#Monomad Challenge - Amsterdam memories

in Black And White7 months ago (edited)

Amsterdam memories

Welcome to my post for the Black and White Photography community for another #Monomad challenge!

Today I had a day that I could barely get through without feeling noticeably tired. Just to give you a comparison, I, who make a point of going to the gym every day to train, did not. I woke up at my usual time, but with a lot of pressure in my head - I can't call it a migraine, but it certainly wasn't anything like it.

Over the course of the day it got better, but my energy was on the contrary. I had an appointment in Lisbon, and when I returned home, I no longer had the courage to go training.

So I decided to revisit the albums of old footprints, and came across one in particular that I was very pleased with. Although the man in the picture looked like he was posing for me, that wasn't the case. It was the third in a series of photos, which ended with this fantastic framing and natural look. It's certainly one of the most interesting photographs I've taken of people.





Remembering the trip I made to HiveFest7, I'm looking forward to taking part in the ninth edition. Has anyone ever heard a "bird" sing any information? I hope that next year I'll be able to join Hive's most exciting gathering!

I hope you enjoyed my brief stroll through the streets of Amsterdam.

Bem Hajam 🍀

Photographic edition with PhotoScape X



I almost screamed, "THATS AMSTERDAM!"
I have to agree that I thought the picture was planned and not candid. Well done! Beautiful pictures of the city and until next meet 😉

Hello, @blind-spot !

Here is the picture taken just before the one that i published in the post


After this one, he rotated the head, and then I caught him... For luck, since I'm a very shy guy... 😅

I'm pretty sure that we will manage to meet again 😀


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