Coronavirus & the Great Awakening - Overcoming Fear and Division

in #awakening4 years ago (edited)

In this video I discuss how the coronavirus can actually help aid global awakening and the ultimate collapse of the powers that shouldn’t be. A different way of looking at this pandemic in a more positive light...

Video also on BitChute:

The multifaceted totalitarian agendas that we see being pushed and implemented in response to this coronavirus scare are being done on a scale and in a time frame never seen before, even in the wake of 9/11. 9/11 was the catalyst for the ushering in of many totalitarian agendas and new means of controlling the masses over several decades, while an even greater number of control mechanisms and totalitarian agendas are being implemented in response to this coronavirus event in just a matter of weeks.

Those who are plugged into the television and buy the into the panic being sold to them by the media manipulators have been programmed into a state of complete and total perpetual fear. Meanwhile a large number of those who are not plugged into the media manipulation matrix have likewise allowed themselves to be put into a state of heightened fear, worry and anger.

The masses being successfully programmed are terrified of the virus and blindly following the tyrannical edicts and suggestions put forth by the media and government, angry at anyone who dares not comply with the new self isolated ‘social distancing’ normal. On the other hand, many of those not buying into the programming are also in great fear, fear of mandatory vaccines and 5G and all the other agendas being implemented, and are quite angry at those behind the agendas and the sheeple for blindly going along with the manipulators.

Many people in both camps have fallen for the fear, anxiety, worry and the anger, no matter whether those fear based thoughts and emotions are coming from a more or a less ‘enlightened’ point of view. In reality, fear and love are the only two fundamental energies from which all other energies flow, and fear is the energy by which the power elite maintain their control over the people, its institutions, the planet, and all of its resources. Therefore love is the only way to completely break the mental chains of oppression that has bound and continues to bind humanity to a state of perpetual slavery and suffering, and thus stop these fear-based agendas in their tracks, and bring those rolling them out to their knees.

It is true that many frighteningly oppressive measures and agendas are being very quickly implemented, shrouded in narratives of deceit, and that the proposed future does look rather bleak indeed for those of us who can see the writing on the wall. But no amount of worrying about it, being angry at it (or them), or living in fear of any of the proposed 1984-style measures of this potential future will do anything to stop them from becoming a reality. Living in fear of mandatory vaccines will not stop those pushing to make vaccines mandatory, and will more likely increase the likelihood of such a reality, as we attract that which we fear to ourselves, according to the law of attraction. Being angry at Bill Gates and the other elites pushing these tyrannical agendas, and ranting about the evil they propose, will do nothing to stop them, but will only serve to keep us in the lower vibrational state of anger.

Fear divides, and the system feeds off the fear to perpetuate divisions among the people. Uniting in love is the only way to overcome the madness and bring down the system. Thankfully, there is a much more positive and enlightening way to look at this so-called pandemic and everything that is coming right along with it. While it seems that a majority of people who aren’t fully under the system’s mind control see this as the beginning of the end of free humanity and the beginning of the elitists long awaited endgame to fully enslave humanity, I see it as the beginning of their end and the end of their game of controlling humanity for their selfish and greedy goals. Many see this is the beginning of the final ushering in the New World Order; but what if it is or could instead be the beginning of a new world not controlled by the fear-based societal constructs of the greedy few that leaves the majority to suffer and at the same time is quickly destroying the earth, but rather a world united in love and based on true equality for all humanity, with justice and freedom for all, where all live in harmony with one another and the earth.

Most people realize that the way of the world at this time is not sustainable, it is not fair, it is not just, and it never brings peace. The system currently in place serves only the richest few, at the expense of everyone else, wars are waged for bankers, political leaders and corporate profit, at the expense of the lives of the very people the political psychopaths claim the wars are waged to protect and serve. Corporate greed and deception is killing humanity, destroying the earth and perpetuating colonialism is a so-called post-colonial world, and I think deep down most people realize that if we don’t radically change our ways for the better in the very near future, our end is near.

People realize, and yet most are eager to go along with the same corporate and political agendas which have brought humanity to the brink, during such times of manufactured ‘crisis’ like this coronavirus ‘pandemic’, or they are too focused on standing in opposition to the system to see what they could actually be doing to help build this new and better world. This new world is already here, and expanding, in the minds and hearts of countless people across the earth, and simply must be embraced by enough of us to by physically manifested in a form visible to all.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

If we are to realize a more peaceful world absent the fear and division that has wrought such suffering throughout our past, then we must be willing to leave the fear and all fear-based thought constructs behind. We must radically change the way we look at the world, and particularly this ‘pandemic’, and in doing so we will be able to see how instead of a curse it is actually a blessing in disguise. It can actually serve as an aid to bring down the very system currently using it to expand its power and control, if only we tap into that potential, by seeing it in a new light.

Just like 9/11, the matrix system is using this event to expand its power and control at the expense of lives and liberties of the very people it claims to be keeping safe with all its totalitarian measures. 9/11 can be viewed as one of the most horrendous events in the history of this country, for all the death, destruction, wars and Big Government expansion it ushered in. But 9/11 can also be viewed as one of the single most important events in the awakening of humanity, for indeed 9/11 was the catalyst that sparked a large-scale awakening in people around the world that has led to a major shift in human consciousness to the point where we are today. A point where the corporate media is no longer trusted by a majority of people but is instead bowed as a laughingstock, where the matrix has become a common term to describe society in the grips of the power elite, where a large number of people see through the foreign policy deception that led us to 20 years of perpetual war in the MIddle East all based on lies, where many an average American is aware of the true fraudulent nature of the federal reserve banking system and its fake money, and where only those political candidates who pretend to be anti-establishment stand a chance at winning the presidency.

A great deal of once unknown and/or long-suppressed spiritual, historical, and metaphysical knowledge is making its way into the human consciousness, with quantum physics now beginning to prove what spiritual masters throughout history have long known about man’s true spiritual nature and the underlying energetic nature of the whole world, which is forcing us to change the way we look at the 3D world. Alternative medicine and medical treatment is becoming common and widespread. More and more people are turning to healthier plant-based diets to stop feeding the horrific commercial animal farming and slaughterhouse industry. And on and on the list goes.

We can view this coronavirus as a major event ushering in the NWO control grid, just as 9/11 was meant to be, or we can choose to view it as the next large catalyst for our awakening, which will inevitably bring about the collapse of that very same control grid. The old system must collapse for a new world to be ushered in, and while many are terrified this will usher in the global elite’s tyrannical new world order, it could just as well usher in a new age of peace and freedom. The choice is up to us.

Just like 9/11, this event is causing many people to question authority, and to break free from the corporate media manipulation. It has brought suppressed medical information to the forefront of the public debate. It has demonstrated that even with 24/7 fear-mongering reporting on the major news outlets, that a large number of people are not falling for the programming. Widespread censorship and constant attack of dissent is not stopping people from questioning the official narrative, and from ignoring the media and government-imposed tyranny, by holding public gatherings and freely going about their business even when threatened not to, even if only by taking a walk on the beach or giving aid to the needy against orders. This event is showing that there is still a very large chunk of people that are free, free from the fear, free from the programming, and therefore free from any fear-based intimidation.

Many people are understandably worried about lack of money, losing their businesses, being out of work, etc., and are angry at the economic shutdown for causing these woes. But how many people now out of work hated their jobs anyway? How many people wished they had more time to spend at home with their families, and now have that free time? What if instead of focusing on all the food shortages and lack of money, we were to focus on the fact that money is worthless paper controlled by greedy bankers that has no more power than we give to it, and realize we don’t need their money to survive? What if we learned to rely on each other for our needs, instead of a materialistic society, its worthless Monopoly money, and the governments who care not one bit about our lives or livelihood?

How many people will come to see the meaninglessness in the jobs they used to work, and begin to see the great depth of meaning in all the little things in life they had until now been too busy to notice? Surely some will because of this get out of the Rat Race or use the opportunity to start a home based business.

How many people will, due to so much free time and isolation, begins to go within themselves for answers, and through introspection begin the awakening process, realizing that the very powers that created this whole mess can’t possibly be trusted to come up with a truly beneficial solution?

How many people have , because of this coronavirus scare, become more knowledgeable and aware of how the body’s immune system works, and have taken steps to live a healthier lifestyle to boost their immune system? How many people are now gravitating towards holistic natural medicine and away from the poisonous and greedy Big Pharma industry, because that purely profit driven industry has no cure or preventative for this virus?

This event has brought to the forefront of human thought the underlying fear deeply embedded within human consciousness, that stands as the foundation of almost all other fear, and that is the fear of death. Humanity is being confronted with its greatest fear, and is being given an opportunity to confront and deal with and overcome this fear.

All of us born into this world will most certainly die, that is inevitable. We are far more likely to die in an auto accident than by this coronavirus, statistically speaking, and yet most of us do not consciously go about our business terrified of driving. This fear of death is unconsciously with us every day, and yet for some reason this particular virus was latched onto as one specific potential cause of death to bring that fear into the forefront of our conscious mind. And now so many people are terrified of dying by this virus, despite the likelihood that they will in fact die by any number of other deadlier things in this world, like cancer or AIDS or an auto accident or any number of other things.

The entire human consciousness is being given the opportunity to confront this fear of death, and overcome it, but how many people will do so? This is an opportunity for people to come to grips with the inevitability of death of the human body, and to accept it, and live the rest of their lives without this fear constantly nagging them. This is an opportunity for society as a whole to confront their deepest fears, and by doing so, realizing the pointlessness of fear. It is an opportunity for people to look beyond their mortal bodies and realize that they are more than this body, they are an eternal spirit, consciousness, that will live on after their body dies.

This is an opportunity that will certainly spark spiritual awakening among some, mental awakening among others, and is giving people an opportunity like never before to come together and unite in the face of the truly greatest enemy of humanity - FEAR - that virus plaguing our consciousness and leading to so much suffering and oppression. We have been given an opportunity to awaken to the reality that the true enemy is not any physical virus, and is not even any government, political ideology, religion, corporate entity, empire, establishment or the entire global matrix system of control, but rather the true enemy is fear and all fear-based thought constructs and fear-driven emotions that give this system life.

For every potential negative outcome springing forth from this ‘pandemic’, there is also an equally strong potential for a positive outcome. The choice lies in how we choose to look at the world, how we react to it, and what future we focus on. None of us can change the world by ourselves, but each and every one of us can change ourselves, and by doing so we can change the world and the entire course of history. This is where our true power lies, not outside of us in those things we have no control over, but within us where we have absolute control, and therein lies the power to change the whole world. We are free, we have unfathomable power, and we must unite in peace and love, overcoming all fear and division.

And when the world looks like it couldn’t get much darker, and all hope seems to have faded away, just remember that the night is always darkest right before the dawn.