"I, Pet Goat II" Decode Series - Time 2:49: Ordo Ab Chao & Novus Ordo Seclorum

in #apx4 years ago (edited)

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The animated short film "I, Pet Goat II" is a firework of occult knowledge about 9/11 leading to the return of Jesus Christ or more likely the Anti-Christ / Horus. I analyze the video with numbers, gematria and astrotheology. This series is revealing how numbers and gematria have been used to match the images shown.

Minute 2:49

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Ordo ab chao - Latin for "order out of chaos" is the oldest motto of freemasonry. We see it in action all day, everyday, everywhere around the world. The recent Coronavirus pandemic is already fading in the background, because of the chaos created through the George Floyd inspired demonstrations and looting. The instigated chaos will be used to bring a pre-planned order. Like always.

In the "I, Pet Goat II" video, we get to see a creepy old guy within a snake-like monitor, who has the words "ordo ab chao" tattooed under his eyes. On his beard on the chin we see the same pyramid with missing capstone, as we see on the US-Dollar bill - but upside-down. He feeds a young person with a broken egg-head all the terrible information the mainstream media is bombarding us with.

The first moment we see this "ordo ab chao" guy, is at minute 2:49 in the video. Oh boy, the studio Heliofant really put a clear emphasis on Gematria with this one (as I have shown in my previous posts, this is true throughout the entire video but becomes very obvious here). In the Jewish gematria cipher, the one I found most useful and mysterious in my studies, 249 equals "ordo ab chao".

249 Ordo ab chao.PNG

But that's not all: as you probably know, below the pyramid on the US Dollar bill we read the words "novus ordo seclorum", which means "new order of the ages" or simply "new world order". We can read the same on our creepy TV-snakes chin, but upside-down as the pyramid. Well, "novus ordo seclorum" also equals 249 but in the English Ordinal gematria cipher, where A=1, B=2 and so on.

249 Novus ordo seclorum.PNG

US one Dollar bill.jpg

To conclude, the moment we see the creepy TV-Snake with the words "ordo ab chao" and "novus ordo seclorum" tattoed on his reptile-like skin, reflects its own gematria value in the two most common gematria ciphers.

Is this the work of a shaitan? The TV-snake certainly looks like one.

249 Shaitan.PNG

Shayāṭīn (شياطين; devils or demons), singular: Shayṭān or Shaidaan (شَيْطٰان) are evil spirits in Islamic belief, inciting humans to sin by whispering to the heart (قَلْب qalb) via waswasaħ (وَسْوَسَة, “whispering”).[1] By such, they always try to lead humans astray.[2] Although demons are usually spoken of in abstract terms, and more often described by their evil influences only, they are depicted as ugly and grotesque creatures of hell-fire.

Background Infos

The Golden Gate

The Golden Gate, also called the "Gate of God", comes from Egyptian mythology, specifically the "Book of Gates". It depicts the journey of Osiris, the Sun (Horus, Ra) around the zodiac throughout a normal year as well as the Great Year of the precession of the equinoxes, which takes 26,000 years. It symbolizes the exit point for the soul after death and has its opposite in the Silver Gate of Isis, which is the entry point for the soul into the flesh.

Today, we know that the Golden Gate is at the center of the galaxy, the Milky Ways central black hole. And the Silver Gate, if it exists, would then probably be a White Hole.

Both gates sit right in the galactic equator, 180° away from each other, close to the ecliptic, with the Golden Gate somewhere near the arrow of Sagittarius and the sting of Scorpio, at the foot of Ophiuchus, the Snake Bearer.

Because of the precession, the Golden Gate moves into a new degree about every 72 years. These days are highly coded events, that point with symbolic numbers in time to important births, deaths and worldly events, going back at least to the US and French revolution, if not until Babylon - as "Gate of God" is the direct translation of "Babel". The last two degree jumps where on 12/11/2010 with the 267° and 3/31/1939 with the 266°.

APX Golden Gate 267.jpgAPX Golden Gate 266.jpg

Given the fact that the 267° day is the EXACT MIDPOINT of 9/11 and the Coronavirus Pandemic announcement, with exactly 111 months in both directions, you may start to grasp the importance of the celestial gates for astrotheology and hence ancient mystery religions.

APX September Eleven Attacks 911 Golden Gate 267° 111 CoronavirusPandemic 222 Months.jpg

I, Pet Goat II - Golden Gate and 9/11 Symbolism

The creator studio behind the film calls itself "Heliofant", with the Sun symbolism of the Greek sun god Helios, that features the sun symbol with a moon. More importantly, "Heliofant" equals "Golden Gate" in the two most common gematria ciphers.

90 Heliofant.PNG90 Golden Gate.PNG
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Further, the full title with creator also connects to the Golden Gate in Hebrew, equaling 589, as well as "Twin Towers", the tower of Babel (Gate of God), 9/11 and Donald Trump.

589 I Pet Goat II   Heliofant.PNG

APX Donald Trump Golden Gate Twin Towers 589.jpg

One central motive of the film is the 9/11 deception. Even the title includes a hidden 9/11, with the "I" being the 9th letter of the alphabet and the "II" resembling an eleven and the Twin Towers. Both "I Pet Goat II" as well as "Tower of Babel" equal 111. 9/11 is a day leaving 111 days in the year. Just like the 267° day of the Golden Gate is the 111 months midpoint between 9/11 and the Coronavirus Pandemic.

111 I Pet Goat II.PNG111 Tower of Babel Hebrew.PNG

Genesis 11:1 refers to Babel:

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

Previous articles of this series: