Nazi Germany Declared War On USA 119 Weeks After Start Of World War II

in #astrotheology3 years ago (edited)

APX Germany Declares War On USA 119w After WWII.jpg

War is always the opening of the bottomless pit, summoning its King Abaddon aka Apollyon, from Revelation 9:11 - the golden ratio cut from the Book of Revelation. A sacrifice to Osiris black hole, the Golden Gate, that sucks in the souls of the deceased. Over and over and over again.

No wonder we see all these 911 and its reverse 119 rituals throughout our history, wrapped in occult (hidden) time magic, where one significant event connects with another one in meaningful days or even perfect weeks, months or years. Mind over matter.

The practice of numerology for letters and words, called gematria, connects with some of its most meaningful ciphers very fittingly to the Golden Gate and the number 119.

The Golden Gate is right at the center of the Milky Way.

The Silver and Golden Gate are also considered as celestial stargates.

The Golden Gate IS the central black hole of our galaxy.

Apollyon in Greek gematria equals 119 - just as mentioned in Revelation 9:11.

And since the Nazis apparently planned their most significant events around the Golden Gate 266° degree jump in 1939, it also fits that they declared war on the USA invoking this number of the king of the bottomless pit.

From start of World War II to Germany declaring war on USA are 119w.PNG

You know what that reminds me of?

From president Obama's inauguration to the death of 9/11 "master mind" Osama Bin Laden under Obama's presidency was a span of 119 weeks.

From Barack Obama first inauguration to Osama bin Laden death 119 weeks.PNG

Just like many other events in time...

Oh, by the way: The declaration of war happened on 12/11/1941 - exactly 69 years before the Golden Gate moved into degree 267° on the ecliptic.

From Germany declaring war on USA in WWII to Golden Gate 267° are 69y.PNG

The Golden Gate IS a black hole.