30 Years. . Today we celebrate here the 30th anniversary of Independence Restoration ...

in #appics4 years ago

... in Lithuania.
On 1990.03.11 Lithuania’s Parliament declared our sovereignty.
It was renewed after almost 50 years of Soviet Union tyrannical regime here.
Lithuania was the very FIRST (!) republic to call for independence from the ussr tyranny.
We are proud to be those who gave a start for soviet empire erosion.
[photo source : lrytas.lt]


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Wish you endless democracy and a good future for your country. In 1989, Romania also escaped the Communist yoke. Lots of blood! I hope that history does not repeat itself.

Thank you very much.

Happy Annicersary day 😍

Wow, 30 years goes by so fast!

Congrats. That is not long. History have a lot of bad memories.

Congrats. That is not
Long. History have a lot
Of bad memories.

                 - sergiomendes

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Happy anniversary ✌️👍