Hive Vector Defense - Hive Proposal

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Project Description

This project represents the anti-abuse efforts I have been doing on Hive beyond the Global Blacklist API.

Currently, I am one of the few stake holders researching, identifying, and countering abuse on Hive. This is a very time consuming process, and it is not something that can be done just with time alone. It requires a significant amount of stake to be able to counter abuse and the willingness to use it.

I have spent a significant portion of my time on Hive finding and countering abuse through the use of tools and techniques I have developed and with the stake I have.

I did this as a stake holder to protect my investment. I am looking to give my effort a name, and move away from the BuildAWhale branding. I have come up with Hive Vector Defense as a way to move away from the confusing BuildAWhale name.

Establish a more formal process to enable users to be removed from my blacklist. A process that was always available through my old Discord but rarely used. I plan on providing a more formal process to get removed off the blacklist. This potentially means paying for additional staff members to help maintain this process. It is widely thought there was no way off my blacklist, but I have reviewed every request in the past and have removed some members from the list as I felt fit. I just didn't spend time responding to those who did not get removed.

Part of this project involves my Global Blacklist API. This is a service I have provided for a good portion of the time I have been here. I did have a proposal for the Global Blacklist API in the past that got partially funded. The Global Blacklist API will be changing soon as Decentralized Blacklists and Mutes become available.

My Global Blacklist API still does something this service cannot replace for Hive Engine Tribes so I may still keep that functionality online if anyone sees a need for it.

I will how ever be migrating the blacklist and irredeemables to the new blockchain level lists. I plan on providing multiple lists that offer different use cases.

I will of course maintain a list for abuse, but I will also have other lists users may want to subscribe to, for example a muting list for bots and a muting list similar to the current irredeemables which is rarely updated but mute the most extreme abuse. All these lists will become optional with the new change and you can choose which lists from me or anyone else you want to subscribe to.

To be able to counter abuse, you need a large amount of stake. Something that can't easily be obtained without a large investment. I currently have access to over 6M Hive Power, this is enough to counter most forms of abuse.

Proposal Costs

The only foreseeable costs for this proposal is labor, my own and compensating others who assist in these efforts. If the amount of effort to assist in appeals exceeds my ability and time, I have already talked to other users that will be willing to help out.


Hive is one of the few cryptos where an investor has to downvote abuse, become a blogger, and spend hours curating content to maintain their relative stake compared to others. I realized this early and decided I would devote my time to minimizing abuse.

I feel my efforts resulted in a majority of the larger abusers to quit abusing and forfeit their rewards.

Multiple regularly maintained mute lists would be provided to the community as well as a core blacklist.


I am asking for 100 HBD/day for this proposal.

This will be used to compensate for the time involved in:

  • Identifying Spam, phishing, plagiarism, and other abuse
  • Coordinating with others to identify spam, phishing, plagiarism, and abuse
  • Countering rewards on spam, phishing, plagiarism, and other abuse
  • Maintain public blacklist and multiple focused mute lists
  • Providing a formal appeal process for blacklist and muting

This proposal will be set up for 2 months and then a new proposal at the same rate will be created to continue it if it gets funded.

This process is the result of the new change in hard fork 24 which encourages an initial shorter proposal to judge interest and a long term one to replace it when it expires. This is due to a 1 HBD per day fee for proposals over 2 months.

State of DHF

The DHF has a daily budget of 6,540.573 HBD at the time of this post, with 1,283.500 HBD being used to fund active projects.

Vote for this proposal

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why is @memehub on your blacklist ?

Cause he was spamming comments in revenge to another user. If I remember correctly they were automated as well.

how can people get off the list ?

It is because he does not like me in all honesty; he hasnt since I joined hive for whatever reason. If he were reasonable, then he would have had a discussion with me by now about resolving it. He blacklisted me after I ended the dispute with the other user. A user that was previously notorious in the community, but im sure bernie is just a saint for marky's current purposes. Since he doesnt like me and likes to flex, he plans to keep me in his gulag as judge, jury, and executioner. This becomes particularly evident once one considers my continual support of anti-abuse initiatives like SFR etc, and given my downvote has been donated to antiabuse, and given I have actually released a platform on hive. He doesnt wanna give a fair assessment of circumstances that are now over half a year old.

I saw the dispute as it unfolded, anyway some time has passed and I just wanted to see if the blacklist issue could be resolved somehow without anything confrontational

@themarkymark I am open to amicably resolving this.

It is because he does not like me in all honesty

I actually don't even know you, you used to ask me for votes and support for your memes in the past, and I didn't respond as I never respond to people asking for votes.

If he were reasonable, then he would have had a discussion with me by now about resolving it.

Why would I have? You never contacted me.

That was the extent of our discussions, outside of some onchain and SFR discord comments.

He blacklisted me after I ended the dispute with the other user.

I blacklisted you when I saw the spam, I didn't look after as I don't bother to look at stuff after I blacklisted it unless there are rewards to remove.

He doesnt wanna give a fair assessment of circumstances that are now over half a year old.

Again, we have never talked. You just make random comments talking shit on chain but I was never contacted and you stopped posting. Not my job to hold your hand. There has been an appeal and blacklist channel on BAW Discord for years.

Go fuck yourself with your twisting the facts bullshit then demanding I bow to u by jumping through hoops after I offer to resolve, Ill rebuild the shitposting bot just for you if thats how you are goina be about it and u can shove ur blacklist up ur ass.

You talked shit to me when I got added to the anti-abuse slack back in the day, I remember tryina be friendly with ya when people told me he is just that way, n u were still a dick so I started bein one back. You did black list the VERY moment after I told u I stopped botting bernie for his bullshit. Yes, you are a fucking LIAR!!!

"I blacklisted you when I saw the spam, I didn't look after as I don't bother to look at stuff after I blacklisted it unless there are rewards to remove." And you want a proposal to pay u for anti-abuse?

Go fuck yourself with your twisting the facts bullshit then demanding I bow to u by jumping through hoops after I offer to resolve, Ill rebuild the shitposting bot just for you if thats how you are goina be about it and u can shove ur blacklist up ur ass.

Well at least we agree why you were blacklisted. Not sure what hoops you are talking about. Prior to a few weeks ago I had a discord with an appeal channel. If you can't even make your way there, then you really can't expect me to really do anything. Besides, you stopped posting after the spam and I thought nothing of it since then as it wasn't on my radar.

You talked shit to me when I got added to the anti-abuse slack back in the day, I remember tryina be friendly with ya when people told me he is just that way, n u were still a dick so I started bein one back. You did black list the VERY moment after I told u I stopped botting bernie for his bullshit. Yes, you are a fucking LIAR!!!

I vaguely remember the discussion, I didn't talk shit I just refused to "support your posts" which is what you kept asking of me.

I blacklisted you when I saw automated spam comments after a certain threshold was hit, I honestly didn't pay any attention to the back and forth. Not my job and frankly it wasn't even entertaining.

"I blacklisted you when I saw the spam, I didn't look after as I don't bother to look at stuff after I blacklisted it unless there are rewards to remove." And you want a proposal to pay u for anti-abuse?

What do you expect, for me to follow you and read everything you post after you are blacklisted? I saw automated spam, blacklisted, moved on. There were no rewards to move, there was nothing else to do.

I used to run BuildAWhale discord where I had a appeals and blacklist channel for this, but a couple of weeks ago I took down the discord as BuildAWhale has been dead for like a year.

This proposal is the first step in building a new system and process.

Oh well... at least I tried

You're a sociopath.
You have kids too.
It's either sucks to be them or sucks to know them if you're raising them just like you.

Gave you a vote.

My Global Blacklist API still does something this service cannot replace for Hive Engine Tribes so I may still keep that functionality online if anyone sees a need for it.

I hope the API will stay online; we use it to keep abusive accounts out of Hive SBI.

I hope the API will stay online; we use it to keep abusive accounts out of Hive SBI.

Good to know, I didn't think anyone used it but me. That portion doesn't require updates as it is fully automated so it isn't difficult to keep running. It is quite handy but I don't think anyone found a good use for it.

I use it as well, its the first line of defense against abusive delegations on giftgiver.

This is a good initiative but you need more details about a formal process to be removed from the blacklist.

Its very important that such processes be fair, transparent, accessible and properly documented. There also needs to be rights of appeal.

Otherwise we partially duplicate the injustice of Big Tech censorship.

I'm happy to provide some legal / procedure input into creating fair processes.

This is a good initiative but you need more details about a formal process to be removed from the blacklist.

That is what the proposal is for. If it gets funded, I will establish and execute on it.

There has always been a rights to appeal and I actually have removed people, I just don't post about it. Currently though I did take down the BuildAWhale discord (which is where most things happened) as it has been long enough time it has been decommissioned.

Also, moving forward all blacklists and mute lists will be optional so people can choose to use what they trust, or nothing.
(When this is fully ready and tested, I will post on how to use it).

I kept my downvotes just in case back when there was more spam around here, but I forgot all about it. I’ll delegate. We can delegate downvote power right?

Also I really think you should include some kind of public database where we can see why users are blacklisted and maybe even vouch for them in their application to be unblacklisted. I hate to see users scared away from the platform just because they messed up once. I know most cases are malicious but I’ve seen at least 2 people who I was very surprised to see blacklisted and wanted to check and see what they did for myself. Anyways I know these take resources, I hope you can move in that direction though.

include some kind of public database where we can see why users are blacklisted and maybe even vouch for them in their application to be unblacklisted. I hate to see users scared away from the platform just because they messed up once.

I second this

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I don't like and likely never will like blacklist. I do however understand that they are a needed thing to prevent recurrent abuse. The name Hive Vector Defense I think is a good name for what you are and always have been trying to do where it concerns spam, and more important where it concerns plagiarism.

I hope one of the focused mute list will be Plagiarism.

The good thing with the recent changes is these lists will be optional. If you want to subscribe to them you can. If you don't want to, you can avoid it.

Also by subscribing to a plagiarism list I can avoid the people all together, so that I will be using. With PeakD I do use the blacklist option, if I want to see a comment I have no problem opening it.

So thanks for the list and I know you do remove people from them on occasion, some times people just make a mistake and use something they should not, but when they come out with excuses and justifications for the theft then I have no problem with them being on a list forever, or for having their mew accounts added to the list.

I know how hard you work fighting abuse and it is really appreciated. I spend hours in sports and winning the battle slowly. I will go over and vote on your proposal as this is important and benefits everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is something I think important for all people who believe in Hive in the long run. But @themarkymark will you present soemthing about how you and the people you might hire will do this? Or is it mostly through manual labor?

It's manual labor, some tools can be used to ease the process but it is largely manual labor.

Supported by all my controlled accounts @enricgr, @josepgs and @softword

it says this when i click the link !


I have to create the post before I can create the proposal. So I have to update the link after the fact, that's why I used "TBD" (To Be Determined).

oh I apologize, I have no idea about that sir 😊

No worries, it is because creating a proposal requires a post, but in the post you want to reference the proposal.

Chicken and egg problem. Generally people update their proposal post immediately after creating the proposal.

done its working now 😁🙏

I understand the path you want to take and I find it interesting.

But I have a question or maybe it's a question?

What about content that is poor or not good enough and is rewarded between $ 10 and $ 30?

Perhaps this question is not related to the case, but that is not considered abuse or at least directly affects users who create really good content and are not supported.

What I mean is that for the community to be fairly rewarded and not fall for what was happening in steemit where spam or mediocre content was highly valued and rewarded.

Perhaps I left the yolk but it is a doubt that I have my dear sir.

Please fix the typo "ant-abuse" in the first sentence.

Thanks :)

You bet. Wouldn't want people to think you're an ant toucher.

What? I thought this was an extermination proposal.

Damn critters.

I'd pay extra for your ant abuse if it included flies. But only if you can promise me they die slow and painfully.

I am really inundated with flies. :)

And let the record show if have touched a few aunts myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did you know, if you clap about four or five inches above a fly, not only does it fly directly into your hands, but you also get to applaud for a suicide at the same time?

I have been known to touch a few ants in my time.

I'm more of a fly guy.

May we know who your prospective team would be please?

I don't have a team per say, but I have someone that will help out assisting in appeals if it becomes overwhelming. There is a very short list I would ask for such things. Initially it will just be me and will adjust if the need arises.

Thanks. Will give you a vote when I get back on my laptop later. Good luck with it. Hope you've got extremely thick skin!

Hope you've got extremely thick skin!

Wouldn't have made it long if I didn't.

i thought you already made a fortune from downvoting stuff. hahaha.


That was steemcleaners 🤑🤑🤑

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i think this is a must! Especially if we want and wait for more users to join the platform. It will be like steemit that after the pump we got spammers and abusers everywhere

in other words, i think this time we need to be better prepared before that time arrives

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Done. And thank you for all the work you have done in the past and all the shit you have taken for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta