly false - if some people "like" the person, they will reward it. Or, people will reward something that fits their preexisting belief system.

For me, I don't have to worry about quality of content in regards to the community, because I approach it from the perspective of myself. It is like an artist of sorts - if you care about what you do, why would you do shit work? I don't have to try to get to a minimum standard in order to pass judgement of the audience, I need to get to a standard that I am happy with, which is generally pretty high, depending on how I am feeling.

Currently, I am more critical of myself, but also more forgiving once I have judged, as I understand that my mind is not anywhere near the condition of normal and, it may never be where it was again. So now it is about finding the current potential and working toward developing a new normal. Hopefully, that new will be even better than the old, but that is very optimistic and also knowingly unlikely, given the current baseline.

Yet, I think in this regards it is better to aim high and fall a little short, than aim low and reach it. Too often we might do what we know we can do, because we are scared of the possible failure, rather than stretching ourselves out to see what we can actually do.

In a few weeks the Olympics will start and I am "seriously" considering getting a new and larger TV so that I can watch a lot of it. I love the Olympics, because there are people doing a lot of relatively small sports very well. They didn't do it for the fame or fortune, as for many of those sports, there is very little financial incentive. But what there is, is the incentive to be the best at something, to be one of the most highly skilled in the world.

My favorite moments of all Olympics and sports in general is when the unexpected happens, when the rank underdog, the unknown wins. It is part of the victory of rising to the challenge, but for me, it is the understanding of all of the hurdles overcome just to be there in the first place. The Olympics is a collection of thousands of athletes' and their families' personal victories over their worlds, pooled together into a mass. Millions upon millions of hours over the space of lifetimes - all looking to be the best the can be.

I think there is beauty in it.

One thing that is common to all humans is, we all face challenge and we each have the ability each day to do our best to meet it, no matter who we are, what we have, our background or what others think of us.

There are many ways to consider quality.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Regarding the content in the hive, I will tell you what I have analyzed, there are very interesting posts, but they do not have votes or very few, the reason, all this moves like a family, you have 200 followers, but the faithful 15 or less, so I It seems that the important thing is to keep your followers and follow those who collaborate with you, it is as they say, unity is strength, empathy plays a very important factor as well as loyalty, although you place a cat, if you are loyal,you will have a good backup
take care of yourself

It is true that it is like a family, but the interesting thing I have seen is that people have come in as strangers and become family. In general, it takes being a human, something that a lot of people on the internet apparently are unable to be :)

There are a lot of people who's primary goal is money on Hive, but there is also a growing group of people that like the social side of Hive, so building that relation with people you like and people that comment on your post are becoming a much more important factor on Hive.


Sorry to hear about your stroke, that must be awful to go thru. I hope you get a full recovery. I can't fully relate but I did recently get covid/pneumonia and it did leave long term damage including brain fog and other physical issues. It's frustrating but keep trying and it will slowly get better. Do your best and just focus on one foot in front of the other, maybe you will fully recover, maybe you will have a new normal to adapt. One thing is for sure, you are still here and everyday you wake up on the right side of the dirt is a blessing. To a fast recovery.

He's probably playing on it...You know, the man-flu scenario.

You are such a kind brother to him he must have been lucky growing up big bro G-Dog!!! Taraz Should EMA you...then again maybe not with the stroke, I will do it on his behalf (and mine) :D

Lol...Yeah, brothers.

Read my post I'll put up tomorrow about the great peanut buttering of 1982 and you'll see what I put up with from my older brother. I have to pay it forward to the younger siblings.

In truth I was very worried, but he's sort of ok so making a joke should be acceptable. I hope. If he downvotes my comment you'll know it was not ok.

Look at you getting enough exercise pushing your luck! Well, I was the older sibling so I can relate to your older brother. Younger siblings are the test subjects.

I would imagine you were since you both live so far apart. Might be too soon for jokes but I guess you will find out. My neighbor had a stroke, well 2 within a week. We have been checking on him but he's too proud to ask for help. We have been going to hangout a few hours a day to make sure he's ok. I wish I knew how to be more helpful in this situation.

Might be too soon for jokes but I guess you will find out.

I've spoken with him every day, voice chats, I think it's ok to joke. If not...I'm in trouble. I'm lucky he is not yet EMA-proficient.

Oops, forgot to say...Yeah, some are too proud to ask for help. I'm a little like that so I get it.


I'm sure you are being there as much as possible, I like trolling you a little.

and everyday you wake up on the right side of the dirt is a blessing.

I don't get into politics ;D

Yeah, it is a weird experience for sure, but also since I am here, may as well see where it leads. It might bring some welcome changes to life too :)

Had you only made the opening sentence the title... I read your list of pro's out loud to my wife. We both got a good laugh out of it. Good one.

It is a weird experience - may as well enjoy some of it :)

I told my boss I had a stroke today, thought it might get me out of doing my end of financial report (financial year finished a couple days ago). It did not. I've decided it's a shit excuse.

Like telling your boss stroke me only different.

Not something I'd feel comfortable doing, bit I know a few who would.

Never my choice words either. Reminds me of a story..

Dating a chick awhile back, her dad's an electrical contractor. Always asking me to come work for him, I always said no. "No thanks. Thank you but no thanks." Finally one day I said, Lawrence, I'll never work for someone I can't tell 'get fucked!'

Haha! That's gold. What was his response?

I forget his exact response now but he understood. We got along great after that and he never asked me again.

You need to twitch more

Lol...I do that already so they see that as normal.

Thanks for posting this info, it's very interesting to hear the post-event scenario. While I know everyone's experience is different, it's somehow encouraging to hear more after stories. I'm at risk, more so in the past year when the high blood pressure started spiking more, and heart rate higher than normal (now on beta-blocker too). It was difficult for me to get on the meds, I tried for a year to avoid them to no avail. Now of course, I always wonder, what if I forget the meds? In fact, recently did forget them on a short 3 day trip, and each day wondering will the next exertion trigger something? I suppose I'll get more used to it over time, but still there in the back of my head. Your words are encouraging, get well soon!

it's very interesting to hear the post-event scenario.

I am a mild case in comparison to many, but I think we don't hear that much from the serious cases. It is not an altogether terrible experience to reflect on this part of life and while I don't think anyone should aim for ill-health, if it happens it is best to stay pretty positive and work toward improvement. It is a long road ahead for me and I hope I can progress well, as I don't want to be this useless for another 40 years.

and each day wondering will the next exertion trigger something?

It is a terrible feeling isn't it? I have a friend who was here last night and heart attacks run heavily in his family and he constantly thinks the same. We were discussing if there is a treatment for the thinking about it, something that can help remove the fear of the future.

Well there is treatment, the best being some good hypnotherapy imho.. having much success with it on others in my past life. While I certainly apply some of the same concepts and training to myself, it's not quite the same as a few guided sessions. I'm able to bring mine down to small enough and short enough thoughts that it hasn't required any additional, but certainly recommend it for others if struggling.

Well, apparently the writing ability looks unscathed by the stroke, so another good thing is that you can keep writing as proficiently as usual. It doesn't matter if it takes a lot of time, there's the Taraz's usual trademark quality post.

He can write fine, just can't do housework. I'd be the same. 😆

LOL just trollin n' patrollin...Eh!

Come on Rebecca, I'm not on Facebook so have to troll someone!


True, trolling is fun. You have no idea what you are missing out on, you could create some dumpster fires, there is plenty of can of worms to open and piles to stir...oh the possibilities.


Lol...Marielle, I have enough drama in my day provided by the nutbags at work so don't really seek more. At least with Taraz I know I'll not get drama, maybe just a casual, fuck off, but no drama. :)

That's good , you guys seem to have a good relationship! A lil teasing never hurts from time to time.

Don't blame you! I don't mind it. Well not the drama, there isn't too much drama on my page and I weed it out...or they weed themselves out. I do raise controversial topics of society's dysfunction we might want to discuss openly but depends on the day like the current political climate/crisis (schools) we have going. Maybe drama but hopefully helpful drama.

Not really xD

Housework is tough enough already! 😆

It sure is, that's why I do none.

Ha, ha, ha. So, you let all those on poor Faith? Doesn't sound fair! I guess that's better than doing what my father does. You know, trying, failing, and making mom angry. 😆

The best way to get out of having to do something again is to royally fuck it up the first time. 😉

If only he understood that 😆

It will come back in the coming months I hope - as typing is a bit of a pain and I don't have the energy to comment straight after, so need a bit of a break. Hope people don't mind!

Hopefully not. You're already doing a lot.

I laughed as I read "My wife is slightly demanding".

  • Less housework

You did some to start with?

Not much - mostly I do it badly so I don't get asked again.

Every damn time I have a stroke, people constantly freak out, always calling the damn cops, and demand I put my clothes back on.

Keep going and scream, "Nobody puts baby in a corner"

Hmmm. I can see how that could work, or at least help; and I really need to work on maintaining steady eye contact in situations like that.

Good eye contact always demands respect

Plus it has a calming effect.

Sorry to hear this Taraz.
I'm confident that you'll bounce back to top form, as you and @galenkp seem resilient (quite understandable from his peanut buttering of 1982...).

@tarazkp This post is on point and resonates with me on many levels...

Speaking of Olympics:

it is the understanding of all of the hurdles overcome just to be there in the first place

I totally get what you're saying about the underdogs and I feel the same (something difficult to relate to persons close to me, since Jamaica holds such dominance in main sports). I do believe in intrinsic motivation, something I see in you and your bro's writing (your main sport) and contribution on Hive.
Keep writing! I'm positive this will help you get well.
See this "hurdle" as making space for growth in different aspects of your life.

He's probably faking it so he doesn't have to help around the house Camille.

[Not really]

Thanks for your thoughts for his wellbeing - He'll move it forward.

Haha! I discovered that tendency of not doing things well so you don't get asked again, so I make sure to keep asking till it's done right😅
I was shocked to read about his health tonight.

btw, did you mum bring up 3 boys? The last 2 must have been a "pleasurable handful" 🤣

so I make sure to keep asking till it's done right

I feel nothing but pity for the Scoob!

I was shocked to read about his health tonight.

Was that way for me too, Taraz and I are pretty close and I felt helpless.

did your mum bring up 3 boys

Four boys and a daughter...Pleasurable handful? I don't comprehend how she managed not to murder us! LOL

Best wishes to you too, Galen. There's nothing worse than feeling helpless towards a love one in need.

I bet with all the headaches you bunch might have caused your mum, that you all made her smile.

Lol...I'd like to think mum had something to smile about...Not sure if she did, but I like to hope. :)

In Australia, there is the "underdog" philosophy I think - as long as there isn't a local dog in the race. When there are two teams where it doesn't matter, barrack for the weaker :)

It is going to be an interesting couple months and perhaps more ahead. but I will get there. Thanks for dropping by!

🤞 🌈 🙏

but the story line has been a basic and valueless clusterfuck.

That is 100% the truth with so many movies.

So now it is about finding the current potential and working toward developing a new normal.

As people we always need to keep working toward that New Normal, life would be so so boring if nothing changed. If one were to look back on their lives they would find many instances of new Normal every where. One day you woke up in Australia...Normal...then one day you woke up in Finland...New Normal.

It is not just the physical new normal like moving to a foreign land but health plays a part in new Normal, as does just ordinary aging. We are after all not the same person as we were when we were 15 years old, we grow and we learn and we have New Normal's all the time. We are a conglomeration of all the New Normal's we have gone through in life.

I wonder what life would be like if we lived 80 years in our prime of health and then just died instantly while still healthy - would it be better or crueler?

Hi friend
All a bitch what happened to you I hope you better
If life has taught me something in recent years, it is that you have to accept what you have to do and live from day to day, since in a minute your normally good life turns into a nightmare.
But also that everything is overcome little by little and we adapt to what we have.
We appreciate the little things more and we love living.
Also that you can ask for more attention haha even if you don't need it, the pampering and affection makes our life look more pink.
Get well but calmly
Cheer up
Hola amigo
Toda una putada lo que te ha pasado espero que mejores
Si algo me ha enseñado la vida estos últimos años es que hay que aceptar lo que te toca y vivir el día a día, ya que en un minuto tu vida normalmente buena se trasforma en una pesadilla.
Pero también que todo se supera poco a poco y nos adaptamos a lo que tenemos.
Apreciamos más las pequeñas cosas y adoramos vivir.
También que puedes pedir más atención jaja aunque no la necesites, los mimos y cariño hace que nuestra vida se vea más rosa.
Mejórate pero con tranquilidad

But also that everything is overcome little by little and we adapt to what we have.

This can also go in the other direction - which is where I see most of society headed. Adapting to being crushed a little more each day.

But yep, small steps change the world, even if that world is just our own.

Aiming high is important. With a positive perspective, we can grow from our failures as we learn and become a better person. We are our own worse critics, unless you have a parents to looks at the shortcomings rather than the successes.

Parents can be terrible people - what can be worse is children who never break away and learn that their parents can be terrible people who shouldn't hold sway.

Many people talk about quality of content, which is a very misunderstood concept on Hive I think

It seems to equal "long" or at least "wordiferous" for most people which is kind of ironic seeing how many also scream about tldr XD

a basic and valueless clusterfuck

There is value in this. It tells you what not to do (or what to do if you want to "be different" but are out of ideas).

it is better to aim high and fall a little short, than aim low and reach it

I think this goes for almost everything if not everything :D

yeah, length has something to do with it, as it shows some effort perhaps. However, maybe it is natural when people don't know much of the background of who they read.

Yes, it goes for everything . I know a person who was working with teens (psychologically) who were likely to end up in the NHL. when she asked what they wanted out of it, some said things like "a Ferrari" - that is aiming very low. :D

A Ferrari.

Well I suppose stuff like that is really basic to understand xD

That's a wonderful piece, thanks so much for sharing! 🙏 I wish you well...

With all our boat breakdowns and stuff I had completely missed this. Only due to a reference in your recent post made me look to see what had happened. Get that massive TV and watch the Olympics bro and take time for you! The brain takes time but rewires itself and one as active as yours will find a neural pathway for sure!