1st edition - Day 10. Ten favorite foods


For me , the best food that the best in the world is

  1. Cook by mother
  2. Free food is always the best
  3. Good coffee made by my brother

There is no other food in the world can beat those 3 of food in my life. But , i do have other favorite that make me craving when i think about it.

The first food is my hometown noodle soup , or we call it mee soup KB . I grow up eating those food from it was still cheap until now. Who ever from my hometown will love this food . We can even know the flavor and taste of original Kota Belud noodle soup.


Second in list is hot banana fried with flour or also ' Kuih Pisang Panas Panas '. It is perfect to be serve while it still hot.


I consider the third list a food because it is to perfect those 'pisang goreng' combination which is black coffee from tenom . The coffee must from Tenom because it has its own unique taste that you can find anywhere in the world.


Talking about coffee, the other kind of my favorite coffee is Vietnam Coffee. If you ever come to Vietnam , u ll know why i say vietnam coffee is among the best . Its not all about the coffee , but the condense milk that make the vietnam coffee best. And their habit to drink coffee near the road also make their coffee unique


No 5th in my favorite food is variety of chinese dumpling . The dumpling will be steamed cooking and being serve just like that. There is a lot of chinese dumpling with different taste and i cant stop eat all of them until i full.


Local instant curry mee or known as meggi kari is 6th of my fav choice . It is very instant like other noddle , all you need is to boil water and cook it for 5 minutes with hot water . If you creative , you can add some eggs. OMG , im so hungry talking about this stuff.

Ok , give me 5 minutes rest . I wanna cook some curry mee with eggs. :).


"Thanks for the food"

My no 7 list is a lot of local cake. It is cheap , delicious and we can eat variety type of taste in same time.


When you come to myanmar , you can taste a lot small portion food that being serve when u eat. The food has spicy , sour , and many other taste. This make my 8th fav food . I dont know what they call of this menu , but it suit to my taste .


The 9th in list is fruit serve with ice , or we call them ais batu campur. It can be serve as desert.


The last in list is fast american food like burger , French fries and sauces .


I like all type of food , and i like and can try any type of food .

You can follow my food journal in my INSTAGRAM

I hope this blogchellenge make you hungry like me. See you in next post.