The Mayflower

in GEMS4 years ago

The Mayflower

A few weeks back ( shows how far behind I am not only at being active here on hive but also on editing photos) our Daughter In Law let us know with a storm that was coming the May Flower had pulled into port here in New Bedford to be safe during the storm before continuing on to Plymouth where it is docked a lot of the time, so Lulu and I swung by and got a few shots of it.


Sony A7iii 28mm F7.1 1/320 Sec ISO 100
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It was kind of a grey storm with the storm approaching but I got plenty of shots of it and will do a few posts, starting with this one with shot of the whole ship, We couldn't get on board of course not that Lulu did not try talking tot he crew and asking LOL, but one day we will visit it in Plymouth and do the tour


Sony A7iii 28mm F8 1/21250 Sec ISO 100
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It was the first time for us both to see the Maylower, and it was smaller than I thought it would be but still pretty impressive to see.

This is not the original Mayflower but a replica, the original Mayflower

What happened to the original Mayflower? No one knows for sure what happened to the original Mayflower. The last record of the ship was an assessment of her value in 1624. After that, she disappeared from maritime record

In September 1620, a merchant ship called the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, a port on the southern coast of England. Normally, the Mayflower’s cargo was wine and dry goods, but on this trip the ship carried passengers: 102 of them, all hoping to start a new life on the other side of the Atlantic. Nearly 40 of these passengers were Protestant Separatists–they called themselves “Saints”–who hoped to establish a new church in the New World. Today, we often refer to the colonists who crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower as “Pilgrims.”

After a grueling 10 weeks at sea, the Mayflower, with 102 passengers and a crew of about 30, reached America, dropping anchor near the tip of Cape Cod on November 11, 1620.


Sony A7iii 28mm F8 1/320 Sec ISO 125
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I do love old master ships like these, not only seeing the whole ship but focusing on some of the details( which will come in future posts)


Sony A7iii 28mm F8 1/640 Sec ISO 100
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and the last shot to finish of this post


Sony A7iii 28mm F8 1/400 Sec ISO 100
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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What a beautiful ship
Nice post👍

Thanks have a great day

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 21 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Cheers and !BEER

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Old ships and their history always intriguing, leaves one with a good idea of how people took to venture with little thought. Living during exciting times never knowing the other side.

What a grand design, thanks for sharing @tattoodjay "Tall Ships Go Sailing", comes to mind....

@tipu curate

Ohh yeah I can only imaging what the crossing must have been like in that sure not like today's cruise ships LOL

No so sure about the floating hotels in rough seas today, preferred the older sturdy ships 😂

My wife used to feel the same way now she wants to do a cruise one day

Well, to me it looks quite big, but I'm only used to the sailing boats and excursion ships for tourists on our lakes 😉

So, I am very impressed by this big and beautiful ship, JJ, and you have captured it perfectly 😀

Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to more and detailed shots.

Cheers and !BEER

Well it is a lot bigger than the high tech canoe we have discussed in the past LOL

I was quite happy with he shots i got of it ;)

Oh yes, the canoe with the fridge full of !BEER - we built it quite a while ago 😁

Ohh yeah but we never did get to sail it lOL

Cheers and !BEER

No, but I'm not sure if it would swim anyway with all the !BEER in the fridge 😉

That’s a very good point lol
Cheers and !BEER


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Now here's the amazing thing JJ.

After my motorbike accident in 1980 I spent 3 months in hospital and as I was in traction I couldn't move around.
So, I built a big model ship and oh yes, it was the Mayflower.
For a few years it had a place of honor on top of our piano at home, until my small son clambered up and got a hold of it.

Between him and my dog, the Mayflower was conscripted to history lol.

A lovely post here my friend!

WOw that is amazing a pity it got destroyed but a wonderful memory shared none the less :)

Yeah, thank you and at first I couldn't believe my eyes as I know every span and spar on that ship. Or at least I used to know lol.
A great post indeed JJ.


Thanks I will be doing at least two more post with shots of it

Have a great day

Cool, I am looking forward to the posts JJ.



WOW, is that the original May Flower ship that brought the pilgrims over? I have several silver pieces commemorating the May Flower. I love ship coins!
Very colorful and beautiful photos, my friend @tattoodjay! Thanks for sharing several photos of them. I already have featured the 2020 May Flower coin in my blog, but should I show it again, I will ask you then if I can put a link to this article.
Have a beautiful day, my friend, and take care.

This one is the replica, the original was lost in records way back, but its a good replica as I understand it

and yes you can link to this article anytime without the need to ask :)

I was going to say, that looks really small compared to what I would have guessed. Nice shots. Too bad you couldn't go on, but still awesome that you were able to at least see the outside of it!

Yeah it was so cool to see and we do plan to go see it in Plymouth which isn't to far away

Great post,cheers!

Nice photography.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

I wouldn't be here without that voyage... 😊

true for so many I am sure

It's always amazing how small those ships were. Can you imagine being on board with 132 people? No staterooms, no bathing, toilet was a bucket? Jeeze.

It's great photography per normal. I'm now going to have to do a little research on 'what happened to the Mayflower'. I'll bet I can find a little speculation...

Do let me know if you find out anything I had no luck

really cool and unique to see. Thanks for sharing

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day