History of Aceh's Civilization.

in #aceh4 years ago


Meunasah the term in the Acehnese language for a place of worship for Muslims in Aceh.
If you cross Sumatra and meet an area called Aceh, or its long meaning:
A: Arab
C: Cina
E: Eropa
H: Hindia.

Aceh was one of the open markets during the Malikussaleh kingdom.
The naming of Aceh itself is taken from various tribes who live in Aceh, the people here have various blood flows from various countries in the world.
That is because in this area there was an open market civilization that took place, so that at that time various countries came and transacted by sea. The event occurred when the kingdom of Malikussaleh or other names of Samudera Pasai kingdom took place.


Civilization of the market open to the world at that time produced a variety of customs and also various tribes who lived for generations in this region. Not infrequently also in this area also occurs cross-marriages so you will see some Acehnese faces look like Arabs, Chinese, Europeans and Indians (some of them also have war hair).


I captured these images using a cellphone camera.

This is the meunasah found in all villages in Aceh, this place is used for worship in villages in Aceh.