Happy Moments. Krakow, blue hour πŸ’™

in #photography β€’ 7 months ago

When autumn comes with rain and cold, and then comes winter, the fish in the reservoirs sink to the bottom. Because the water does not freeze at depths. What about fish? Actually, I have a strong feeling that I am like a fish now. Just to lie down, don't move, don't speak, don't listen, do absolutely nothing. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil", and it seems that there is no more evil.

I hate myself on days like this. There is no one who could help, so the better part of me does everything to find at least some motivation for the other. Or temptation, lure. "What a lovely day for a walk and maybe take some photos". "You promised to meet with a friend long ago. It might be fun". "You can eat delicious cakes with cream somewhere in a cozy cafe." "There is no food, go outside after all!" "Your pills have run out. It's up to you now." The last argument always works. Even when it is raining all day like today.

There was a time when I had more ideas than I could write posts. I tried not to write more than 1 post a day, so as not to overindulge the time and Hive power of my friends. Now my every post is a small win. I usually manage to maintain this delicate balance. But one news is enough, which is like a baseball bat - a blow, and you are at the bottom. Like a fish.

This time it wasn't news, just one phrase: "I'm a little busy."

And now a wave of everything that I did not allow myself to feel is coming from all sides, like water during a flood. A friend's husband who was recently wounded. News from the hospital and everything that my friend volunteer from Kharkiv recently told me. She needed an ear to listen, and I wanted to support her because sometimes you need someone to whom you can tell all these pain, and who will understand and feel it.

"A little busy", my husband wrote. He is far away, somewhere in the east of Ukraine. He assured me they don't go to "zero", and I believed him. But ... it's raining everywhere, and his cloak is here, being repaired. "For a week, or two", he said and took two large trunks with him. Busy doing what? Hiding from shelling? Packing and moving? Or really busy with a "routine job"? It is his first "mission" like this, and I just don't know what to think. That's it. Pretty short story. Congrats, today you are my ear to listen.


I am recalling my time in Krakow, and I miss it so much.

The feeling of ... just living. It's difficult to express. When you do what you do and aren't afraid that the house may fall on you at any moment. Something like this.

Those few days in Krakow gave me the understanding that everything can return. I will be able to return and become the way I was before the war. I will be able to see beauty in everything around me, and I will want to see that beauty. I will have so much love (and life!) that I can share this love with others.


It seems that I didn't photograph much there but today I found out they are enough for one more post. Blue hour is my favorite time of the day, especially in fascinating old cities like Krakow. A short moment of transformation, or magic. When shadows are light and lights are not so bright.

I enjoyed my late walks there every day. It's funny, but when I was alone in the street I could imagine myself in any epoch. Depends on what will I see first - a moving modern car or a bicycle or an elegant carriage drawn by two horses, or what I will hear first - a modern beat or a cello.

Kyiv seems so close when you are in Krakow. But Krakow is so far when you go from Kyiv. A mathematical paradox.











Appreciate every beautiful moment. And love yourself.


Thanks and ... see you.


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Nice picture and location.. I love it.. when there's no one to help, that's when you have to bring out your best to fix up things... nice write up.. I love it

Thanks for the thoughts and sharing your memories. I find it both delightful and wonderous that you always manage to shine a small bright light amidst so much pointless darkness. You are an inspiration of hope and I can only hope you continue to find the strength to keep shining your light. Prayers for you and your husband and all in Ukraine.

Blessed Be.

Thank you for your kind words, @cowboyphylosophy.

Give yourself time dear and everything will be okay. You are strong but also you need to heal and relax. It's okay to be silent and do nothing, and feel nothing. I feel you...

Take care of yourself... Great photographs by the way.

I know you understand me, dear. I have plenty of time, but it depends... Depends on how you fill your time. If it is waiting and uncertainty, I hate it.
Nick just got in touch, and it is a great relief. I was like a zombie all day. But I will get used to it. Soon. Hope so.
Hugs and !LUV

It's a lot and I can only imagine now how it must be so difficult for you... :(

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What a nice mansion

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your photographs. Know that the world hasn't forgotten you. I wish we could find a way to stop this horrific war. Prayers for you and your family.

You are so kind. Thanks for your support, dear Eric


@ericvancewalton, @zirochka just sent you LUV. (1/1)


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Thank you! πŸ’›

All these places are very beautiful and the way we have seen that the management has put in a lot of effort to decorate them, so I will definitely visit this place once in my life.