The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Is Donald Trump the Dark Lord?

in #apx4 years ago (edited)

APX Lord of the Rings Fellowship 6666 Donald Trump.jpg

Oh my, this is getting better and better. The entire The Lord of the Rings saga, both the books and the movies, as well as the life of J. R. R. Tolkien himself, are master pieces. And no, I am not talking about the fantasy but about the time magic surrounding every aspect of it.

J R R Tolkien pic.jpg

I wonder where this all was planned, because I don't believe for a second that any of this coding is natural. Likely not in the trenches of World War I, where Tolkien supposedly started to write the first ideas for Middle-Earth.

Was it earlier, at Exeter College, Oxford, where he graduated 1915 with first-class honors?

Or was it later, when he was briefly drilled as a codebreaker in World War II, at the London HQ of the Government Code and Cypher School?

Or maybe at Merton College, Oxford, where he became the Merton Professor of English Language and Literature? We will probably never know but his legacy of time magic speaks for itself.

It could even be, that he had absolutely no idea about any of the masonic Great Work and was merely a pawn in the game of his contemporary world leaders, who saw the potential of his work and managed to put the release of his books via his publisher, Allen & Unwin, on key dates, to sync with their own plans.

Apparently, the masonic Skull and Bones presidents, George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush, were perfectly written into this massive symbolism of Tolkien. You can find more details about that in my article below. The 9/11 symbolism connecting to Tolkien's saga and the Bush family is incredibly. Remember how Rev. 9:11 is the golden ratio cut of the book of revelation and introduces Abaddon/Apollyon, the king of the bottomless pit?

Anyhow, who cares about papa und junior Bush these days? Papa Bush has already passed away with a perfect death day, syncing with tons of events through magic numbers. Like the death of Saddam Hussein, the defeated Iraqui leader and arch-enemy of the Bush family. Papa Bush died exactly 11 years and 11 days after Saddam, for a perfect 11:11 master number riddle.

From Saddam Hussein death to George H W Bush death 11 years 11 months.PNG

We have to ask ourselves why Saddam was so important. Was it his name "Saddam Hussein", the number 572 in Jewish gematria, that equals the name of "Skull and Bones"?

572 Skull and Bones.PNG572 Saddam Hussein.PNG

Why were both US Iraq wars 4444 days apart? Why did the 2003 Iraq war end on the 227th anniversary of the Illuminati, reflecting the holy number of Pi (22/7 is 3.14)? Why did Saddam Hussein die exactly 206 weeks before the Golden Gate of Osiris moved to 267° on the ecliptic, reflecting "sacrifice" in Jewish gematria (which can also be expressed as 91 months and 10 days for another 911)?

From Saddam Hussein death to real Golden Gate at 267° day are 206w.PNG206 Sacrifice.PNG

Maybe, just maybe, it was all to lay the magical groundwork for the next pharaoh, Osiris in the flesh, aka Donald Trump. He was elected president 9 years, 10 months and 10 days after Saddam Hussein's death - yet another 911.

From Saddam Hussein death to Donald Trump elected president are 9y 10m 10d 911.PNG

Too far of a stretch? Trump was inaugurated 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, for a magical 777. On a day creating the 322nd prime number, for Skull and Bones. Predicted by The Simpsons. Hmm...

APX Donald Trump inauguration 322 777.jpg

572 Skull and Bones.PNG572 Saddam Hussein.PNG
572 Elongated Skull.PNG572 Egypt.PNG

572 The Simpsons.PNG

I guess I have moved quit a bit away from Tolkien at this rate. The first movie of the epic trilogy (by far the best movies I have ever watched in my entire life, with nothing coming even close to its emotional impact on me), was The Fellowship of the Ring. Its US release was on 12/19/2001, just 99 days after 9/11 (9x11=99).

From the September Eleven attacks to The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring US release are 99d.PNG

99 Middleearth.PNG99 Bilbo Baggins.PNG
266 Middleearth.PNG239 Bilbo Baggins.PNG
266, like the position of the Golden Gate on the ecliptic during the movies release239 Golden Gate.PNG

Ironically, Saddam Hussein died 5 years and 11 days before the movies US release, for the number of Saturn, keeper of time and important part of astro-worship. You know, the planet with the RING around. One ring, to rule them all...

From Saddam Hussein death to The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring US release are 5y 11d 511.PNG511 Saturn.PNG

So what has that all to do with Donald Trump? Well, he was 666 months and 6 days old on the US release of that movie. Total accident, right? (Just like how Trump was inaugurated exactly 6666 weeks after Adolf Hitler's birth).

From Donald Trump birth to The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring US release 666m 6d 6666.PNG

APX Lord of the Rings Fellowship 6666 Donald Trump.jpg

Well, he was elected president exactly 777 weeks later (just to be inaugurated at age 70y, 7m 7d). He became elected president on 11/9 - or 9/11 in most parts of the world and Germany's infamous "Schicksalstag". Why do I get the feeling that this year, on 11/9, the USA will burn? 1000 weeks after 9/11 (exactly 999 weeks on election day, one week earlier).

From The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring US release to Donald Trump elected president are 777w.PNG


It is probably also totally coincidental that "Trump" equals 470 in the Jewish gematria cipher and the movie US release happened 469 weeks and 6 days before the important day of the Golden Gate of Osiris moving to 267° on the ecliptic.

From The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring premiere to Golden Gate at 267° are 470w.PNG


Maybe he is the Dark Lord afterall.

88 Sauron.PNG88 Trump.PNG

But I am probably just suffering from apophenia and there is nothing to see here...