Suspicious Amazon

in #affiliate4 years ago


So, it isn't news that Amazon cut the affiliate commission for a lot of categories. Some taking a 60% hit.

What is suspicious is their system going down for maintenance.

I was racking up good sales up until that point. Maintenance happens and then all my related sales start disappearing.

If there's anything this hole thing convinced me, it is that the affiliate model isn't one for the long term.


I decided to check my Amazon account. I haven't had a payment from Amazon since 2016.
I do not think they are a trustworthy partner. I was sending them thousands of quality hits a month but never making sales. Very odd. I think they have all sorts of sneaky ways to cut the affiliate out of sales.
I still send them some traffic for stuff I can't find anywhere else.

Indeed, all sorts of tricks to screw the affiliate out of a commission.