To those whose lives you will enter after me

in Freewriterslast month

Hours after he separated from his wife, he found her diary in which she had written
“To those whose lives you will enter after me:

His favorite color is black, so do not color his world with green and yellow. He hates very bright colors...

He is a man with black lungs who is fond of cigarettes, so do not convince him to quit smoking as a form of love and compassion. He does not care about anything, accept him as he is.
His mood is as black as his lungs, turning your morning into a funeral.

Don't mess with his perfumes, books, or diaries.
Leave his things in their place and do not mix them with yours.
Avoid disturbing him as much as possible.

He will sometimes come back with a face full of bruises. He may have gotten into fights with people just because they don't like him. He has a dark and volatile mood. Treat his scratches and get used to those situations...
I love him so much..

And teach him... teach him how to gain the courage to apologize to others just as he has the courage to do wrong to them...

And tell him that I wanted to hear the word “sorry” from him instead of his famous phrase, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you were the one who made me angry.”