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RE: Mexico wow beautiful but not welcome if mature white male, justified though with white dominated corporate capture leaving third world countries behind.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

What white people, and what about Mexicans?

I’m a white person. Here are some of my thoughts that come to mind on the subject of Mexicans:

Mexican food is delicious. So is fake Mexican food. I love taco night.
The Mexicans at the resort I went to were lovely people. Sure they were being paid and I’m not a local.. but you know.
Mexico is a beautiful place from what I’ve seen.. but I was always in a resort or a touristy place, not in the same places that locals go.
I have no idea if I have met Mexican people outside of Mexico. I probably have and just didn’t think twice about it.
Do Mexican people who cross the border into America illegally then try to cross into Canada? Will this be a bigger thing once Trump is in office and they face deportation? Come to think of it, will he even be able to deport illegal immigrants? He can’t find them all.. can he? And not all of them are even from Mexico..
Sombreros are great. They’re like mega sunhats. But do Mexican people actually wear them all over the place? No clue but probably not. They look more formal.. well tourists buy them.
I loved Speedy Gonzales as a kid and had a VHS tape of him. And even though people worried about Speedy being racist, he had great reception from the Mexican comminity if I’m not mistaken. That’s pretty cool of them, I think.
I don’t know much about Mexican people. So yeah, a lot of stereotypes here. Yup.