PermaCryptoFolio Weekly Status Report 20/2017 - DORY Portfolio rebalanced

in #permacryptofolio7 years ago

Hello Steemit,

welcome to weekly status report 20/2017 for Steem-exclusive PermaCryptoFolio experiment.

Let's look at market action of last week. Bitcoin again at ATH, it's seems to be only a question of time until we see prices above $2000. NEM +100%, Ripple +80%, STEEM +27%. Awesome.

Development of the portfolio values in US Dollar compared to a pure Bitcoin investment (orange line). For better comparability FLIPPER portfolio value is divided by 12 and ARIELLE portfolio value is divided by 4.

Development of the portfolio values in Bitcoin compared to a pure Bitcoin investment (orange line). For better comparability FLIPPER portfolio value is divided by 12 and ARIELLE portfolio value is divided by 4.

Development of the relative performance of Altcoins since the beginning of the PermaCryptoFolio experiment (September 1st 2016).

The DORY Portfolio

As mentioned last week the partiall BTC-sell at $1924 were triggered today. See below the state of the DORY Portfolio befor todays rebalancing.

See below the current state of the DORY Portfolio after the Rebalancing.

The calculation of the BTC-prices for the next partial buys or sells.

I have already submitted the next orders for DORY into the Kraken orderbook.

The NEMO Portfolio

See below the current state of the NEMO Portfolio. Two days ago Stellar Lumen STR repaced Augur REP.

The FLIPPER Portfolio

See below the current state of the FLIPPER Portfolio. Two days ago Stellar Lumen STR repaced Augur REP.

The ARIELLE Portfolio

The state of the ARIELLE portfolio before todays rebalancing:

ARIELLE covers all altcoins on the ranks 10 till 25, if they are tradeable on BITTREX exchange. That's why ByteCoin BCN, SiaCoin SC, Round ROUND and Iconomi ICN are disregarded. Calculation of the number of Token to buy or sell during rebalancing. PivX was replaced by GameCredits GAME.

See below the current state of the ARIELLE Portfolio after todays rebalancing.

Learn more about PermaCryptoFolio

If you are a new reader, please read first the PermaCryptoFolio experiment announcement.

Second follow these links to learn more about the 3 portfolios:

Withdraw all the funds out of the exchanges!

It is strongly recommended to withdraw all funds out of Cryptocurrency exchanges when not needed for trading there.

In the past I have written a series of pictured tutorials HOWTO withdraw

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend!



This is seriously interesting Portfolio! Need to keep up more, for some reason you got my Favourite Cryptocurrency holding!! Have you ever consider Burstcoin? @mycryptomark must check out this Portfolio, some of you need more exposure besides Bitcoin

Thank you very much @steemitguide. Inside my 4 portfolios I only track the 24 biggest Altcoins. If one day BurstCoin is inside the Top 25, I will consider it :-)

Fascinating view.

In my portfolio, I also consider Ripple and Stellar "cash" since they're made for mainstream banking and centralized, so I rebalance with them. I realize they fluctuate, but so does the US Dollar even though we don't think about measuring it that way (for instance, when oil rises it's often because the US Dollar is falling).

Curious, when DGX 2.0 is released, will you be using it at all for stability, like Steem Dollars/USDT?

Thank you for your comment. I'm not familar with DGX 2.0. Is this a gold pegged token?

Yes, it's not released yet, but if the Digix audit goes well, it should be out around August of this year. Gold tends to balance with the US Dollar somewhat nicely in a 75% USD/25% Gold mixture. Just my thoughts.

Hmm, would be a option. I will think about it.

Danke für den Report @twinner ..muss ja mal gesagt werden😉

Danke Dir :-)

Aber gerne doch