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BitShares Article in Gokhshtein Magazine
In the 10 pages long article, a basic description of BitShares, its background and unique governance structure is given (page 10-13). In addition, there is an interview with Stefan Schießl (@schiessl) and Fabian Schuh (@xeroc) wherein they explain how they got involved in the BitShares community, what role they currently have within the community and what upcoming projects in BitShares are (page 14-19).
Definitely an article worth reading and spreading around the web! Get the article
Marketing: Interviews, articles and visibility worker
The article and interviews have been performed as part of the Marketing: Interviews, articles and visibility worker. This worker aims at enhancing BitShares' visibility by actively pursuing interviews, publishing articles and other marketing activities to get BitShares out there and spread the word about this beautiful technology!
About Gokhshthein
Gokhshtein is a new crypto megazine with its first issue in March 2019. We had the pleasure of being part of this very first issue! Learn more about Gokhshtein here.
BitShares Blockchain Foundation
[email protected]
- Publicly Approved BitShares Representative {more}
The Chinese translation link is wrong.
I believe the correct link should be this:https://github.com/bitshares/marketing/blob/master/publications/general/zh%20-%20Featured%20-%20BitShares%20Severely%20Underrated.pdf