Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: The Stones of Plouhinec, Part 2.

in #story6 months ago (edited)


In the stable

He was a beggar from Pluvigner who never entered churches, and of whom honest people were afraid. He was accused of casting spells on cattle, of turning wheat black, and of selling magic herbs to wrestlers. There were even some who suspected him of becoming a goblin at will.

However, as he wore the clothing of the poor, the farmer allowed him to approach the hearth; he even gave him a three-legged stool and a guest portion.

When the sorcerer had finished eating, he asked to go to bed, and Bernèz went to open the stable for him where there was only an old-skinned donkey and a skinny ox. The beggar lay down between them to keep warm, resting his head on a bag of crushed moor.

But, as he was about to fall asleep, midnight struck. The old donkey then shook his long ears and turned towards the skinny ox.

"Well, cousin, how have things been since last Christmas since I spoke to you?" he asked in a friendly tone.

Instead of answering, the horned animal glanced sideways at the beggar.

"It was well worth it that the Trinity gave us the floor on Christmas Eve," he said gruffly, "and thus rewarded us for the fact that our ancestors had witnessed the birth of Jesus if we had to have a scoundrel like this beggar as an auditor."

“You are very proud, Monsieur de Ker-Meuglant", replied the donkey cheerfully; "I would rather have the right to complain, I whose head of family once carried Christ to Jerusalem, as proven by the cross which has since been imprinted on us between the two shoulders; but I know how to be satisfied with what the three people are willing to give me. Don't you see, moreover, that the sorcerer is asleep?"

“All his spells have not yet been able to enrich him,” replied the ox, “and he damns himself for very little. The devil didn't even warn him of the good luck that there will be here, in a few days."

"What good luck?" asked the donkey.

"Well, replied the ox, don't you know that, every hundred years, the stones of the Plouhinec heath go to drink from the Étel river and that, during this time, the treasures they hide remain uncovered?"

"Ah! I remember now", interrupted the donkey, "but the stones return so quickly to their place that it is impossible to avoid them and they crush you if you do not have, to protect yourself from them, a branch of the common vervain surrounded by five-pointed clover leaves."

“And again,” added the ox, “the treasures you have taken away will fall into dust if you do not give in return a baptized soul; it takes the death of a Christian for the demon to let you enjoy the riches of Plouhinec in peace."

The beggar had listened to this entire conversation without daring to breathe.

"Ah! Dear animals', he thought to himself, 'you have just made me richer than all the bourgeois of Vannes and Lorient; rest assured, the sorcerer of Pluvigner will not damn himself for nothing from now on."

Source: Les Pierres de Plouhinec from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.

Part 1

Part 3

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.



I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


The beggar, in the stable, hears the ox and the donkey speaking of treasures being under the stones of Plouhinec, and the time when these treasures are accessible.

So, now he knows how to get rich. But he will need the "death of a Christian" to be able to keep these treasures.

Who do you think will be this Christian?


In 1971-1972, my first post as a French Navy officer, fresh from the Naval Academy, was in Tahiti.
On the ship I was posted on, there was a mechanic petty officer whose hobby when we were onshore was painting. I made a command to him for a portrait from a photograph that I gave him. Of course, I paid whatever he asked me.

This portrait is in my office, in Coquitlam.


As can be seen from his signature, his last name was Warnsmann.


Warnsmann is a common last name in Alsace. Warnsmann was from Strasbourg.

Warnsmann's rank in the French Navy was "Maître" (Master), which is the equivalent of Petty Officer first class in the US Navy.
He often joked that he would never get the higher rank of "Premier Maître" (First Master).

However, I just looked for Warnsmann on the Internet, and I found that in 1976 he was indeed Premier Maître. Here is a drawing he made for the ship he was on at the time:



I was 22 years old in 1972. I think Warnsmann was at least 40 years old then. If he is still living, he is at least 92 years old. So, I think he probably passed away.

-- Vincent Celier


According to the tale of the stones of Plouhinec, it is tough to mention with reality who can be the "Christian" whose demise is referred to. Perhaps it is an unknown determine who will seem inside the story later, or it may be a individual we have now not but met. However, it's far clear that the beggar has a moral quandary approximately a way to get riches. The tale will hold us in suspense to discover who this Christian can be and how the plot will unfold.

It must be great to have such a special portrait in your office. Tahiti is a beautiful place and it's great that you were able to start your career there. I hope that painting brings you many happy memories.


I think the way the plot is going, the beggar is going to be instrumental in helping Bernez make his fortune. It is sheer luck that makes the beggar to discover about the treasure hidden in the stones which he goes to seek for himself. Maybe the Christian he will attempt to kill will be Bernez and maybe he will fail and somehow Bernez will acquire the treasures, become a rich man and get married to Roznnik the love of his life.

Thanks for sharing.

The navy officer seems really talented as the portrait looks good. At least it will help you to always remember your days as a naval officer. I think sometimes life favours us beyond our expectations, the officer later reached a naval rank he never thought he would reach.

Goodbye and God bless, @vcelier.

Aha! The two animals thought the begger was fast asleep. First, I was wondering why will Bernèz take the begger to a stable to sleep but then it seems that was the perfect place for him as he met those two animals there discussing about the treasures under the stones of Plouhinec, he deaf pretending to be asleep and he heard everything. Now is left for him to act on it and become rich. I am certain this is where the poor boy who is in love with the rich man's daughter will come in too.

It's good to have a portrait of where you started your career, at least that's a good memory to keep. It looks amazing.

This one is very tough. A Christian's death to enjoy Plouhinec's wealth? That's unsettling, and who would that Christian be?
The sorcerer/ beggar heard everything the animals discussed and I'm sure he would attempt to get the riches. Let's see what happens in the next episode.
You have a very good eye for good paintings. This one might be simple but it speaks volumes.

The beggar would be up to no good since now he has heard the conversation between the donkey and the ox. I love the biblical flavour to this story and I'm really wondering which baptized soul would be killed for someone to enjoy the wealth of Plouhinec. And I hope Bernèz stays out of harm's way.
The painting is beautiful, you must have a lot of them in your houses.

These paintings has some old memories about your friend and through these paintings, You will remind him always as he was a great painter.
Each and every detail has shown clearly here.
Outlook is very pretty and details and outlines are seeing very beautiful.
If we talk about the story,
He is listening when they were talking to each other. He was pretending that he is sleeping.
Now how he will get rich and how he will face the troubles infront of his aim.

I strongly believe there is so much to actually learn from the life of PLOUHINEC in this story and I am glad you were able to share it with us so that we can also learn from it. He must really be a begger that everyone is really afraid of truly. To the point that even honest people are afraid of him, I am trying to imagine it's personality and how it cope with life. But I believe all this wrong perception about him is not right. They should have just been who he is really is. One of the thing I was able to learn from this life of the begger is he didn't allow what people say about him to affect him. Instead he just keep been himself even among the wrong assumptions and Keep going and going no matter what may be. Warnsmann must really actually be proud seeing this artwork because it turns out amazing I must confess. So much work been done here and it is obvious

I thought it was just a regular old story, but like the previous one, it turns weird and magical in a hurry. The animals can randomly talk, and seem to be from the time of Jesus. Not only that, but they know of riches, and of ways how to get it. The beggar, accused of being a sorcerer, turned out to actually be one. Things are looking interesting, and the sacrifice is still up in the air.

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In the second part of the story we find out that the beggar from Pluvigner, once feared for alleged sorcery, finds unexpected wealth as he overhears a midnight conversation between an old donkey and a skinny ox. This unveils the secrets of treasures hidden in the Plouhinec heath every hundred years, a revelation that alters his fate and ensures prosperity. This reminds me about humans (me included) having the dream of discovering treasures. I might revisit the idea of buying a metal detector. 😀

The story is crazy and interesting, lol. I just want to know who they will give the stones to since they were warned that it must be a baptized Christian. I just hope that Bernez is able to benefit from this no matter how tough it could be so that he will be able to become rich and maybe marry the little sister of the richest man in that community. I just hope that things work out fine and also work out all in Favour of Bernez
Nice story!

wow, he was really a great artist who made this wonderful painting of you, it's too old and still looks young. I have been impressed by his skills, Can I ask what you had paid to him at that time? I just want to compare it with the money we give to the painters today.

this story is hard to understand, the beggar is not actually a beggar, only wearing beggar clothes to get sympathy. now he is listening to the conversation of the donkey and ox, which is i think gonna help him in his upcoming life.

Here comes a great opportunity for the beggar to become rich. He was wise enough to pretend like he was fast asleep while the donkey and ox were talking about the treasures being under the stones of Plouhinec and how to get them. I just hope he will be able to get the treasure and become rich.

I really like the fact that you made a portrait of yourself. At least whenever you set your eyes on them you would remember your days as a Navy officer.

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