#8 My Gift for my Nephew's 5th Birthday

in #art3 years ago (edited)


Few days ago I ordered online some things that I needed for drawing. Though I have no costumer yet, I've been eager to learn and to make portrait soon. In fact those drawing materials that I ordered was one of the most important things that I needed for so long.

I shared on my previous blog that the paper that I have was not appropriate to create a smooth finish especially on skin tone. I got confused and worried at the same time if I'm gonna make a decent drawing for my nephew's 5th birthday. Perhaps drawing to this kind of paper gave me excitement. Aside from that I have some trouble when sketching the outline at first.

On my eye using grid really helps but to be honest grid was great guide but it will not give 100% close look because your hands will draw it. That's why a good eye sight and good view of sketching the outline was so important.


Anyways, I chose this Vellum white paper A4 and 220 gsm. I will be using graphite pencil and charcoal. Here's how I did it.


I start with the left eye first. This is the best way to prevent an accidental smudge on the right eye if I draw it first.

Drawing the whole face outline needed to copy the reference as close as possible. I always consider that I have to make sure that I can draw a closer look of face, nose and mouth since it was the first thing we could see on a drawing.

I used graphite pencil on dark areas such on eyes, shadow inside mouth, nose and hair too. I also used charcoal powder to enhance the blackness of hair.




Blending stump and small brushes really helps me to blend and smudge the paper. I was just too nervous when it comes to shading. As I looked back on my previous drawings, I saw that most of them I over do the shading.

It took me less than a day I guess to finish my drawing. It's kinda surprising that even myself can imagine I can draw decently unlike before. Maybe the paper helps me to achieve it but I do know that my shading is kinda pale. That would be the lesson that I should learn and practice more often.

So we arive at my brother's house carrying my simple present to my nephew. We travel almost 2 hours and summer heat really annoys when travelling. The party was simple would just close families and friends who attended the party.

Pandemic really changes everything. From gatherings, occasions and going outside intantly reverse. I am hoping that one day, our world will be healed by scars from pandemic. I can't help myself to bring back the memories after a year of losing lives of my pets and reminiscing what was our life situation when lockdown started.

Well anyways this is the final look of my drawing. Thanks for reading my story and keep safe. Gracias! ❤

